494 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
    1. Will it be urged that those acquirements would supersede our domestick duties

      Domestic duties. Do we still let domestic duties hinder our educations these days in some cases?

    2. embitters every enjoyment

      I wonder how many women actually felt like this 24/7.

    3. rob us of the power t’improve

      I didn't live back then, so I can't speak emphatically, but I do somewhat feel like this is a pretty lame excuse. If there is a problem, fix it, don't complain about it. (I'm not being sexist guys, calm down, it just seems like a general rule of thumb)

    4. Stupidly dull—they move progressing on— They eat, and drink, and all their work is done

      Harsh words for whoever doesn't share the same beliefs as her. Maybe some women were totally content to be labeled as in superior, (even though they weren't and shouldn't ever have felt in superior) but still it's unrealistic to think that all women would see eye to eye with her.

    5. improve

      interesting choice of words. I know what she means, but still, saying "improve" sort of indicates that there is a flaw... but not technically I suppose.

    1. throw herself away upon the first who approaches her with tenders of love

      Unfortunately this still happens, with both genders, but surely not nearly as much as it used to.

    2. contemptible

      deserving contempt; despicable.

    3. parsimonious

      unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal.

    4. Was she, I say, habituated thus to reflect, she would be taught to aspire; she would learn to estimate every accomplishment, according to its proper value; and, when the voice of adulation should assail her ear, as she had early been initiated into its true meaning, and from youth been accustomed to the language of praise; her attention would not be captivated, the Siren’s song would not borrow the aid of novelty, her young mind would not be enervated or intoxicated, by a delicious surprise, she would possess her soul in serenity and by that means, rise superior to the deep-laid schemes which, too commonly, encompass the steps of beauty.

      This is a really long sentence. I think what she is saying is that she is going to teach her daughter the paralyzing properties of complements and praise. To much praise can render us lazy underachievers. Men don't see them as much, so they will congratulate them for stuff that really isn't that impressive... maybe? I think?

    5. must be your part, my sweet girl, to render yourself worthy respect from higher motives

      I get it, some people are unnattractive because they don't take care of their bodies. But many times people just luck out and get dealt a great set of cards from their parents and are predisposed to be beautiful. But I like that she is emphasizing that the physical beauty isn't everything that matters.

    6. accosted

      approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.

    7. too often impelled to wound the delicacy of youthful sensibility.

      trying to ask more of them than they are ready for?

    8. hyperbolical

      having the nature of hyperbole; exaggerate

    9. expatiate

      speak or write at length or in detail.

    10. nature, not to us inclin’d

      Everything is against them

    11. shoals and depths we meet;

      Perhaps talking about the difficulties women face when they try to stand up next to men as equals?

    12. HE well reflected

      Could be wrong, but my initial guess is that she is saying that men think they are the only ones who can decide what truth is?

    13. unbecoming

      not flattering

    14. debasement

      to lower the value of something

    15. Direct the soul where blooming honor leads;

      self confidence or at least self contentment directs the soul

    16. Self-Complacency

      being satisfied with ones self

    17. Desultory

      lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm

    18. Judith Sargent Murray

      was an early American advocate for women's rights, an essayist, playwright, poet, and letter writer.

    1. except Two which they left to guard us

      only two? come on now

    2. took away all our Arms

      he writes it like it happened without any incident

    3. which if he had done

      Man someone is bitter

    4. we were cast away on Cape-Florida

      aw he was doing so well

    5. he leave of my Master,

      hmm, did the master actually leave? or die? I want to know what he means

    6. Barbarity of the Indians

      even slaves feel the same way about indians.

    1. Where there are no distinctions there can be no superiority, perfect equality affords no temptation.

      starts to sound a bit like socialism

    2. But admitting, that we were all of English descent, what does it amount to? Nothing. Britain, being now an open enemy, extinguishes every other name and title: And to say that reconciliation is our duty, is truly farcical.

      just because we are of english decent does not mean we are obligated to find reconciliation

    3. but it is the nearest and only true way of proving enemyship

      But colonies are only truly united by the mother country? No, this only proves that we have a common enemy.

