306 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2018
    1. Advice For First Year Students! Just trying to help anyway I can.

      This title/subtitle are extremely vague. I'd have no clue what your focus was from this topic. At least acknowledge you're writing for Freshman college students. .

    1. Categories Uncategorized

      Time to start tagging your posts and making good use of categories.

    2. Blog Post 2

      This is a very substantial post, but needs a title and you need to break up the massive blocks of text.

    3. Food Bye Week Blog Post

      Awkward title.

    4. Another Blog Post!

      needs a title.

    5. Student B, which is myself,

      why bring this in now?

    6. but not covered in honey.

      not covered?

    7. results were outstanding;

      awkward phrasing.

    8. This or That

      Again, keep your titles as specific as possible.

    9. Needs an image credit.

    10. Where did you pull this image from? It looks more like an office worker eating on the go.

    11. In this blog I’m going to give you some advice on how to not spend any of your own meal plan money on your next meal! I got this tip from an upper classman and my good friend, Matthew, he told me that this tip for the most part will always get you a free meal; if you ask nicely that is! In order for this to work you will need a friend (male or female) and they’ll have to not like eating the food here on campus, or they just have a lot of money on their hill card. So you’re going to want to ask your friend, very nicely of course, if you can get food using their hill card. It’s as simply as that! If they’re a true friend they’ll cough it up no problem. This tip works best with true friends, small girls/guy friends or people who don’t use their meal plan money often and are okay with letting you eat. That’s it for this week. Please come back for my next blog. And as always, stay classy stonehill!

      How many friends are realistically going to buy you lunch? Try to keep your tips realistic.

    12. This past week I went to enjoy dinner with my fellow friends. We went to the Commons for this meal as they usually have a wide variety of menu options. I narrowed my options down to mozzarella sticks and pasta, which was the most appealing to me at the time. But what I had not realized or even thought of was to compare the prices of the mozzarella sticks served in the Commons and the Hill. For 5 little mozzarella sticks in both locations, the prices varied heavily, $4.00 in the hill and $5.20 at the commons. I had realized the mistake I had made after an upperclassman had pointed it out in front of everyone. This experience comes as a learning curve for me as I will know also pass this crucial information down to the freshman next year to save them $1.20

      Be careful that this doesn't turn into a diary blog. Keep the focus on your topic. Could you have paired this tip with a similar one for a bit more content in this post?

    13. Being Smart

      Try to make your titles a bit more descriptive.

    14. In them doing so they have actually given me a tip I did not know about and they said to add money to your hill dollars so in the case that you run out of money on your meal plan, you get charged from hill dollars and you can spend hill dollars off campus and you will get whatever is left over, back at the end of the semester.

      Watch these run on sentences.

    15. Did you take this image yourself? If not, we'll need a photo credit.

    16. Archives November 2018 October 2018 September 2018

      Good use of archives for easy navigation.

    17. The UpHill Battle Bone Apple Teeth

      Both the title and your subtitle are a bit vague. We might just as well assume that this is a dental blog.

    18. The background image is clever, and suggests a food related blog, but we might expect more recipes based on this image. How might you make better use of visuals in the foreground?

    19. Meta Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.org

      As others have noted, you could probably clean up and remove these meta links your readers don't need.

    20. and I am glad so

      Awkward phrasing.

    1. The banner image is tranquil, but the gray/white/black text format of the rest of the page is a bit drab. Consider how you might punch it up a bit.

    2. Example workout schedule for beginners November 6, 2018 My weekly workout November 1, 2018 Intro to exercise October 30, 2018 Healthy weight loss part 2 October 23, 2018 Healthy weight loss part 1 October 22, 2018 Body image October 18, 2018 Overconsumption should be over October 16, 2018 Less isn’t more October 11, 2018 Life Changes October 4, 2018

      This works well for a few posts, but you need a way for your reader to navigate the archives once your post count rises.

    3. Posts Recent Posts

      Posts/Recent Posts is a bit redundant. Pick one.

    1. Categories Uncategorized

      Consider tagging your posts and think about how you might make better use of categories to help readers navigate your archive.

    2. 바카라 on Magically Trip로얄카지노 on Magically Trip

      I note your posts are getting some comments. Consider responding and see if you can encourage more regular feedback on your work.

    3. Outer World

      Odd phrasing. This sounds like you're going to talk about the supernatural rather than traveling abroad.

    4. Travel With Danny Quick access to all the travel tips you need

      This layout and header could use a bit more punch. Narrowing the subtitle could help focus your audience and theme.

    1. Best Time to Travel Many want to know when’s the best time to travel during the fall, summer, winter, or spring. I believe it’s when you are very stressed with work and want to get away from everything. It does sound crazy but if you haven’t had any days off from work for a vacation. Work can be very annoying and draining, why not take the chance and ask your boss or manage to allow you to have a vacation with your family. When you travel, you are away from all the stress from work and even in your life. When your in a new environment you see a lot of different places and meet different people as well. Focusing on your mental health, will make you happy and also return to work and responsibilities with great focus and commitment. Remember a great vacation isn’t all about fancy place like on TV and movies. It can be going to the beach, hiking, or just visiting family or friends.

