128 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. Fortunately, there is good news: women have the power to turn everything around. All they have to do is surrender to their nature – their femininity – and let men surrender to theirs.

      women and men need to go back to caveman days because all of this is to complicated for this author's little brain.

    2. women need men’s linear career goals – they need men to pick up the slack at the office – in order to live the balanced life they seek.

      Women need to chil out with the whole "adulting" and "working" thing so men have something to do with their lives.

    3. Feminism serves men very well: they can have sex at hello and even live with their girlfriends with no responsibilities whatsoever.

      But what about everything else you just said? Now men are simple sex machines?

    4. It has also undermined their ability to become self-sufficient in the hopes of someday supporting a family. Men want to love women, not compete with them.

      Is that how basic men are? All they want is a submissive women and to be head of the household? Actual scientific studies say otherwise but I haven't written any books yet so what would I know?

    5. Now the men have nowhere to go.

      Oh no! What will poor little men do without a wife to take care of the housework?

    6. women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise)

      Thank you for clarifying as that made literally no sense without it. Who edited this for you?

    7. In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude,

      Is this an objective view? It sounds more like bull shit but that is also my own subjective view.

    8. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same. Women aren’t women anymore.

      The author claims that because women are not submissive little frilly creatures who take care of their husbands, that men no longer want to marry them.

    9. women have become the majority of the U.S. workforce. They’re also getting most of the college degrees. The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women.  

      The author claims that with women working and becoming educated, men are less interested in marrying them.

    1.  These men want full emotional lives and the permission to go off the man-script without fear of reprisal from people like Venker. The truth is, no man or woman is totally immune to the tumult created by this cultural shift in gender relations, and to suggest one is at fault for the other’s current lot is willfully blind.

      Perfectly said! Men's liberation is just as important as the women's liberation was.

    2. What’s at issue here is not whether gender relations have changed—everyone agrees on that. Venker wants to assign blame for these changes.

      Feminism (and men's liberation) aim to place blame on the patriarchal system, while meninism places blame on women.

    3. While it’s ostensibly intended to shame and blame a generation of he-women determined to emasculate their male counterparts, it is instead, somewhat unintentionally, a valuable entrée into what happens when the evolution of gender roles for men does not keep pace with that of women.

      The author demonstrates how important men's liberation is to our society. Similarly, the meninist movement is a product of this. While women were liberated from gender roles, our male counterparts weren't so lucky. Due to this, many men blame women, but what they don't understand is that they to, can get off their asses and fight for something they believe in.

    1. Why not do both? Why can’t we address the serious needs of modern men while having a laugh? What’s wrong with change through chortles?

      Umm maybe because those "chortles" encourage violence and all together stupidity? Just a thought...

    2. But, sadly, every movement has its swivel-eyed loons, and if you were to dismiss an entire “thing” on the basis of the outrageous comments of a few fringe lunatics, feminism would be redundant, too

      So the author describes feminism negatively due to a few misandrists, yet asks his readers not to do the same to a movement that advocates violence against women. Both feminism and meninism have valid views, along with misguided followers.

    3. By mocking height-obsessed women who are overweight, the feed cruelly exposes the vanities of modern American women.

      We're all vain and shallow, it's impossible to be completely free from these qualities.While the original meninist movement had actual goals, the parody of it is a joke. All it does is reinforce harmful stereotypes.

    4. What’s clear is that meninism isn’t new: it started as a starchy, intellectual movement over a year ago on feminist.com under the clarion call of “Meninist – equality for all”.

      While recently the meninist movement is relatively new to mainstream media, it started as a legit branch off from feminism.

    1. why is it that the claims aren't resonating, you know, in a broad-based way with a lot of men, the way feminism did?" she says.

      This could be because in a way the men's rights advocates are admitting to feminine traits. This is still frowned upon even in Western cultures.

    2. female students alleging rape on campus are actually voicing buyer's remorse for alcohol-fueled promiscuous behavior,

      This is disgusting. Rape is not something anyone should take lightly, it is a serious charge and I doubt that this quote is true. What should be addressed instead is how to teach boys not to rape and how college boards can make campus safer for women. Women aren't the only ones getting raped either.

    3. it's important to understand that anger is often vulnerability's mask. It's so crucial for us to see the vulnerability of the men that are hurting."

