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  1. Jun 2024
    1. Filter bubbles are outside forces that affect the information we take in. But, there's also a lot of stuff going on in our own brains that influences the way we take in and interpret information. This is called confirmation bias.

      I think we all suffer from filter bubbles. However I did not realize this was confirmation bias.

    1. Self-driving cars

      This has come a really far way already. Although when I was in elementary school I did think we would have flying cars by now.

    2. 4 billion people live without internet 2 billion people live without mobile phones

      This number is insane to me. In today's world you would not think there is that many people without phones and internet.

    1. My high school prepared me for college-level research

      This is one thing in particular that my high school did extremely well. Even 5 years later I feel like everything I learned in high school I was very prepared for college.

    2. My professors encourage academic freedom

      A majority of the professors that I have come across encourage academic freedom and allow a safe space to put out your own personal views.

    1. ext and charts are based o

      The statistic in the diagram that it shocking to me is that 60% of the world is offline. That is honestly more than I thought it was.

    2. mage prepared by Natalie Ram

      In the little diagram above it discusses the 6 technologies to watch and AI being one of them. I can recall a few years ago no one even discussed AI and when I entered back into college there were so many policies on using Ai. I really did not even know that some one the features or AI in general existed.

    3. we should all be part of this fight.

      I believe everyone should be apart of the fight for the availability of education. It should not be hard for anyone to access any information and especially education.

    4. We are active users of technology - I am teaching and you are learning online

      I think the ability to online learning at most colleges has improved the number of attendees in college programs. As well as make it more convenient for parents and even people who are unable to attend class in person.

    5. Academic publishing is big business. These companies are making billions of dollars. You've undoubtedly been directly impacted by this; you've likely faced decisions on whether to buy a $100+ textbook that is required for a course

      This is very true. The amount of money that students have to spend on textbooks required for the class is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Although us as students are getting the education we need from the textbook on the back end the publishing company is gaining so much from our purchase.