      Your posts could really use some images to break up the text. Even a photo background would help.

    1. Magically Trip When thinking of deciding a perfect place for your family to go and visit, it’s important to consider the ages of your kids and ask yourself if they are mature enough to go to other countries. If they aren’t, think about staying in the country. Young kids love watching cartoon shows, think about going to Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World. These places are all in Florida but there is also Disney Land in California.  Depending on where you live, see if driving to your destination is an option, because you will be saving a great deal of money. Having the ability to pay for gas and not for three or four plane tickets that can cost over $300 a ticket. With that said paying for gas that can cost around $100 if Disney is a long drive. Also, hotels or resorts near Disney are very reasonable. Usually Marriott’s near Disney are the cheapest with breakfast included. Resorts are usually expensive because it includes pools and other entertainment, as well as the convenience of being on park property, which increases the pricing. There’re many affordable restaurants around Disney that are just as good if not better as the food inside the Disney park. Hopefully this blog helped you understand the cheapest way to have a good time with family in Disney!

      You need to work on expanding your posts and breaking up large blocks of text. Make sure you're giving your reader enough content to keep coming back.

    2. Magically Trip

      Awkward post title. A Magical Trip?

    1. First Day of Practice: Do’s and Dont’s Today was Stonehill Basketball’s first day of practice and I was able to pick up on some things that may be helpful to some people interested in playing college basketball. Here are some Do’s and Dont’s of practice. Use these tips in your seasons because all practices are ran basically the same, but the only difference is the intensity at different levels of competition. Do’s and Dont’s  Do play hard as soon as practice starts Do not wait for the middle to get things going Talk loud and be intense as long as possible Do make mistakes Do not practice to stay the same, always work to become better. Understand that practice is where mistakes are meant to be made. Do Compete against your teammates. That is the only way to get better Do not take it personally when a teammate begins to get very competitive. Nothing is better than hard competition to prepare a team for games. Do ask questions Do not wait until the middle of the game to being asking questions that should have previously been asked It is true that many times when you ask a question someone else was also wanting to ask the same question. Do work on new moves Do not wait until the game to tryout new moves because they may not work The more you mess up in practice the less you will mess up in the games Do try to impress Do not assume that you need to stay complacent in practice Whenever you have the chance try to move up the ladder in terms of your position on the team. Practice is the time where you show the coaches what you can do.

      Try to rework this bulleted list in paragraph form. This kind of post won't draw readers in.

    1. This post I want to take the time to interview another freshman player, Adam Freese, and ask him questions about what it means to him to play for Stonehill, and what being a college athlete takes. SJ: What keeps you going everyday even though each practice is hard, and intense? AF: “Wanting to get better, and my determination to get better. I also like to take on challenges head on.” SJ: How do you prepare for a game or scrimmage? Any pregame rituals? AF: “I need to get a good nights sleep, and I eat a nice meal, and I make sure that I keep my head focused on the game and the task ahead of me. I avoid all distractions throughout the day.” SJ: How do you prepare yourself for a season in general? How are your offseason workouts? AF: “I understand that the season is going to be long and rough, but I always mentally prepare myself for it first. I understand that adversity is going to hit, and I find ways to overcome adversity on an everyday basis. I also know that the work that I put in during the offseason will pay off during the regular season. So, by giving my offseason workouts everything that I have I know that the effort I put in will pay off during my regular season.” SJ: What is your favorite part about being a college athlete? More specifically a Stonehill Skyhawk? AF: “Simply put, living out the reality of playing sports, and going to school for free is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. At Stonehill we take sports seriously, and the love for competition excites me at Stonehill, and that is why I love being a Stonehill Skyhawk. SJ: What are the big differences that you have noticed between high school basketball, and college basketball? AF: “College basketball is a much more intense, and fast paced game than high – school basketball. College basketball is also much more time – consuming as well. SJ: How do you recover, after a game or practice? AF: Icing is critical for me whether it is before or after any main event. I always take precautionary measures after any practice as well.

      Again, try to avoid the QAQA format for interviews. Turn this into a conversation, and then make it a story based on the conversation. Are you planning more interviews?