    4. the sake of trade and dominion.

      Britain has protected us? Only because they are looking out for their own interests, trade dominion.

    5. wound will enlarge with the tree

      they are at a crucial point in history, all their actions now will echo long into history

    6. enlarge his views

      asking them to be genuine seekers of truth rather than just fight for what they already know

    1. colour of the blood

      wow they were really uninformed/stupid

    2. eighteen, and the males twenty-one years

      I wonder why the women are colonized younger

    3. age,

      how is this age determined?

    4. An inhuman practice once prevailed in this country of making slaves of the Indians…

      the old continent?

    5. old continent

      The old continent?

    6. barbarous people

      well... he's not wrong... but he might have the wrong reasons

    7. who he knows will treat him well

      I wonder if they have even the slightest notion that they were themselves sexist towards women at that time.

    8. that he is brave, when an enterprize depends on bravery;

      does he know that though?

    9. hat he is brave, when an enterprize depends on bravery;

      I wonder if he is genuinely praising them for bravery, or sort of implying that they aren't genuinely brave, only brave when they have selfish motives...

    10. whose truth and judgment I can rely.

      I wonder how truthful this information really is

    11. whose truth and judgment I can rely.

      I wonder how truthful this information really is

    1. inordinate

      unusually or disproportionately large; excessive.

    2. destitute

      destitute: adjective without the basic necessities of life.

    3. household economy

      ummm... cleaning?

    4. Where they have not, it should not be attempted

      God forbid someone pursue their passion even with a small disadvantage at first.

    5. that no lady dances after marriage

      Oh heaven forbid

    6. much poetry should not be indulged.

      Oh boy... I'm about to learn how detrimental poetry is...

    7. mass of trash

      he's hating on fiction readings?

    8. subjoin a catalogue of the books for such a course of reading as we have practiced.

      He's going to put together a formal education outline?

    9. become mothers, to educate their own daughters, and even to direct the course for sons

      wow, EVEN help direct the course for their sons? I think most of us can say we wouldn't be anywhere without our moms now...

    10. 1818

      This date confuses me, since the internet seems to unanimously agree that Nathaniel Burwell died in 1814...

    11. Monticello

      Thomas Jefferson's house

    12. Nathaniel Burwell

      Nathaniel Burwell was appointed to the James City County Court, served in the county militia, represented James City County in the House of Delegates (1778–1779), and was elected to the Convention of 1788 to consider the proposed constitution of the United States.

    13. any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, especially rheumatoid arthritis.

    1. Fifty Pounds from the General Assembly of the Province

      These girls sound like they're Fox Force Five

    2. been butchered

      Don't mess with an angry momma bear

    3. Action of Jael upon Sisera

      HAHA! WooHoo! Jael was the definition of a Bible Badass. As I recall, a big bad general of an army was fleeing the fight and demanded that Jael hide him in her tent. He went to sleep, and she took a hammer and tent peg and drove it into his heart while he slept. BOOM.

    4. This was the Fashion

      I see no fashion in nakedness... but that's just me

    5. "What need you Trouble your self? If your God will have you delivered, you shall be so

      it's an understandable question

    6. Tender Mercies are Cruelties

      This is sounding pretty accurate actually

    7. they dash'd out the Brains of the Infant, against a Tree;

      Makes me cringe so hard

    8. Soooo brave

    9. Salvages

      Randomly back to Indians?

    1. It continued very bad for some dayes; and several times since, she has had a great pain in her breast; and been so siezed on her leggs, that she has hardly been able to go.

      So HOLD UP, You're telling me all these things happened to you, but your healed now, and your hands and face are back to normal? Image Description

    2. their Death being such as they could guess at no Natural Reason for.

      I wonder if they were just presenting statistics about their cattles death in a way that made it look like the Witches has something to do with it

    3. Pain in his Side

      must be which craft

    4. several of her own Children had frankly and fully confessed, not only that they were Witches themselves, but that this their Mother had made them so.