      That doesn't make it okay for them to spew women hate and shoot up schools. While it is important to help these people, it is also important to not ignore the severity of their actions. No matter how hurt a person is, they have the choice to act violently or peacefully. It is not okay to react violently no matter the situation and as a society we need to make this clear.

    4. says the men's rights movement has attracted a "hard-line fringe" who endorse violence and hatred against women.

      This is the anti-feminist branch of the men's liberation movement. This should show the importance of feminism in the men's liberation movement. Without it the group is just promoting women-hate, which obviously doesn't solve anything. In turn, this should show the opposite side of the movement that the feminism movement is the same way. While you have your crazy men haters and bra burners, you also have those regular people who value human life. These are the people fighting for both rights, same as the pro-feminist men's liberation fighters.

    5. feminism is more concerned with promoting the interests of women — often at the expense of men.

      Then that's not feminism.

    6. why are our sons much more likely to be the ones to shoot up schools?"

      This is probably because of the stereotype of hyper masculinity that men are expected to portray. Some of those traits are aggressiveness, and dominance which can lead to violence.

    7. that there are women's studies — but not men's studies — departments at universities.

      But there is a gender studies class which covers both. Is it really necessary to have an individual men's studies?

    8. Critics worry, however, that these sites are a breeding ground for misogyny.

      Feminist teachings are helpful to avoid this. By empowering feminine aspects in men and women, men's liberation and feminism are both benefiting.

    1. a pebble may be removed from the very foundations of feminism.

      Feminism isn't the problem here, If anything, feminism does more to advance the Men's Rights Movement that anything. It allows men to show their feminine traits without ridicule. By fighting against feminism you are fighting against equality.

    2. In reason and logic, it cannot be called a patriarchy.”

      While the author makes a valid point here, that men and women are both unequal to each other in different ways, he fails to notice that the patriarchy does exist. It is a system made to benefit men through their careers, but hurts them in the way that it provides strict gender roles and impossible standards.

    3. “The study also revealed that men aged 45-49 now suffer the highest rates of suicide – a figure which has increased significantly over the last five years

      This could be due to troubled family life and relationships due to involvement in work and pressures of hyper masculinity.

    4. Today, for the first time, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission will be called upon to recognise formally that men and boys can be in positions of systemic disadvantage and inequality in British life

      Although men face disadvantages in today's society, one could argue that they created these disadvantages for themselves. They declared that women were weak and unintelligent, therefore they stay at home with the family. A counter argument for this could also be that times have changed for women and now it should be time for men to also be liberated.

    1. we run into these institutions that still don't reflect that shift in our expectations and the world we want to live in," he said.

      While ideals are shifting, work policies aren't reflecting that. Due to this, men have a hard decision to make regarding family life or their career.

    2. The research shows that when something has to give in the work-life juggle, men and women respond differently. Women are more likely to use benefits like paid leave or flexible schedules, and in the absence of those policies, they cut back on work. Men work more.

      The men's decision may be better for the long run financially, it causes them to miss out on important moments in their children's lives.

    3. Of millennial men who were already fathers, 53 percent said it was better for mothers and fathers to take on traditional roles.

      Even though they'd like to have an egalitarian relationship with their spouse, many men have come to the conclusion that traditional roles work best to keep the family unit functioning.

  2. Feb 2016
    1. John Glionna uses his article to invoke sympathy for old people by showing the hard life of an older women. He follows her on her journey around the country looking for work and spending her money haphazardly. I will use this source to show opposition to my point about how old people wrecked the economy.

    2. The biggest blow came in 2013 when she faced $8,000 in charges for emergency dental work and rig repairs. It was a gut punch from which she has yet to recover.

      Maybe you should try the dentist instead of fancy museums.

    3. “I believe doing something fun, no matter how frivolous it might seem, is food for the soul,” she said. “You need to feed yourself some pleasure once in a while to keep feeling alive. Otherwise, it’s just drudgery.”

      It would be nice if I could afford to do that but I'm struggling in the economy you destroyed.

    4. Should she go to the dentist, or take a guided tour of buildings designed by her favorite architect, Frank Lloyd Wright? Each cost $100.

      What a difficult decision. Should my taxes go towards Social Security to help fund old people that can go to museums or to actually bettering America?

