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  1. Oct 2024
  2. socy1101fall2024braine.commons.gc.cuny.edu socy1101fall2024braine.commons.gc.cuny.edu
    1. "Hate crimes against Asians began to rise, especially toward the elderly."

      Like the elderly didn't have enough hate already, since COVID started, more Asians have been abused physically or emotionally. This doesn't just affect the elders but almost all ages. I experienced this as I got bullied as soon as Covid started, "thanks for eating the bats."

  3. Sep 2024
    1. If you have siblings, you may developthe sense that older and younger children are treated differently. The generalimpression is that the younger siblings get away with more.

      Being the older sibling of two, I have to show who's the boss and who's in control. Especially in public. One is still in elementary school and knows no better than to complain whenever they get tired, while the other one is in their own little world. Is this socialization? Yes, I know what to do as an older sister, protecting them and telling them how to act.

    1. A high school student-athlete may experience a sports-related injury and may view the matter as bad luck, butwhen millions of athletes suffer from injuries, we may bejustified in seeking to identify systemic causes.

      We're only looking at ourselves, but if we put the problem with everyone's concern, people would just view it as, oh, it's normal. This problem is huge to us because we're only looking at our point of view. Of course, there is always a second point of view in these situations, we're just not looking at the other view.

    1. RhmbdH!cq‘sgdqodnokdmnsad‘mfqxvhsgldnqjhbjldntsnesgdf‘ld)hs!rd‘rhdqsnfnaxsgdqtkdrdudmvgdmH!cq‘sgdqmns-?mcrnHtrt‘kkxcn)enkknvhmfsgdo‘sgnekd‘rsqdrhrs‘mbdsg‘s!roqdrdmsdcsnodnokdvgnnbbtoxsgdr‘ldonrhshnmHnbbtoxhmsg‘so‘qshbtk‘qrxrsdl-Sghrhrvgxodnokdlhfgsk‘tfg‘sq‘bhrsnqrdwhrsinjdr dudm vgdm hs l‘jdr sgdl eddk tmbnlenqs‘akd ̃adb‘trd hmsg‘s rhst‘shnm) sn mns k‘tfg ‘mc qhrj adhmf nrsq‘bhydc ax dudqxnmdl‘x l‘jd sgdl eddk lnqd tmbnlenqs‘akd- Sgd d‘rhdrs ̃‘ksgntfgmnsmdbdrr‘qhkxd‘rx ̃bgnhbdhrsnfn‘knmf-Sghrcndrm!sld‘mvdltrs fn‘knmfnqsg‘svdvhkk)nmkxsg‘shevdfn‘knmfvd!kkqtmhmsnkdrrqdrhrs‘mbdsg‘mhevd cnm!s

      This is a big deal with different friend groups, there are always different humors. It's not just about the humor, it's how you want to fit in with them. If you do something that puts you in the spotlight, there would be two ways to deal with it, either the friend group would ignore it or get mad at you. We dislike having the thought that other people dislike us so we try to blend in and do whatever we can to be a part of them even though it would be uncomfortable for us. Humans want to be noticed and have friends, not be left alone.

    1. reconsidering the relationship between college education and jobs is to reexamine how colleges are ranked

      Of course, everyone would want to be the best, getting the best jobs with good pay. There are so many colleges out there and it's hard to choose but if you want a good job, like something with medicine, you're going to need to go to a college with a medical major, biology. You would also want to check the college's ranking to see if that college is worth going to or if you're spending the rest of your 4 years in a trash college.