4 Matching Annotations
- May 2023
cwp.missouri.edu cwp.missouri.edu
strengths and weaknesses
Yes, getting them questioning the output is step one. We have to rediscover critical thinking in the Era of Text Generation.
- Aug 2022
thediagram.com thediagram.com
Sexual Selection and Female Choice
Hint Hint Hint--wondering what these pictures have to do with the writing?
This is an example of kenning as naming--putting two words together into one, like a portmanteau word. It was more common in the Anglo-Saxon language. Here, the bird is a lyre--an instrument that must sound like its song. However, this is also a word that sounds like "liar," and perhaps there is something deceptive about this bird, such as camouflage.
example.com example.com
I wish my LMS offered this as an integration!