    5. Like the article on Princeton student's said, generations before us were rebellious and fighting for a cause while today's generation is much more reserved. Although that author made it sound like a bad thing, the after affects of the rebellious generation is that they thought they'd be young and rebellious forever and didn't plan for retirement and now they screwed themselves over, they screwed us over, and want our help to finance their crazy lifestyles that apparently include prime ribs.

    6. There have been times when she has survived on brown rice and milk — and worried the milk would run out.

      And there have been times I've survived on ramen noodles and poptarts because my mom had to choose between paying bills or buying good food because of the recession.

    7. Her monthly income consists of $1,200 in Social Security and a $190 pension, plus pay from her seasonal jobs. She owes $50,000 on her credit cards. There’s also a $268 monthly loan payment for her aging rig.

      I would feel bad if there were any hope for the economy to improve.

    8. Her savings long gone, and having never done much long-term financial planning, Westfall left her home in California to live in an aging RV she calls Big Foot, driving from one temporary job to the next.

      This is supposed to invoke sympathy, but the older generation's lack of financial planning should not be taken out of the younger generation's ability to succeed.

    1. Similar to my other articles, Joel Kotkin argues how older generations have wrecked the economy. In addition to this he provides many statistics highlighting the differences between the monetary value of older generations compared to younger. He also explains how other countries are handling their Millennials better than America. I will use this source for their statistics and as a possible solution to the generational problems.

    2. "And if, by then, they are still the screwed generation, they won't be the only ones suffering, America will be screwed, too." It's in everybody's best interest to help the younger generation succeed.

    3. Despite the millennial lean towards the left-wing, both the democrat and republican party want to enforce legislation that will cause serious negative affects to the younger generations.

    4. "Generations growing up in recessions appear more amendable to arguments for government-mandated income redistribution." Millennials across the world are becoming more liberal in the way that they support higher taxes in order to improve domestic affairs. This isn't surprising as Reagan and Bush's push towards lowering taxes wrecked the economy.

    5. "'I'm hoping that the millennial generation doesn't set its sights on home ownership as a benchmark of economic stability,' sociologist Katherine Newman suggests, 'because it's going to be out of reach for so many of them.'" Like one of the previous articles mentioned, millennials are moving towards sharing instead of buying. Renting cars and buying used items as some examples.

    6. With the middle class disappearing and the rich growing richer, there is an increase in lower class families.

    7. "This perception builds on the growing notion among economists that the new generation must lower their expectations" Instead of lowering our expectations, we should be working towards a better future, preferably the Bernie Sanders way. The government should be putting more funding towards college tuition.

    8. "Over 43 percent of recent graduates now working, according to a recent report bu the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, are at jobs that don't require a college education" Students are encouraged to pay more money for a higher education that is completely not beneficial to them.

    9. "Both Germany and Japan, which appears to double its VAT rate, have been exploring new taxes to pay for the pensions of the boomers." It's not right that our money is going towards helping old people die happy instead of fixing their mistakes.

    10. "The public debt constitutes a toxic legacy handed over to offspring who will have to pay it off in at least three ways: through higher taxes, less infrastructure and social spending, and, fatefully, the prospect of painfully slow growth for the foreseeable future."

    11. "their indebted parents are not leaving their jobs, forcing younger people to put careers on hold." Old people are stealing our jobs.

    12. "Median net worth of people under 35, according to the U.S. Census, fell 37 percent between 2005 and 2012; those over 65 took only a 13 percent hit." This shows that the baby boomers screwed the younger generation.

    1. David Brooks uses Princeton college students to show the most extreme version of Millennials. In addition to this, he judges the over-protective parents and reminisces of times before seat belts. I will use this source to show support my point of the changes Millennials but also as an opposition to whether or not those changes are for the best.

    2. One has to go quite far back to find another group of sophisticated students who took for granted the idea that the universe is a just and orderly place—

      I hate this article.

    3. They have relatively little generational consciousness. That's because this generation is for the most part not fighting to emancipate itself from the past.

      Very true

    4. It's hard to imagine a recruiting poster of a few decades ago appealing to students' desire to make their parents happy.

      What I'm reading now is "boohoo I'm old"

    5. "I lived an incredibly ragged life," Kathryn Taylor, class of 1974, now an administrator in alumni affairs, told me of her college days. "It never would have dawned on me to try to look nice. They seem to be much more conscious of apparel."

      How horrible.

