11 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2018
    1. President Bill Clinton’s

      continued by the clinton administration

    2. publicizing inner-city crack babies

      Bring crack to the neighborhood to start affecting blacks through adolescence. Locking up their fathers, and not supporting the now single mother household that suffers from addiction to the drug created by the government.

    3. President Richard Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff: “[T]he whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.”

      Proof that black people were targeted

  2. Nov 2018
    1. The New Jim Crow

      In "The New Jim Crow" Michelle Alexander shares her gripe with the "false" idea that black people have come very far, socially and politically.

    1. What is less known and certainly less defensible are the extraordinary subsidies to elite private colleges and universities. Federal and state financial support of Princeton and its peers has far outpaced support to public colleges and universities.

      Federal and State care more about tending to the already rich and elite students (mostly white), and care less about public institutions that serve to a lower economic and social class.

    1. Such crowded conditions in Detroit have set the stage for what many scholars call the school to prison pipeline: policies and practices that push students out of schools and into the criminal justice system. In 2011, for example, Detroit schools issued 25,534 suspensions in a district that had only 70,000 students. This high number of suspensions can be attributed to the district’s zero tolerance policy, which punishes students for everything from guns and knives to IDs and uniform violations.

      The over-policing and overcrowding of schools of low income districts have created the space for the school to prison pipeline. Zero-tolerance policies disproportionately affect tens of thousands of students of color in these low income school districts around the country. Research shows how this form of punishment (suspension, expulsion) increases he likelihood to having contact with the juvenile and criminal justice system.

    2. The Ferguson-Florissant school district’s at-large voting system, which makes every school board seat election district-wide, has historically allowed the majority white population to dominate the school board, despite the fact that black students make up 77 percent of the district’s student body.

      Despite the issues affected predominately towards black communities the only people that have a say to what happens to black education are white people. Only until this year there is only one black member on the seven member school board.

    3. democratic school boards are inconvenient roadblocks in the neoliberal era of unceasing budget cuts and privatization maneuvers.

      Funding education for black communities will actually put the state and private institutions at a disadvantage.

    4. a few months later the mayor found $55 million to subsidize a Hyatt Hotel and a private university’s basketball stadium, almost half of which came from (and should have been spent on) Chicago public schools

      This goes to show where on the list of priorities the "education of our black children" lie. Money seems to appear when it is in the interest of the elite or those in power but is scarce when it comes to helping the impoverished community they are suppose to be protecting.

  3. Nov 2017
    1. Yet they often find that liberal culture is hostile to religion of any sort, believing it is irrational and filled with hate.

      People should be careful of taking the loudest voice as the main voice. The author of this article is criticizing a view that is spread my some radical liberals. The idea of religion is not seen as a culture filled with hate, just by using the word "hate" to describe it is showing a view that is very far off from the general liberal and more fitting for a radical.

    2. So while they may be progressive on issues of discrimination against the obvious victims of racism and sexism, they are blind to their own class privilege and to the hidden injuries of class that are internalized by much of the country as self-blame.

      I disagree with this statement. Yes, it is understandable that they may have progressive views but are voting for Trump because of their economic standpoint however when they choose to vote for Trump they are saying "good-bye" to all of their views on morals and unfair treatment of marginalized groups. When voting for Trump you are not just voting for a piece of Trump, you are voting for Trump as a whole: as a person, a politician, a businessman, and as a public asshole.