    1. From my experience many college coaches are very similar in terms of what they are looking for from their players. I want to discuss this post, what exactly my coach says during practice, and the things that he stresses that I feel every player should know about. Play Hard Pay close attention to detail Play within your own limits (Do not do to much)   Play Hard: Many coaches stress the importance of working because there are mistakes that are made throughout the game that can be made up by simply giving effort. If you miss an assignment, and get beat off the dribble it is expected that you give it your all and recover to stop your man. By not showing any effort your assignment will simply score, and make you look bad. My target audience for this assignment is mainly people who are looking to try and play college basketball or simply improve upon their game. The one thing that people do not take into account is that there are hundreds of people who are talented, but playing hard will take the most talented players to the next level. Pay Smart: Even though I previously stressed how important working hard is once in college that just simply is not enough at this level. Over the course of one practice the team is responsible for learning a handful of defensive principles, and different offensive sets. If you were not paying attention to practice, then the next day when you do not know a set, or mess up a defensive assignment coaches will get on you about it. Every player can play hard, but the ones’s that get the most minutes are able to play hard while also executing the scout perfectly. One quote that our coach has bought to our attention recently is a quote by Brad Stevens that says: “When considering the consequences of not doing the little things, you realize there are no little things.” If a coach gives you a small task, or a small pointer many people do not take these seriously enough and it will show in games. Take these things seriously, and take pride in doing the little things then you will notice that you will be ahead of your teammates. Play Within your Limits: In high school many people are able to get away with trying new moves, or shooting bad shots that they think may work well in a game. In college this kind of play quickly gets shut down because nine times out of ten when a player tries to do too much it will not work out well. If you are a player who hits a lot of shots, then don’t try and all of a sudden start playing in the post. If you are a player that works well inside do not try shooting threes, and contested two. Do what you do best, and you will thrive as a college player. Coaches need people who understand what they can bring to the table, and will consistently bring that everyday. Making your coach happy means that you are doing something right. So try your best to please your coach whenever possible.

      This is a good use of outline forecasting your subpoints, but edit carefully. I"m seeing filler words like things used frequently. Try to avoid qualifiers like I feel, I believe, etc. Could your outline link to points in your post?

    1. Recent Posts Important Things to Learn From a Team Scrimmage Best Ways to Make a College Coach Happy Beginning of the Season Player Interview Important things to do off the court First Day of Practice: Do’s and Dont’s

      Giving us a way to access recent posts is good, and the search bar is helpful, but as your post count grows it's going to be tough to find older postings. You need to make good use of tags and give us a way to navigate your archived posts.

    2. Where is your about me page?

    3. Stretch Stretching will not only prevent injuries, but it is the easiest way to prolong one’s career. Many people I know in their late 30’s believe that if they took more time to stretch while they were younger they would still be playing. Stretch and Roll out: Hamstrings Quads Calves IT Bands Upper body Lift Lifting is a great to prevent injuries if done right. Strengthening core, lower body, and upper body are essential for a player who wants to stay on top of their game. Below are a few lifts for people who do not know where to start. Ice, and Recovery At any time possible try to hop in an ice bath, or see the school trainer for some extra treatment.   Lower Body: Back Squat – 5 x 3 Strap Raw – 10 1/2 Pallof Hold – 20 seconds Goblet Split Squat – 8 Partner Glute/ Ham Drop Down – 3 1/2 Banded Chop – 6 Upper Body: Bench – 5 x 3 SL OB Glute Bridge – 8e Birddogs – 5e Alt. DB Incline Bench – 8e Pullups – 6 Bear Position Hold – 30s

      Try to give us a bit more content and discussion than just the outline or bulleted list.

    4. things

      Try to avoid filler words like things and stuff, etc.

    5. Clearly tells us the theme, but maybe a more active, balanced shot? How does this page look on smaller devices?

    6. D2 Basketball

      Are you focusing on all D2 or mainly on Stonehill here?

    1. bout Welcome to Skyhawk Sustenance! Here you will find helpful tips on how to live a nutritious lifestyle as a student at Stonehill College. As a young college student, it is easy to be oblivious to eating habits, however, your body (and mind) needs to be fueled properly in order to perform as one of  Stonehill’s best. And, with today’s emphasis on healthy eating, who wouldn’t want to be apart of a nutritional community? To give an overview of this blog, you can expect to learn about what a nutritious diet should look like, places to satisfy nutritional needs around the Stonehill campus, and even quick and healthy dorm recipes. Make sure to check back for weekly updates, and remember to have fun with your food!

      Again, great visual, and you give a good overview of what your blog is about, but we don't get much about the author. You could simply reuse the photo from your twitter account.

    1. My only nitpick with this page is that the text is a bit tough to read. Could you make this your subtitle and your current subtitle a sign off phrase?

    2. Archives November 2018 October 2018

      This side archive will make finding much older posts much easier.

