11 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Another example of religious behaviour is an expectation of sacrifice, Bauer said."You know, you have to suffer if you want to win. Jesus had to die and resurrect. That's the kind of thing we expect from our players. You must be ready to suffer in order to win or earn us some victory. You must risk everything and sweat and fight or be knocked out," he said.

      Sacrifice is not just a Christian thing, Aztecs and Greeks also had sacrifices to their gods.

    1. In a match the previous Sunday, Richard had twice viciouslyslashed his nemesis, Hal Laycoe of the Boston Bruins, and thenassaulted a linesman

      An instance of completive rivalry going to far.

    1. “If they hadn’t pampered Maurice Richard, built him up as a hero until he felt he was bigger than hockey itself, this wouldn’t have happened.”

      People will do crazy things for people they love, even if it is a fan celebrity relationship

    2. Forty-five, maybe 60 seconds later — at 9:11 p.m. — the bomb exploded. Twenty-five feet to Campbell’s left, a canister of tear gas detonated by Latreille’s group from the auto repair shop. The acrid smoke in the building gnawed the throats and scorched the eyes of those nearby. Suddenly, fear gripped the crowd. What next?

      If I read this 4 years ago I would wonder how could people do this, now how ever, I can easily see this happen.

    3. Hockey in Canada was bigger than the church, and Rocket Richard was bigger than the Pope,

      Honestly that is not all that surprising since that can be true with a lot of things with fandoms, weather it be movies, video games, comics, and especially with sports judging how popular foot ball is.

    1. Conspiracy theories

      Time to go down the rabbit hole

    2. revenge was on some fans' minds.

      Revenge is a very tempting and satisfying, yet dangerous thing.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. As for the other captives who were left to them, destined to die on the spot, they attached them to stakes fastened in the earth, which they had arranged in various cabins. To these, on leaving the village, they set fire on all sides,—taking pleasure, at their departure, in feasting upon the frightful cries which these poor victims uttered in the midst of those flames, where children were broiling beside their mothers; where a husband saw his wife roasting near him; where cruelty itself would have had compassion at a spectacle which had nothing human about it, except the innocence of those who were in torture, most of whom were Christians.

      Honestly people may forget this era of american history, Europeans might have not been at war with the native people but the native americans were at war with the Europeans.

    2. Let us then die with them, and we shall go in company to Heaven.

      Telling people who are safe to go and die with other people who are surly going or who are dead, sounds like a suicide mission if you ask me.

    3. finds it full of Christians, and of Catechumens who ask him for Baptism. It was indeed at that time that their faith animated their prayers, and that their hearts could not belie their tongues. He baptizes some, gives absolution [page 89] to others, and consoles them all with the sweetest hope of the Saints,—having hardly other words on his lips than these:

      This definitely shows the desperateness of the people in this situation, where they had no escape. They wanted to try to make sure they went to heaven with what little time they had left.

    4. In fine, the day was passed in receiving into our cabins all these poor wounded people, and in looking with compassion toward the fire, and the place where were those two good Fathers. We saw the fire and the barbarians, but we could not see anything of the two Fathers.

      I find it funny that they help them by letting them stay in their cabin while they call them savages and barbarians.