7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. Introduction

      what is the difference between the introduction and the ltter of transmittal?

    2. Executive Summary

      about 2.5 pages long, allows for exectives to absorb reports major findings

    3. Covers

      never use colored plastics slips as they are really unprofessional. The best choice is a spiral

    1. 3.3: Ethics and Copyright Law

      Ethics involves awareness of copyright laws

      Copyright laws exist to protect creative expression and theft of an idea for unethical uses

    1. 3.1: Introduction to Ethics

      When something is considered legal it is not always ethical

      Ethics ask others about their beliefs; what they feel is right or wrong

      The 4 basic moral standards * Utility: what would benefit most of the society at the lowest risk * Rights: entitlement of freedom and well-being * Justice: how beliefs and burdens are distributed amongst people * Care: your response to the good of a particular person with whom you have a close relationship

    1. 1.3: Accessibility in Technical Writing

      You want your writing to be legible, readable, and be easily comprehended.

      Use familiar terms that the audience can understand, if you use complex terms with an audience that may not understand then they can lose interest and stop reading.

    1. 1.2: Let's Take a Look at Characteristics of Technical Writing

      Characteristics of technical writing and their purposes: Technical documents should address a specific group of people that use the document to solve specific problems or use them for directional purposes.

      These documents should also reflect goals and values or the person/organization. This can be accomplished by designing a document that is intriguing and comprehensive.

      Many people collaborate on workplace documents to ensure that they are keeping their ethical obligations and respecting copy rights etc.Most workplace documents are a collaboration because of accuracy purposes as well. Others can double check each others work.