    3. November 1, 2018 Brain Boosters Here’s a look at some study snacks to keep you focused and your energy high, so you can continue to grind away your work at your best. Blueberries deliver anthocyanin that give off the effects of antioxidantsAntioxidants act against stress and inflammation. They have also […] Energy, Nutrition - 0 Comments October 25, 2018 Classes at the SpoCo If you’re ever bored and looking for a different way to be active, you should take a look at the classes offered at the Sports Complex. The classes available are group exercises run by certified trainers who are students/faculty members. Classes are created for all […] Around Campus, Fitness - 0 Comments October 18, 2018 Don’t Drink the Calories A major thing to watch out for while at school is drinking extra calories. It can be so easy to intake unnecessary calories by drinking because you don’t even realize when you are. Calories consumed by drink are like empty calories, meaning they don’t fill […] Nutrition - 0 Comments October 11, 2018 Drink Up! Staying hydrated is key to a healthy lifestyle. There are so many benefits to drinking water that many people are unaware of. Our bodies are made up of nearly sixty percent water so it is very important to replenish for us to consistently perform at […] Nutrition - 0 Comments October 9, 2018 Breakfast Bites Breakfast at school is one of the hardest things to fit into a busy academic schedule but of course, it is the most important! It is so valuable to start your day off with the right nutrients and enough energy so you can make it […] Nutrition - 0 Comments October 6, 2018 Three Snacks for in Between ​Class  It’s hard enough for Stonehill students to balance a heavy course load and social obligations, so why do so on an empty stomach? Students tend to find it difficult to fit in time to eat throughout the day, but carrying a few snacks in your […] Around Campus, Energy - 0 Comments October 4, 2018 General Nutrition With an emphasis on healthy eating and fitness training, many young students tend to want to be more aware of what kind of food they eat and how much. For a typical college woman, she should be intaking between 2,200 and 2,400 calories a day, […] Nutrition - 0 Comments

      Combining thumbnail images with each post really makes your home page pop. The organization is a little confusing at first, but I like the mix of thumbnail and post intro.

    4. Categories Around Campus Energy Fitness Nutrition

      I'm glad to see you're making good use of tags here. Easy to find previous posts based on topic.

    5. Your use of color on this page, particularly with the imagery, is excellent. Subtle purple tones tie in your theme and the school colors. Well done.

    6. Skyhawk Suste

      Great title. Good use of alliteration and very memorable.

    7. stay healthy - be happy - go hill

      I'm getting a casual vibe from your font, but I wouldn't mind seeing caps here as well.

  2. Oct 2018
    1. This page needs some navigational tools. More posts mean that scroll bar gets longer and unwieldy. A recent posts section on the left, or a search bar would be helpful. Links to resources outside your blog?

    2. Introduction To My Story It all started in the fourth grade when I believed in little things like wishing upon a star or an eyelash before blowing it away. At the time I had thick, long, beautiful eyelashes and I thought every wish you made on an eyelash would come true someday. I remember the first time I did it. I was standing in front of the full body mirror at the end of my hallway just to the left of the stairwell. I had just made a wish on an eyelash that had fallen out on its own. I then wanted to wish again, but there were no fallen eyelashes to wish upon. In that moment, my life changed forever. I started to pull out eyelashes to make wishes on. At first, it wasn’t noticeable. But over the years, this secret of mine became more public. Somehow pulling out an eyelash to wish upon turned into not only a nervous habit, but one that had taken over my life and what was once manageable became uncontrollable. The first time it got “out of control”  was while we were working on our floor routines in gymnastics. A girl on my team approached me while we were waiting for our turn on the floor. She asked, bluntly, “Why do you pull out your eyelashes?” I was caught for the first time in my most vulnerable state. My only reply was, “I’m not pulling them out, I just have itchy eyes.” That was the beginning of many excuses. Fast forward two years and I am sitting in my sixth grade math class with Mrs. Jones. We all had our math books open to math box number 8. Right then and there, with everyone around, I began to pull out eyelashes instead of doing my work. Soon my book page began to fill with eyelashes instead of numbers.  At that point, I still had almost a full set of eyelashes, with some holes here and there. Fast forward another year and I am sitting in my seventh grade English class. The desks were spread apart and I was sitting at the one directly in front of the door. We were reading our independent novels. For the third time in my life, I pulled out eyelashes in front of people and within the course of that one school year, I managed to pull out about 150 eyelashes, the average amount of eyelashes for a person to have. Then there were none. No eyelashes. No eyebrows. Nothing left. By the time it was summer going into freshman year, I had come up with the idea to wear fake eyelashes to cover up the missing parts. This was my way of trying to solve my problem, while also trying to cover it up. Although this “fix” didn’t work out as planned in the way that I still have this ongoing problem, it has helped me to feel more comfortable with my appearance. I no longer feel like everyone is staring at that one flaw, but instead looking at me as a whole person. Something that started as wishing upon an eyelash became something unmanageable. Now the only wishes I make are upon stars. Always wishing to break this habit.

      Time to move this content to a dedicated about me page. A visual or two would be good here as well.

    3. at I will be using it and focusing on it today is because of its help with relaxation. Yoga is something that can be

      Missing photo credit.

    4. Basketball is my go to outlet. It has always been my favorite sport to play. It is a great sport for me to work on my skills alone when I

      Is this you? If not, we need a photo credit here.

    5. Alcohol – Coping Strategy or Detrimental?

      Given your audience, this is an especially poignant topic. It might be worth revisiting in a later post.

