13 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. On a practical level, SoftBank’s cash infusion helped WeWork cover the increasing costs of its whirlwind expansion as the real-estate market got more expensive. It also began spending heavily to fill all the desks it was adding. Just a few weeks after SoftBank’s investment, Shlomo Silber, the owner of Bond Collective, a  New York–based co-working company, turned on his phone at the end of Rosh Hashanah to find dozens of his customers had forwarded an email from WeWork offering to buy them out of their leases and give them as much as a year of free rent. WeWork’s occupancy rate went up, but the deals made it difficult to determine the natural demand for its product.

      Anti-competitive practices that allow for selling at a loss to kill competitors and pump your own short term #s. Gross.

  2. Mar 2023
    1. Hilarious. Could do with more of this vs the "I'm tough" Steve Austin

    1. Inoreader. It allows me to add rss, twitter and youtube and apply rules and filters as to what to include / exclude.I don’t like twitter but sometimes that’s the only way people communicate or share their art. Inoreader lets me add twitter users with a filter (e.g not interested in tweets without pictures (artists), not interested in retweets, only interested in tweets that contain ‘released’, ‘beta’ or ‘rc’ (software).Really cool for trimming down the noise and a smooth, clean experience.

      Sounds very close to what I'm looking for. Feeds + filters

    1. Analysts and technologists estimate that the critical process of training a large language model such as GPT-3 could cost over $4 million.

      Lol. Comically cheap...

    1. Interesting approach. They get summaries by sending the Transcripts into ChatGPT in the format:

      Video Transcript: "CONTENT" Video Summary:

      And ChatGPT realizes its being prompted to generate a summary

  3. Feb 2023
    1. Sorry for whatever you’re going through. Hugs.

      Not having native support for Twitter is a bummer

    1. REWEAVING Don't part with your best denim friend. Employ our proprietary reweaving technique to repair rips and snags. This unique technique pairs soft gauze fabric with a blend of cotton and polyester threads carefully selected to match your denim. Don't worry if the fresh repair feels a little stiff. It will soften with wear and washing. RX NOTE - Ideal for jeans with 90% cotton content or higher, which is why jegging repairs may not fall under warranty. ESTIMATED COST - $10/inch

      Hypothes.is requiring clicking the badge is a big pain

    1. wnsampling. Since diffusion models offer excel-lent inductive biases for spatial data, we do not need the heavy spa-tial downsampling of rel

      Was localhost:9999, now expecting localhost:9997

    2. ampling the initial denoising steps, DMsare still computationally demanding, since training andevaluating such a model requires re

      Seems to re-associate the URL everytime it changes. Very good at matching tho

    3. mocratizing High-Resolution Image Synthesis DMsbelong to the clas

      How does it know that this should be associated to the arxiv URL? Just picks the first one?