24 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2017
    1. I like you interpretation of the reading, especially where you said that Sancho came along to learn from Don Quixote but Sancho ended up teaching him other things like kindness and patience. I would say yes to a point they did compliment each other, Sancho was the perfect person to tone down Don Quixote's crazy, he made him think before he acted compared to the earlier chapters.

  2. Nov 2017
    1. we infer

      this should be from your understanding of the evidence

    2. a good king is the one who cares for his people and Oedipus was the first one to put his chest at the plague.

      here I think you could elaborate a lil more in analizing the evidence.

    3. But Oedipus was determining to find the truth this ma

      what happened here? overall I think you essay was good. I would say work on a thesis statement don't forget you cover letter and work on developing your interpretation of the evidence some more

    4. A lot of times we encounter problems that we don’t fight and let them go, but when the consequences arrive is when we notice we should’ve deal with it before

      I really like this sentence you should consider this to begin your introduction.

    5. As we know, Thebes is being strike by a plague and all their citizens are looking for kings help, Oedipus regarding this problem send his brother in law Creon to the oracle to find a solution. When Creon came back the solution was to find the murderer of Laios former king of Thebes and put him to exile. We the spectators already know who did it but what we have to argue is what’s he responsible for killing his father and marrying his mother? At a banquet a man demanded he was not son to the king and queen, this disturbed his mind, so he went to the Oracle to find news of his origin: “So with no words to my parents, I traveled to the Pythian oracle. But the oracle would not honor me with the knowledge I craved. Instead his words flashed other things horrible, wretched things at me: I would be my mother’s lover, I would show the world children no one could bear look at, I would murder the father whose seed I am” (728) future has been set for Oedipus and I would of condemned him if he didn’t try to fight it or revoke it, but when he found out of this news he ran away trying to escape this legacy that would ashamed him for the rest of his life.

      If I remember correctly prof said don't give a summarized version of the story just dive straight into your points so when your rewriting your essay thats something to consider.

    1. And don't forget to come up with a name for your essay, I think It helps you keep your essay on track.

    2. One of the first instances of dramatic irony is the revelation of Agamemnon’s misfortune spoken by the chorus:

      I liked your evidence of dramatic irony in the both examples, I would say work on trying to have them flow more smoothly into the essay as a whole.

    3. This piece of the choral monologue is very important because it discloses the root of the feud. Agamemnon as the brother of Helen’s husband has traveled to Troy leading a Greek army against the Trojans in war in order to restore their reputation and retrieve Helen, a disloyal wife.

      you can elaborate more on exactly what the quote is saying in the context of your thesis statement, try breaking it down line by line makes it a little easier for me personally.

    4. all for a woman manned by many the generations wrestle, knees grinding the dust, the manhood drains, the spear snaps in the first blood rites that marry Greece and Troy (page 657, lines 68-72).

      don't forget to put your quotes in quotation marks and I would say don't double space them cause it may be easier to read that way but I could be wrong ask professor to be sure

    5. ncient Greece was known for their propensity to bring upon justice in a way that is not morally relevant to many readers today. During Aeschylus’ lifetime life in Athens was organized under the rule of a tyrant, and since democracy had not been developed, justice was achieved through cycles of severe punishment typically ending in death. Because Athens at this time operated under Draconian Law the majority of one’s offenses were punishable by death. We see many examples within Greek tragedies where the roles between hero and villain conflict with our contemporary perceptions and ability to distinguish right from wrong. As readers, we must learn to adapt and expand our capacity to experience while reading these tragedies in order to understand why characters may actually be justified in their actions. In the tragedy Agamemnon, there are two contrasting ways to interpret the role of Clytemnestra, but we must detach ourselves and inspect her character apart from absolutism. There exist readers who will judge her as the villain and others will consider her a heroine, but with a thorough inspection of her complex character as a woman, one will notice that she operates with a uniform integrity and moral strength in order to achieve fundamental justice within the given the context. Whereas Agamemnon moral conduct can be disputed due to his inhere

      The introduction was very informative, I don't know what is your thesis statement and what your essay is going to be about here. I think you should give the reader and idea of where your going, maybe if you started with a Cover letter?