    6. Again, could you recreate a visual like this? Use your own work wherever possible.

    7. Triggers

      catchy post title. Consider what other info might have been useful here -- how to anticipate and deal with triggers, for example.

    8. Come back for my next post on causes and risk factors.

      Previewing your next topic is a great technique. Keep doing it!

    9. things

      try to avoid generic filler words like Thing and Stuff.

    10. Posted on October 25, 2018October 25, 2018

      I'm glad to see your posting schedule is finally getting back on track. Keep it up.

    11. Photo By: Photographee.eu

      Making this an active link would be helpful. Why not use your own visuals?

    12. Held Captive In Your Own Mind You Aren't Alone

      I like your title, but you might need to give a more specific subtitle to clue us to your more focused issue. Be careful with the white on white. It makes the text difficult to read.

    1. Consider how you might use colors or visuals to make your main page pop more. You need a dedicated about me page. What other links or resources might you want to include for your reader?

    2. Introduction to the Blog… For this blog, I will be covering and blogging the topic of Stonehill Boys Rugby. In the world of modern American sports, rugby, which is extremely popular worldwide, is often overlooked and overshadowed by its more popular counterpart, football. My goal for this semester is to not only popularize Stonehill rugby, but to popularize the sport in general. I hope to expose people to the sport and help readers understand it better. This blog will start off with the basic rules and overview of the Stonehill rugby team, but after that every post will be about the team’s most recent game or looking ahead in the season. The big news this year is that the team is good and looking to make a playoff push. Personally, I look forward to the playoffs especially since everyone is so much more invested rather than a regular season game. At the end of each post, I’m looking to discuss happenings in international rugby and cover some scores there, but not enough as to overshadow the Stonehill team.

      Time to move this content to a dedicated "about me" page.

    3. Uncategorized Weekly

      You need to expand your tags to include recaps and player profiles.

    4. Gray on white makes for a very sterile color scheme. At least work in some purple. Good use of visuals would be a big help as well.

    1. Anthony Poente

      Photo? Profile pic or game photo?

    2. For this post, I sat down with a friend of mine, Anthony Poente, to ask him some questions about his rugby experience, his adjustment to the rugby world, and his overall thoughts of the rugby season. Q: When did you get into rugby? A: This year, I had played football throughout my life so I thought since the two sports are similar I would give it a shot. Q: Why did you get into rugby? A: My cousin came to Stonehill and he played rugby and loved it, so I thought that I would give it a try. Like I said before, I had played football and loved it and since its a varsity only sport here I thought I would try and do the closest thing to it. Q: Since you had played football before, were you surprised at the differences between the two sports? A: Yes, theres a lot more fundamental things that are incorporated into both sports, like tackling, picking up the ball, and the pace of the game is a lot faster. Without a knowledge of the rules, it is much harder to play rugby than one would expect. When playing football, it is a much easier sport to pick up rather than rugby Q: How much did football help you with rugby? A: The way I look at it, football prepared me mentally, like to know what to expect when you are getting hit or going for a tackle. But everything else in rugby I learned from practicing and watching the game. It has many more aspects than you would expect out of a game that seems so similar. Q: For the spring sevens season, how do you think Stonehill will do against the competition? A: I have high hopes for our team. We’ve been practicing pretty hard this year and I think that if the sevens carry that same mentality over they will have a successful season.

      Try to avoid the QAQA format for interviews. As much as possible, make it a conversation and then translate that conversation into a story or profile of the person. You needn't use every question and can play with the order as you need to.

    3. Player Interview

      If you have to, use a colon and give us the players name to make this title more functional.

    1. Who is this? Where are we? Did you pull this picture from somewhere? If so we need a photo credit.

    2. luck to everyone that has exams coming up!

      Adjusting your alignment for this last line would make the text look much better.

    1. About The theme of this blog will mainly be about the academics and work load of Stonehill College. Throughout the course of this blog, I will be talking about how the workload is changing as we progress through the semester. I will also be interviewing students and advisors on study tips and methods they may have. […]

      You're just repeating info that you expand on below. A photo or two would be much more useful.

    1. CWAA

      This post gives us a very generic overview of the service, but I don't have the sense you've actually shopped a paper or project with them. Spending a bit of time using these services may give you more insider perspective you can share.

    1. Uncategorized

      Tagging your posts will make them easier to locate once you build up enough content.

    2. 강남오피 says: October 5, 2018 at 9:16 am I was recommended this web site through my cousin. I’m no longer sure whether or not this put up is written through him as nobody else understand such exact approximately my trouble. You are incredible! Thanks!

      You're going to have to decide whether this post is spam or a legit comment and how to handle it.

    1. Did you pull this image from elsewhere? If so, we need a photo credit. You might show us you interacting with staff in this office to add credibility.

