26 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. Once you are skeptical, have knowledge that the internet's information is practically limitless, use triangulation, you are most likely to find the best information available. To be apart of digital culture, you must use these tools at your expense to get the most credible information on the web.

    2. Infotention, as rheingold describes, is a wealth of information that means the death of the credibility of the information. The more information available, the higher chance that a good majority of the information is not credible.

    3. Rheindgold shows the scope of his research, and how if used effectively, it could change the way news is received and operates. Using the tactics discussed and being skeptical will lead to the shaping of more credible news for everyone.

    4. In this statement, Rheingold highlights the benefits you get from being skeptical. By triangulating reliable sources, he recieved his credible information via twitter hours before it would have been reported by a credible news source.

    5. Triangulating sources, such as journalists do, is a good way to ensure that the information you are getting is as credible as possible. Triangulating information would 100 percent of the time lead you to not believe what terrorist recruiters are saying, according to the supplemental text.

    6. Another quote that highlights Rheingolds emphasis on being skeptical. The more skeptical you are, the better your information is going to be. Using the interface as a clue but still being skeptical of the information increases your chances of getting the most credible information available to you.

    7. Rheingold states that simply being skeptical is a big first step in getting good information. Searching more than once and knowing that the information you find may not be the most credible is the best way to troubleshoot finding good information.

    8. Rheingold touches on a large part of his argument here, saying "think skeptically, look for an author, and then see what others say about the author." His idea of thinking skeptically encompasses how he looks at the internet, as a place to look for information but never fully believe it without doing your research.

    9. Rheingold, aware of the overwhelming flood of information that is the internet, states that it is the responsibility of the reader now to be aware of the validity of the information they find on the internet. This relates to my secondary text as well as social media plays a large role in recruitment, while if you take a second and look at the information recruiters could send you you would understand how wrong your actions to sign up are.

    10. Rheingold states that you shouldnt believe everything you read online, although you should take the time to crap test it as some things you read online could be true. This relates to my supplementary reading, how terrorists recruit online (and how to stop it) as a little bit of crap detection in the information provided would help analyze what the terrorists are doing and ways to stop it.

  2. Jan 2018
    1. is to discover the patterns of mind underlyingfabrication of the artifact

      All interpretations and analysis of meaning of an item to a culture are based upon interpretations of the mind. In machete some interpret the item as a weapon, some as a tool. This shows how different items can be interpreted and all the varieties and way the mind can interpret something based on experiences.

    2. Because the method places value on the interpreter's own input

      the interpreters own input is most important to prownian analysis, which is shown by the analysis of the machete clearly. If you see it as a tool, you wouldn't believe that someone should get in trouble for having something such as a shovel at an event, but if you see it as a weapon that would be opposite, simply based of interpretation.

    3. Meaning lies hidden in thematic figurations

      The meanings of objects and those objects to cultures lies in how they have been used, perceived, and analyzed previously. The machete is seen to many as a weapon, and many as a tool which polarizes the item and makes it a hot topic when brought to an event such as an election. It is all based off the theme that the object has played in past events in the perceivers mind.

    4. Composing and revising an objective-as-possible description frees one to move from a narrow focus on the object itself to a focus on the relationship between the object and oneself as its perceiver.

      This sentence hits on an important lesson the machete reading taught me, which is how important human perception is in analyzing an object. It is all based on a person and the experiences they have had with an object and how they then perceive that object based on said experiences.

    5. It is out of our paraphrase of what we see that all interpretation grows

      How people paraphrase and refer to an object, determines how that object is interpreted in our minds. Based of the human experiences others have had, combined with yours is how you interpret an object and the significance to culture.

    6. he most persistent object metaphors expressive of belief” seem embedded in polarities

      Objects such as a machete, or those which can give two humans very different experiences, tend to be the most analyzed and talked about in culture.

    7. It seems to depend on a linkage-formal, iconographic, functional-between the object and some fundamental human experience,

      This sentence stands out to me as my human experiences linked to machetes are horror movies, used to kill and maim people. Other human experiences change the way you look at an object, no matter what the object is.

    8. All objects signify; some signify more expressively than others. As the list of objects studied over the course of time in a single university seminar attests, the possibilities are virtually limitless-especially considering that no two individuals will read a given object in the same way.

      To me, carrying a machete around is equal to carrying around a huge knife, but to people who work the fields of Haiti, a machete represents a tool to gather meat and vegetables, and put food on the table that night.

    9. attention not just to whatthey might be said to signify but, as importantly, to how they might be said to signify

      The machete in a public place such as an election might be said to signify a weapon, but to someone such as a farmer it could just be a tool they forgot to put away before the event and just a tool such as a shovel.

    10. While only some of culture takes material form, the part that does records the shape and imprint of otherwise more abstract, conceptual, or even metaphysical aspects of that culture that they quite literally embody

      Culture that takes material form can represent so much more to a culture than simply what it is. A material item can represent ideas, strengths, and what is important to a culture. To a farmer or livestock owner, a machete is seen as a tool, but to others it can be considered an objected, just as the supplemental reading, what is a machete anyways? suggests.

    1. The fires resulted from rioting and demonstrations after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. #

      shows mlks importance and the affect he had on the civil rights movement for so many people

    2. lying at their feet

      in this pic MLK is down on the ground dead, but civil rights leaders are still fighting, with or without MLK

    3. This column of Soviet tanks was lined up in a street in Prague, Czec

      shows how militarized every country was during this time period

    4. It was the third consecutive march held by the group in as many days

      so many marches for simple, basic human rights

    5. Civil Rights Ac

      An an important time in the history of the united states, one definitley worth looking back on. #JordanS #s18practice

    6. His unit had just been relieved of duty after patrolling the region around the DMZ. #

      how long were they out there to allow this beard growth?