    6. And you have been rewarded with a place at a wonderful university filled with smart, successful, and cheerful people like yourself. Wouldn't you be just like the students I found walking around Princeton?

      The author says this like its a bad thing.

    7. Today's ramped-up parental authority rests on three pillars: science, safety, and achievement.

      The author is hardcore judging protective parents but parenting is a personal decision.

    8. Now a mere scooter ride requires body armor, and in many families kids aren't permitted to ride out of sight of the house.

      This isn't just crazy parenting though. With the increase in kidnappings and common knowledge regarding whats safe and whats not has encouraged parents to make safer choices.

    9. As Ken Livingston wrote in The Public Interest in 1997, "In late twentieth-century America, when it is difficult or inconvenient to change the environment, we don't think twice about changing the brain of the person who has to live in it." And as Howe and Strauss wrote in Millennials Rising, "Ironically, where young Boomers once turned to drugs to prompt impulses and think outside the box, today they turn to drugs to suppress their kids' impulses and keep their behavior inside the box ... Nowadays, Dennis the Menace would be on Ritalin, Charlie Brown on Prozac."

      The baby boomers are restricting the exact behavior needed to inspire creativity and originality. They are afraid of what our generation can accomplish when allowed to think their own thoughts.

    10. The Newsweek special issue provides information about the creature parents will be sculpting.

      In today's society you no longer raise a child, but sculpt it into whatever you want it to be.

    11. At the schools and colleges where the next leadership class is being bred, one finds not angry revolutionaries, despondent slackers, or dark cynics but the Organization Kid.

      Although this sounds good, I think today's society needs angry revolutionists to help combat problems. Organization won't fix the job market, the state of public schools, the cost of college tuition, or any other problems America is facing today.

    12. The Gap's television ads don't show edgy individualists; they show perky conformists, a bunch of happy kids all wearing the same clothes and all swing-dancing the same moves.

      We are selling conformist ideals and it is scary.

    13. Not only at Princeton but also in the rest of the country young people today are more likely to defer to and admire authority figures.

      This is also surprising due to the backlash America's police force has been facing.

    14. The authors paint a picture of incredibly wholesome youths who will correct the narcissism and nihilism of their Boomer parents.

      This is not what you hear from the baby boomers themselves. They usually describe the youth today in completely opposite terms.

    15. The amount of time spent watching TV declined by 23 percent. Meanwhile, the amount of time spent studying increased by 20 percent and the amount of time spent doing organized sports increased by 27 percent. Drive around your neighborhood.

      The author points out that free time for children of Gen X-Millennials decreased and was replaced by activities to further their future careers. This could also explain the Princeton students ideals and lifestyles.

    16. It is this elite that I am primarily reporting on in this article, rather than the whole range of young people across the demographic or SAT spectrum. It should also be said, though, that the young elite are not entirely unlike the other young; they are the logical extreme of America's increasingly efficient and demanding sorting-out process,

      The author clarifies his student subjects in this article as the elite and extreme form of today's generations. This helps explain why the students have a more optimistic view on today's job market.

    17. Many of the students were upset, but not enough to protest. "It wasn't rational to buck authority once you found out what the penalties were," one student journalist told me. "The university said they would suspend you from school for a year." A prudential ethos indeed.

      The colleges are somewhat to blame for this lack of empathy and participation from the students because of the strict punishments they enforce when someone steps out of line.

    18. Aaron Friedberg, who teaches international relations, said, "It's very rare to get a student to challenge anything or to take a position that's counter to what the professor says."

      This could also hint at the students' apathy. Although the author makes this sound like a great achievement, it really concerns me that the majority of college students today have no opinions of their own and don't fight for their right to say what they want. The author describes them as "goal-orientated" and future leaders but they're missing the compassion and drive that is needed to help change society.

    19. They're not trying to buck the system; they're trying to climb it, and they are streamlined for ascent.

      This could be used as a counter argument for the Huffington post article.

    20. Everyone I spoke to felt confident that he or she could get a good job after graduation.

      I think that this is just rich kid thinking because no other article has any optimism regarding the job market for millennials.

    1. Tim Urban argues that the Generation Y's and Millennials are crybabies and that they should learn from older generations. In other words, he believes that younger people don't work hard enough and are privileged. To continue, I will use this source to show opposition to my point about how older generations wrecked the economy and to further show the naivety and huge ego of old people.