    2. The Academic Services and Advising office can help you with a number of concerns you may have pertaining to your academic experience throughout college. They offer assistance in workload time management, future career research, and course selections for coming semesters. I personally believe that this service is truly beneficial to students (especially newer students that are still adjusting to college academic life) because you are 1 on 1 with a credited advisor who will know how to assist your academic problems and will offer great suggestions to you. Also this resourve can be so impactful to your academic worries because there are numerous advisors part of the service that specialize in a different area. For example, one advisor specializes with students in the business program, while another advisor specializes in first generation college students, while another focuses on transfer students in need of adjustment assisntance. These are only a few examples of the different types of advisors. There are many more so there is a good chance that there will be the right advisor for you if you have an academic need. It is quite simple to schedule an appointment with the office of academic services and it is extremely hepful as a student academic resource on campus.

      Consider how you might break up this massive chunk of text to balance the white space better.

    3. Your background imagery is good, but focused toward a more general academic theme. If you're focusing on a preprofessional audience, you'll need to adjust slightly.

    4. The Pathway to your Career

      This subtitle suggests a very different focus than what your original proposal discussed. If this is your new focus, you may need to rethink your imagery and audience.

    1. ’80’s Fashion vs Today’s Fashion-Men Men’s fashion also like women’s fashion has ‘80’s fashion inspiration. Men ‘80’s fashion and today’s fashion are very similar to one another. Some men’s ‘80’s fashion that is still present today is Converse and bright colored clothing. White high top Converse are back in style for men. I always see men wearing Converse on campus now which because they look good and match with everything. In the ‘80’s Converse were very popular shoes for men and so many guys wore them, and as a little kid I remember seeing old pictures of guys wearing Converse, which I thought was strange because I assumed they were women’s shoes. Converse for women seem to never go out of style, but for men it seemed they did for awhile, but now have made a comeback. If you ever go to a place like a college campus, you will see guys wearing Converse with khakis or jeans and any type of shirt because they look good with everything. Bright colored clothing was big in the ‘80’s, but is also very popular now. Many men’s stores have started making clothes colorful to fit the style. Polo has been making there collared shirts very bright, so now not only do I see young people wearing bring colors, but also older men. Other companies like Nike and Adidas have made their clothes very colorful and the shirts have crazy patterns. I really like that this trend is back, because bright colors and crazy patterns look really cool and add character. Comparing it to the ‘80’s men and women both wore bright colored patterns, but it seems only men today wear the colorful patterns. Usually men wear wear a bright colored shirt or sweatshirt and jeans very casually, but the color adds a lot to the outfit and makes the outfit look very trendy.

      I'm seeing some good info here, but you need to include images to help your reader visualize what you're talking about.

    2. My blog Just another WordPress site Menu

      You need to replace this generic text.

    1. Fashion Blog Just another WordPress site Menu

      You need to replace this filler text with actual content.

    2. About This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

      Time to replace this generic text with a photo or three and your about me page.

    1. Starbucks:  In

      If you're going to bring in chains like Starbucks, it's worth discussing price relative to some of the smaller businesses they're up against.

    2. I cant speak for all of my classmates, however I know that I constantly find myself getting tired of eating the same food at the cafeteria. Venturing off campus to Back Bay Bagel would provide a change of scenery, a change of menu, and an opportunity to work on your school work!

      You're leaving out a good bit of useful info here. What else might you include?

    3. Yelp Back Bay Bagel is rated 4.5 stars out of 5 by customers.

      We can check the generic yelp review ourselves. What's good? What might we avoid?