      Her own children??? I want to know so much more about this... How old were the kids? how did they claim to be witches? Surely these kids, provided they actually loved their mom like normal kids, were horribly misled

    5. so tortured that every one expected their Death upon the very spot

      just being around her was such torture... Wow these people really milked the act for all it was worth if people thought they were on the verge of dying

    1. PLOT


    2. I will not fear; what can a Satan do unto me!

      He shouldn't, if he feels he is doing what God is calling him too, unless he doesn't believe God is more powerful. Still, brave I suppose.

    3. evil spirit from the Lord

      Since when does a holy lord deploy evil spirits?

    4. .

      I can't stand these run on sentances

    5. Blow over the Face

      Guess thats what you get when you pray that evil spirits would leave your friend alone

    6. Cotton Mather

      Cotton Mather, FRS was a socially and politically influential New England Puritan minister, prolific author, and pamphleteer.

    1. why am I troubled?

      haha yeah seriously. this makes me feel so lame for all the stupid little things i complain about.

    2. And how many such friends have we found, and now living amongst?

      Such a happy ending

    3. received one of our children,

      thats cool that she looks at her niece as her own child

    4. for our poor children,

      Yeah, it would be so hard to recover from a loss like that, and dealing with not knowing whether your other son is dead or alive or if you'll ever see him again

    5. knew it not.

      Maybe a blessing in disguise

    6. but I speak it in the presence of God, and to His Glory.

      She is an inspiration! Her attitude and devotion to God is incredible.

    7. And now God hath granted me my desire.

      Such a woman of faith, attributing all good things to God

    8. send them to Heaven so soon

      They really don't like the english religion it would seem

    9. and not one week passed without the fury of the enemy, and some desolation by fire and sword upon one place or other

      She saw a lot of fighting

    10. one man, woman, or child, die with hunger.


    11. year getting ready

      We take even longer to do things nowadays

    12. track them by their rooting in the earth for ground nuts


    1. I told them, they had as good knock me in head as starve me to death.

      Attagirl. I wonder what they said back to her.

    2. Then I took it of the child, and eat it myself, and savory it was to my taste.

      How old was this child? i'd understand if it's a toddler or so young that they literally couldn't eat the foot... but man just swiping it like that?

    3. taste thereof

      That sure would be frusterating

    4. own sister’s

      What are the odds of that?!

    5. stripped naked, and lying dead upon the ground

      That sure would be unsettling. I wonder if she's becoming desensitized to such things after witnessing so many terrible things

    1. Some of them told me he was dead, and they had killed him; some said he was married again, and that the Governor wished him to marry; and told him he should have his choice, and that all persuaded I was dead.

      Geez, that's really cruel

    2. less than I deserved

      Undying faith. Very impressive.

    3. I recovered my sight again

      Fwew! I'm relieved. I thought the story was about to get even more saturated with complaints. (Usually justified complaints)

    4. speaking of truth.

      He's got to be lying.

    1. no matter if my head were off too.

      HA! Indian's sense of humor.

    2. gave me some ground nuts; she gave me also something to lay under my head

      So kind. Interesting contrasts of how certain indians treat her

    3. Then one of the company drew his sword, and told me he would run me through if I did not go presently

      That's what you get for talking back! (seems a bit extreme though)

    4. my master being gone, who seemed to me the best friend that I had of an Indian,

      Well that's a blessing

    5. she snatched it hastily out of my hand, and threw it out of doors.

      Geez, they really don't like her religion, which is interesting because I'll bet the Indians have never actually read any of it for themselves

    6. sannup

      What is this?

    1. Thus are all you that never passed under a great change of heart by the mighty power of the Spirit of God upon your souls; all that were never born again, and made new creatures, and raised from being dead in sin to a state of new and before altogether unexperienced light and life,

      AT LAST, he actually gives some insight into how to avoid this terrible fate he's been ranting about for the duration of the excerpt.

    2. The bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, and that of an angry God, without any promise or obligation at all, that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood.