    1. Stephen Marche explains how older generations have set up Millennials for failure by only focusing on short term goals for economic growth. To continue, he uses statistics to show the difference in government spending on social security and medicare compared to government spending on college tuition and the job market. Also, Marche highlights the increasing debt and how that will impact Millennials. I will use this article to argue the unfairness in the system and how it needs to change in order for the economy to grow.

    1. Thompson and Weissman describe generational differences and how it's affecting the economy. In other words, they go into detail about the spending habits and ideals of Millennials and how big corporations will need to change how they advertise in order to stay in business. To continue, I will use this article in order to argue the main difference between older generations and millennials.

  3. Jan 2016
    1. He admitted that there was little discussion about intellectual matters outside class.

      This means less critical thinking about important topics such as the movements discussed above.

    2. I asked around about this and was told that most students have no time to read newspapers, follow national politics, or get involved in crusades.

      The college kids are so focused on their own education that they don't bother getting involved in important cultural events. This can cause apathy in politics and restrict the amount of beneficial change brought on by the people of America. (eg: Civil Rights movement, Vietnam war protests, feminist protests, racial protests)

    3. One young man told me that he had to schedule appointment times for chatting with his friends.

      The author shows how structured the life of a Princeton college kid is. This increase in organization could be due to technology.

    1. You can become special by working really hard for a long time.

      Despite the author's sarcastic and condescending tone, they end the article with some hopeful advice no staying happy and fulfilled in life.

    2. Lucy, on the other hand, finds herself constantly taunted by a modern phenomenon: Facebook Image Crafting.

      Generation Y's lack of success is made worse by the fact that other people's success dominates social media sites.

    3. They often feel entitled to a level of respect and rewards that aren't in line with their actual ability and effort levels,

      This might have a role in the development oof welfare?

    4. While Lucy's parents' expectation was that many years of hard work would eventually lead to a great career, Lucy considers a great career an obvious given for someone as exceptional as she, and for her it's just a matter of time and choosing which way to go.

      Due to the easy life they had growing up with successful parents, Generation Y kids have missed the lesson on hard work and expect their successful careers to be handed to them.

    5. So on top of the generation as a whole having the bold goal of a flowery career lawn, each individual GYPSY thinks that he or she is destined for something even better --

      According to the author, each individual in Generation Y believes that they're unusually special and deserve the best.

    6. The same Ngram viewer shows that the phrase "a secure career" has gone out of style, just as the phrase "a fulfilling career" has gotten hot.

      Generation Y doesn't want a stable career anymore, they want a passion filled career.

    7. Where the Baby Boomers wanted to live The American Dream, GYPSYs want to live Their Own Personal Dream.

      The author states that this thinking has evolved in the Generation Y that they won't be happy unless they achieve more than stable careers. They want it all.

    8. Baby Boomers all around the country and world told their Gen Y kids that they could be whatever they wanted to be, instilling the special protagonist identity deep within their psyches.

      The author states that the Baby Boomers success caused them to teach the Generation Y that they each were special and could achieve anything.

    9. They wanted her parents' careers to have greener grass than their own, and Lucy's parents were brought up to envision a prosperous and stable career for themselves

      Each generation's challenges and opportunities have affected the next generation.

    10. when the reality of someone's life is better than they had expected, they're happy. When reality turns out to be worse than the expectations, they're unhappy.

      The author provides a simple formula for obtaining happiness or unhappiness. They explain that The Generation Y adults are now unhappy.

    1. The Advancement Project, a civil-rights advocacy group, calls the move "the largest legislative effort to scale back voting rights in a century."

      To sum up, the author provides new laws in place to restrict young people from voting. Sounds a lot like the restrictions placed on black people before the Civil Rights movement.

    2. We will hold our tongues lest we seem ageist, lest we seem bitter,

      The author believes that this way of life, the old being taken care of and the young on their own, will continue because they don't want to seem ageist against old people.

    3. The money borrowed from the future paid for massive tax cuts, with no serious reductions in domestic spending, two expensive wars, and a prescription-drug benefit added to Medicare.

      The government continues to screw the younger generation over. The author points out how Bush and Obama are increasing the overall debt. Instead of helping the younger generation get good educations to get good jobs (which would help the economy) they instead spend their funding on wars and Medicare.