  3. Oct 2017
    1. The journey into Nothing is the journey of stripping yourself of all your inhibitions and this stripping is what will lead you into being. So, my question to the class is do you also agree with these philosophies on how to gain truth and becoming? Should these ideas (both Rumi and Hafiz’s) be more widely accepted and do they seem practical?

      I enjoyed your take on the readings, they encouraged me to go back and read the poems again and think from your perspective. To answer your question, No I do not personally believe these philosophies on how to gain truth we must become nothing, I believe we all learn and process things different. It's like how Rumi and Hafez used wine or the drinking of wine to represent Love . This is a unique prospective on the meaning of love and I don't t think we have be nothing , in order to see the truth. Personal perspective and our thought process is something. Maybe in there time it may have been practical but now in our time it certainly won't be there is so much different outlets in which anyone can gain knowledge and understanding.

    1. However, we can’t really be sure about our arguments because of the fragments in the poem. Nevertheless, we clearly understand the frustration in the poem because of what she experienced which explain her bad mood in the
      • This sounds to me like your saying your not sure what the poem means in the first sentence then you say you do, am a little confused here. But overall I get what your trying to say throughout the essay.
    2. appears

      Appears I think is the wrong word here maybe, say it portrays a sense of awareness maybe?

    3. this quality

      I don't think this should be this quality here maybe say something along the lines of The feels of or maybe just take it out entirely and start with being attack

    4. Furthermore

      The beginning of this sentence can be changed I think.

    5. Also, we are experiencing a fragment in this part of the poem we can’t be s

      I think you don't need to say we are experiencing a fragment because the whole poem is one.

    1. Although Odysseus is considered to be a hero, I don’t always see him as one.

      You can elaborate more about why you don't see him as the hero and give some examples.

    2. However, there is also a theory that Zeus agrees to control the destiny from time to time, meaning – the gods are capable of controlling the fate, but the actions of humans can increase their sufferings. If we accept

      Maybe saying a theory isn't a good idea here, stick your views on the reading only

    3. However, Odysseus never seems to worry about the obstacles on his way. Because of his

      I don't agree with this statement we can see in many occasions when the author tells us how he almost gives up because he feels defeated so this says he is worried and unsure in many circumstances.

    4. Indeed, in our eyes, after this scene, Odysseus doesn’t seem that trustworthy to us

      In our eyes I think should not be included, when I read the story I didn't interpret it this way maybe you can rephrase this sentence a bit.

    1. . Odysseus is scared because he could stay there forever and like any mortal he to is scared of death.

      I really like this end, a lil bit more on how you interpreted how he possible felt in this moment would be good here before you end it

    2. Great Works of World Literature 2800 Fall 2017 A Blogs@Baruch site Menu Skip to content Home Class Readings Reading Assignment for Tuesday, 9/5 Reading Assignment for Thursday 9/7 Reading Assignment for 9/12 Reading Assignment for Thursday 9/14 Reading Assignment for 9/19 Reading Assignment for 9/26 Reading Assignment for 9/28 Reading Assignment for Tuesday, 10/3 Reading Assignment for Tue 10/10 Reading Assignment for Thursday, 10/12 Class Assignments Blog Post Schedule Student Blog Post Guidelines Reading Response #1, Due Thurs 9/14, bring 3 copies Essay #1 Assignment Essay #1 Workshop Groups and Instructions Student Blog Posts and Comments Lecture Notes, Worksheets and Materials Notes on Hieroglyphics and Interpretation 8/31 Claims, Evidence, Analysis – The Parts of an Argument Class Notes 9/19 – Scenes from The Odyssey “Vengeance is Ours,” Jared Diamond on Revenge Killing Syllabus Mikaela Sandy. first draft Mikaela B. Sandy English 2800 Prof. Peer September 9th , 2017 The journey with an unknown known ending In “The odyssey” Odysseus is portrayed as this strong and untouchable man. In book eleven he is reduce to a simple human being that fears death. He is not only scared of dying himself but he also fears for it to happen to the people that he loves. This part of his journey is necessary because he needs to ask a prophet how to get home and the prophet is in the world of the death. This represents the need of each person to understand and confront their fear to be able to continue their journey. Throughout the Odyssey we can see the different rituals that they are use to perform.

      I don’t think you should say we can all see the rituals, it should be more from your understanding of the reading cause I don’t understand it the way you do.

    3. I think you could have left out the first sentence and jump right in according to the professor guidelines.