    4. Posted on October 23, 2018Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces: Beanery on Washington Beanery on Washington: The Beanery on Washington is a local coffee shop located at 181 Washington St, North Easton, that offers its customers all the comforts of home.  They offer their customers delicious coffee as well as breakfast sandwiches in a warm, welcoming environment.   What are they known for? The Beanery on Washington is known for their appetizing breakfast menu, as they earned 4.5 stars out of 5 from customers on yelp. They are especially known for their coffee and breakfast sandwiches, which their customers rave about. Another aspect of this coffee house that sets them apart from others is the homely feeling that they provide. As you can see in the picture above, they provide the sense of warmth associated with your living room as customers can sit by a fire place in comfortable arm chairs. Will I be Able to Study There? The Beanery on Washington is open Monday-Friday from 5:30 A.M.- 6:00 P.M., 8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Saturday, and 9:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Sunday. Therefore, at any point throughout the day you could go, get a cup of coffee, and get your work done with all the comforts of home. Why the Beanery on Washington over the Cafeteria? If you are tired of drinking the same coffee everyday, and eating the same breakfast everyday, give the Beanery on Washington a shot! They are highly regarded among their loyal customer base, and will provide a change of scenery from the library or your dorm for you to get work done! Posted on October 18, 2018October 23, 2018Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces: JJ’s Cafe JJ’s Cafe: JJ’s Cafe is a restaurant, located at 610 North Main Street, Brockton, that specializes in breakfast, and is highly regarded by the surrounding community.  On American Restaurant, JJ’s cafe received a score of 4.8 out of 5 for total customer satisfaction. What Are They Known for? JJ’s Cafe is known and loved for their vast breakfast menu. Customers rave about their different meals such as the “City of Champions” meal or the “Eggs Benedict”. They are known for having high quality food for a very reasonable price, with outstanding service to top it off. Will I be Able to Study There?  JJ’s Cafe is open from 7:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M. Tuesday-Sunday, and is closed on Mondays. Although the physical location is on the smaller side, if you plan your visit for a weekday morning, besides Monday, you will experience a quiet, calm atmosphere, therefore allowing you to complete your school work and enjoy a delicious meal. Why JJ’s Cafe over the Cafeteria?  JJ’s Cafe offers a wide variety of delicious breakfast meals, unmatched service, and very reasonable price. If you are looking for a change if scenery from the Cafe then JJ’s Cafe might be a great option for you! Posted on October 13, 2018Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces: The Farmers Daughter The Farmers Daughter:  The Farmers Daughter is owned by Chandra Gouldrup, who is also the head chef. It is located at 22 Main St, North Easton, which is a short ten minute drive from Stonehill. The Farmers Daughter is known to be slightly more expensive than surrounding breakfast and lunch restaurants, however they justify the price with the quality of food. What are They Known For? Growing up, Sandra was legitimately the daughter of a farmer, which sparked her appreciation for farm grown food. At her restaurant, which serves breakfast and lunch, she prides herself in providing “comfort food” that came straight from the farm. The Farmers Daughter has become a very popular name in the local restaurant industry and has earned 4/5 stars by reviewers on Yelp. Will I be Able to Study There? The Farmers Daughter is open Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M., and Saturday and Sunday 7:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M. The restaurant, due to its popularity, is almost always busy during its business hours.  However, if you are able to get a table then you should be able to enjoy a nice meal as well as do your work. Why The Farmers Daughter over the Cafeteria? Although the school cafeteria may offer cheaper food, many students get sick of eating the same food every day. If you are willing to spend a little extra money every once in a while, and enjoy a delicious meal for either breakfast or lunch, made with farm fresh products, The Farmers Daughter may be a good option for you! The Menu Link: http://www.thefarmersdaughtereaston.com/our-menus/   Posted on October 9, 2018October 23, 2018Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces: Back Bay Bagel Back Bay Bagel: Are you looking for a delicious breakfast from somewhere other than the cafeteria that is close to campus? Do you have work to do before your morning class? Kill two birds with one stone and grab breakfast at Back Bay Bagel! Back Bay Bagel is located at 1280 Belmont Street, Brockton, and is within walking distance!  What are they known for? As you may have guessed, Back Bay Bagel is known for their delicious bagels, as well as the overwhelming selection they have to choose from. Along with bagels, they also sell pastries, coffee, and bagel sandwiches, all for a very reasonable price. On Yelp Back Bay Bagel is rated 4.5 stars out of 5 by customers. Will I be able to study there? Back Bay Bagel is open from 5:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Monday-Saturday, and 6:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M. on Sundays. Luckily, Back Bay Bagel does not typically become overwhelmingly busy, and is usually the perfect atmosphere to do homework in.  No matter what time of day it is, Back Bay Bagel is almost always a workable environment. It also has a nice seating area where students and faculty could sit, enjoy their food, and get their work done! Why Back Bay Bagel over The Cafeteria? I cant speak for all of my classmates, however I know that I constantly find myself getting tired of eating the same food at the cafeteria. Venturing off campus to Back Bay Bagel would provide a change of scenery, a change of menu, and an opportunity to work on your school work! Posted on October 2, 2018October 23, 2018Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces: Starbucks Starbucks:  In case you are not familiar with Starbucks, it is a Coffee shop that also sells gourmet treats and various breakfast foods, along with its most famous item, Coffee! The Starbucks in Brockton is located at 1285 Belmont Street, and is within walking distance of Stonehill!  What are They Known For? What sets Starbucks apart from competitors such as Dunkin Donuts would be the quality of coffee they provide, so if you do not mind paying the higher price, Starbucks may be for you! If you go to a Starbucks and order a coffee, you may realize it takes longer to make than at other coffee shops, and this is because they pride themselves in brewing the best quality coffee around. Due to the high quality of coffee, they also charge a higher cost per cup, so if you are looking for a cheap morning pick-me-up, Starbucks might not be your place. Will I be Able to Study There? Starbucks is open from 5:00 A.M.- 8:30 P.M. Monday-Friday, 4:30 A.M.- 9:00 P.M. Saturday, and 5:00 A.M.- 9:00 P.M. According to Yelp.com , it is usually pretty slow and quiet between the hours of 10:00 A.M.- 8:00 P.M., which makes for a perfect study environment. Why Starbucks Over the Coffee Spots on Campus? You may also be saying to yourself, “Why wouldn’t I just go to one of the locations on campus that sells Starbucks?” and my answer to you would be the study environment. If you go to one of the locations on campus, I have found it difficult to study due to either lack of space, or to many distractions surrounding you, such as friends and teachers. If you need to study and are looking for a quality cup of coffee, I would certainly take the time to check out Starbucks! Below I will attach a link to Starbucks’ menu as well as a photo of the potential study environment! https://www.starbucks.com/menu Posted on October 2, 2018October 23, 2018Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces: Georgio’s Roast Beef & Pizza Georgio’s Roast Beef & Pizza: Can you guess what Georgio’s Roast Beef & Pizza is famous for? You guessed it! Their roast beef and pizza! Georgio’s is listed by Trip Adviser as a 4 star restaurant and is located at 1041 Pearl Street, Brockton, Massachusetts.  What are They Known For? Some of Georgio’s most popular meals include the “Super Roast Beef Sandwich”, “Cheese Pizza”, “Pepperoni Pizza”, and the “Roast Beef Sub”. Their customers constantly rave about their unparalleled Roast Beef, as it is their signature meal. Will I be Able to Study There? Along with having amazing food, Georgio’s can also provide a great study environment if  you go at the right time. According to Georgio’s.com, the least busy hours include 10:00 A.M.- 11:00 A.M., 3:00 P.M.- 5:00 P.M., and 8:00 P.M.- 9:00 P.M. During these hours, Stonehill College students or faculty could enjoy good food and a quiet study atmosphere. Why Georgio’s over the Cafeteria? Georgio’s offers customers a change of scenery, as well as a change in food! If you find yourself getting sick of the cafeteria food for three meals a day definitely switch it up and try out Georgio’s!   Attached below will be a link to the official Georgio’s menu as well as pictures of the study area: https://www.georgiosroastbeefandpizza.com/menu.html