    4. The 2011 report by the Social Security trustees estimates that, under its current administration, the fund will run out in 2036, so there's just enough to get the oldest Boomers to age ninety.

      Although Social Security continues to be funded, reports show that it will run out by the time most of the "baby boomers" die. Meaning that the younger generation's taxes continue to go to a government that does not benefit them.

    5. There is a young America and there is an old America, and they don't form a community of interest.

      The author continues to show how the government funds programs to help old people while the younger generation is left to fend for themselves.

    6. He resisted Republican efforts to slash Pell grants by $845 per student, but then made other changes to the program that will save the government — or cost students, depending on your perspective — a projected $100 billion over ten years.

      This is another example of the government working for the benefits of themselves instead of the younger generation .

    7. But to show he was really serious about belt tightening, relatively cheap programs that help young people like the Adolescent Family Life Program and the Career Pathways Innovation Fund were killed.

      The author states that Medicare and Social Security were unaffected in Obama's budgeting but programs that benefit young people and their abilities to get jobs were completely de-funded.

    8. The graying of Congress has obvious political ramifications, although generalizations can be deceiving.

      The author mentions how the generational conflict today is affecting politics. There are mostly older people working in the government and it is hurting the younger generation. The older people don't understand the conflicts the younger generation faces today and therefore can't benefit them.

    9. the predictable outcome of thirty years of economic and social policy that has been rigged to serve the comfort and largesse of the old at the expense of the young.

      The author blames today's economy on social policies for older people such as social security.

    1. Since the end of World War II, new cars and suburban houses have powered the world’s largest economy and propelled our most impressive recoveries. Millennials may have lost interest in both.

      What has propelled the economy for years now holds no interest to Millennials.

    2. Ultimately, if the Millennial generation pushes our society toward more sharing and closer living, it may do more than simply change America’s consumption culture; it may put America on firmer economic footing for decades to come.

      Despite problems arising today with the swift shift in the economy, the author is hopeful that the way Millennials are headed will eventually be beneficial.

    3. In an ideas economy, up-to-date knowledge could be a more nimble and valuable asset than a house.

      Perry Wong states that the extra money Millennials save without house or car payments is most likely to go towards their education.

    4. What’s more, both construction and automaking are solidly blue-­collar sectors. They employ millions of middle-class workers, who could be hurt by a transition away from home construction and auto manufacturing.

      With the change in marketing, jobs are seriously affected and could be part of the reason the middle class is disappearing.

    5. An RCLCO survey from 2007 found that 43 percent of Gen‑Yers would prefer to live in a close-in suburb, where both the houses and the need for a car are smaller.

      Even housing preferences have changed with the new generation, moving towards an urban/suburban area.

    6. But this generation’s path to home­ownership is fraught with obstacles: low pay, low savings, tighter lending standards from banks. Student debt—some $1 trillion in total—stalks many potential buyers as they seek a mortgage (or a car loan).

      Although research shows Millennials do want to buy, with today's economy they just can't afford to.

    7. the homeownership rate among adults younger than 35 fell by 12 percent, and nearly 2 million more of them—the equivalent of Houston’s population—were living with their parents, as a result of the recession.

      As far as buying houses, Millennials just can't afford to with their student loan debts.

    8. Cars used to be what people aspired to own. Now it’s the smartphone.”

      The ideals of older generations have changed from owning cars and houses to owning the latest smartphone.

    9. But tech­nology is allow­ing these practices to go mainstream, and that represents a big new step for consumers.

      With the new "sharing economy" consumers are opting out of malls and car dealerships and finding more affordable used goods online.

    10. The largest generation in American history might never spend as lavishly as its parents did—nor on the same things.

      Economists and businesses are struggling to target their products to Millennials due to a number of factors that have seriously changed the younger generations' spending habits.

    11. permanent generational shift in tastes and spending habits?

      Millennials have steered away from the normal investments of cars and houses and it's affecting the economy.

    1. Afamilyishavingtheirpic-turetakeninfrontoft

      Shows how America worships corporations like other countries worship religion.

  4. Dec 2015
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    1. Your Bernie Sanders tweet is amazing.

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    2. your layout or the site is easy to use and your information is very helpful. I wish I had known some of these things earlier.

    1. Proving, to be a very sensible for of birthing.

      I never knew this it's very interesting.