      A very good summary of the general point Edwards is making in this excerpt

    3. not sensible of this; you find you are kept out of hell, but don’t see the hand of God in it, but look at other things, as the good state of your bodily constitution, your care of your own life

      "I'm fine on my own, I don't need God"

    4. justice calls aloud for an infinite punishment of their sins

      Infinite, so there is no formula of crime and punishment. what we see as a little sin is no different from a big sin, god sees them all the same

    5. arbitrary will, restrained by no obligation, hindered by no manner of difficulty, any more than if nothing else but God’s mere will had in the least degree or in any respect whatsoever any hand in the preservation of wicked men one moment.

      What he's describing sounds like something we aren't aren't fully capable of understanding.

    6. There is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God.

      So we are screwed on our own? Don't stand a chance unless God pleases to save us?

    7. hold them up in these slippery places any longer

      further supporting that they are not victims of god so much as they are victims of themselves, and God is just pulling back the safety nets

    8. own weight

      God isn't punishing them so much as he is turning them over to their own devices. He's just choosing not to cut them any favors.

    9. sudden, unexpected destruction

      they typically didn't see the vengeance coming. It was always a surprise.

    10. That they were always exposed to destruction; as one that stands or walks in slippery places is always exposed to fall

      All along, bad things were bound to happen just because of where they were "walking", aka how they were living

    11. visible

      Basically his chosen people.

    12. void of counsel, having no understanding in them; and that, under all the cultivations of heaven, brought forth bitter and poisonous fruit;

      God lavished them with blessings, and yet they managed to still screw everything up. Maybe they felt entitled because they were God's chosen people.

    1. my pocket to keep it safe.

      and the cafeteria people give me a hard time when I do this...

    2. and got it away again

      What got away exactly?

    3. saints and sinners

      saints and sinners, such a contrast

    4. none will hurt you

      Speaking english for sure, and wow what kindness

    5. they would kill me

      because her plight is all the Indians fault?

    6. in their sight


    7. that I wept before them

      I do feel bad for her. She's going through so much

    8. and rejoiced over their gains and victories.

      I wonder how effectively they are communicating

    9. pagans

      I wonder if "pagan" held as bad of a connotation back then as it does now. Really all it describes is someone who does not believe what you believe.

    10. my son Joseph unexpectedly came to me

      Wow, didn't see that coming. I wonder how he knew she would be there, or if he knew at all

    1. I told them it was the Sabbath day, and desired them to let me rest, and told them I would do as much more tomorrow; to which they answered me they would break my face.

      I can't blame them much for this. How can she expect them to change their entire schedule for her "crazy english religion"

    2. heir filthy trash

      Show a little appreciation......

    3. be acknowledged as a favor of God

      or perhaps the fact that the rest were taking the miserable position waist deep...

    1. the seven first verses

      Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where the Lord your God drives you, 2 and you return to the Lord your God and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul, 3 that the Lord your God will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where the Lord your God has scattered you. 4 If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under heaven, from there the Lord your God will gather you, and from there He will bring you. 5 Then the Lord your God will bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers. 6 And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.

      7 “Also the Lord your God will put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you, who persecuted you.

    2. heart-cutting word to me

      I can imagine

    3. buried it.

      Definitely for the best

    4. violent means to end my own miserable life

      The thought would have crossed my mind for sure

    5. departed this life

      How absolutely awful. I can't imagine feeling so helpless

    6. wounded me with one hand, so he healed me with the other

      Yeah, teach her a lesson.

    7. Yet the Lord still showed mercy to me, and upheld me

      Even though she missed some sabbaths?!?! Gasp!

    8. behind him,

      If shes riding up against this Indian, I wonder what her thoughts of them are currently. You'd think it would be hard to still see them the same way after all they've done to help

    1. wound

      wish we knew more about these wounds

    2. nd I fell down with it

      Probably should have given the baby back before falling down...

    3. “I shall die, I shall die.”

      Baby is... Talking?

    1. hard

      There was hard?

    2. wounded and bleeding, and our hearts no less than our bodies

      Sounds like they've been through a lot. I wish there was context for these conditions.

    3. barbarous creatures

      Native Americans I'm guessing?

  2. Sep 2015
    1. No man being able to tax him of any thing.


    2. had one at that time.

      Sounds like something out of Pirates of the Caribbean...

    3. Monster of a man


    4. hoft

      This word really means host right?