      These photos give us a sense of the space, but they're a bit devoid of life. Can you kidnap a few friends and get them to fill it up for you a bit?

    5. Rob Wallace  Blog Introduction

      Awkward and formal. Move this to the "about me" section of your project. Maybe add a photo in Skyhawks gear?

    6. every Wednesday at 2:30 PM, and again every Friday at 2:30 PM

      If this is your posting schedule, be sure to stick to it.

    7. , “Local Skyhawk Eateries & Study Spaces”

      You need to update your posts if you change the name or find new info.

    8. eptember 25, 2018Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

      Nuke this generic filler text now that you have an actual "about me" post.

    9. Putting all your posts on one page is going to get cumbersome after a while. You might collect the links for all local businesses in one area of your site.

    10. he Beanery on Washington is open Monday-Friday from 5:30 A.M.- 6:00 P.M., 8:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Saturday, and 9:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Sunday.

      This is info we could get from the web site. What times/days is it the busiest? How long should we expect the lines/wait time to be? How hard is it to get a table? Give us the insider info the business may not want to advertise.

    11. fee as well as breakfast sandwiches in a warm, welcoming environment.  

      This is clunky. Try to avoid wrapping text this way, or see my note about moving images to the left of the text.

    12. 181 Washington St, North Easton,

      A google maps link here would be super helpful.

    13. You have a TON of unused white space on the left half. I'll suggest moving your images over to the left and keeping your text on the right. You can use larger images that way and not have to worry about wrapping text around the images.

    14. Skyhawk buzz Eateries & Study Spaces!

      You've got a huge background image, but your title is buried. The subtitle is good, but keep thinking about that title.

    15. The background image screams academic, but not Stonehill or food, particularly. You're on the right track, but keep tinkering with this one.

    1. Categories Uncategorized Weekly

      Consider adding more tags to posts to make them easier to find as you expand the project.

    2. Your overall layout is clean, but not very visually engaging. Could you add to that plain purple background, for example?

    3. what resources Stonehill college

      Discussing, linking to or at least giving an overview of these resources would be a big help. Consider what additional info will make your posts more substantial.

    4. Archives October 2018 September 2018

      I like that you're making it easy to search the archives.

    5. (http://www.ezyshine.com/tips-to-become-a-successful-freelancer/)

      I get where you're going with the photo, but couldn't you recreate this with a camera and make it a bit more student centric?

    1. Get Organized (http://weclipart.com/plan+ahead+clipart) Organization

      I'm noting a double title on your posts but I'm not quite seeing the scheme. You might cut one or clarify how they work together.

    2. (http://weclipart.com/plan+ahead+clipart)

      You might look at other layouts for your graphics. Can you wrap this text next to the image?

    1. About My name is Krista Stracqualursi. I am writing these blogs in order to help Stonehill students like myself to know how to use time management.   Follow me on my twitter page @kstracqualursi

      You're giving us the bare minimum in terms of credibility here. A photo, a little about yourself, anything that makes us feel like you're in this daily struggle with us would help.

    1. Time Management

      This title is practical, but not wowing me. Keep working on it and when you've got a good "brand" announce you're making the switch as a bonus post.