    5. by accident, they found him.

      By accident? sounds like they were trying to kill him...

    6. To cure the hart opprejl with greife, And of good liquors is the cheife.

      Drink away your problems?

    7. boycs


    8. hanging salvages about their necks,

      Oh my... I hope this isn't literal, although I'll bet it is

    9. Thomas Morton

      Thomas Morton (1579–1647) was an early American colonist from Devon, England, a lawyer, writer and social reformer. He was famed for founding the British colony of Merrymount, located in what is now Quincy, Massachusetts, and for his work studying Native American culture.

    1. derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself

      Very harsh words. If true, then a very large percentage of the world are utter fools.

    2. not more than eight or nine

      Some reports say that anywhere from 120 to 500 people actually saw Jesus, but Paine is correct that very few saw his ascent into heaven

    3. Jesus Christ wrote no account of himself, of his birth, parentage, or anything else.

      However people did take account of what he said in word for word texts.

    4. heathen mythology

      I'm curious to see how he explains this...

    5. I disbelieve them all.

      Very very rare in a time period such as this, when religion controlled so many things.

    6. pretending

      Bold claim, to say that they are "pretending" to have a special mission from God. He's either calling them liars or fools.

    1. Even brutes do not devour their young,

      Britain is a bad parent for turning on their "children" and not letting them "grow up"

    1. play the fools and lie.

      deceive them?

    2. I am obnoxious

      sassy, i like it

    3. My obscure lines shall not so dim their work.

      taking responsibility for making their work known

    1. he hath not left me altogether without the wittnes of his holy spirit

      God has chosen to watch after her even when she wanders?

    2. heart out of order

      She feels wrong when apart from God, but yet struggles to stay with him

    3. many prayers and tears

      More crisis prayer?

    4. But I rendered not to him according to the benefitt received.

      Pretty common. People often don't pray until times of crisis, and then go back to the way they were when the crisis subsides.

    5. anity and the follyes of youth take hold of me.

      pretty normal

    6. This Book by Any yet unread, I leave for you when I am dead, That, being gone, here you may find What was your living mother’s mind. Make use of what I leave in Love And God shall blesse you from above.


    1. T H E


    2. But happiness lies in a higher sphere. Then wonder not, Eliza moves not here.

      She moved on to a happier place?

    3. have women worth, or have they none?

      I find it interesting that a thing such as a queen could even exist with a question like this existing

    4. Was ever people better rul'd than hers? Was ever Land more happy, freed from stirs?


    5. great Queen, thou now in silence lie,

      we certainly don't address people from long ago with the same type of respect.

    1. wearing time shall ne'er deject.

      One of the eternal beauties of writing

    2. recompence.

      Recompense? something redeeming?

    3. One Flesh was call'd, who had her eye On worldly wealth and vanity; The other Spirit,

      so the two sisters are a metaphor for two elements of human nature, the flesh and the spirit

    1. The very thought of any joy arising in me, on any consideration of my own amiableness, performances, or experiences, or any goodness of heart or life, is nauseous and detestable to me.

      Impressive, but makes sense. You can't "will" yourself to be humble. It has to come from within. At this point, it's easier for him to be humble because taking joy in himself is nauseating.

    2. ardency

      having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent

    3. ineffably

      incapable of being expressed or described in words

    4. Matt. 18:3

      Matthew 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

    5. Matt. 18:3

      Matthew 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

    6. I very often think with sweetness, and longings, and partings of soul, of being a little child, taking hold of Christ, to be led by him through the wilderness of this world.

      Child like faith. The same way we look at our parents when we are very little children.

    7. My heart panted after this, to lie low before God, as in the dust; that I might be nothing, and that God might be all, that I might become as a little child.

      Such humility.

    8. Those former delights never reached the heart;

      They were never real. They were superficial pleasures.

    9. Psal. 119:28

      Psalm 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.

    10. vehement

      showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.

    11. pretty much

      pretty much? seems like slightly modern language to be used here

    12. From about that time, I began to have a new kind of apprehensions and ideas of Christ. and the work of redemption, and the glorious way of salvation by him.

      Seeing all the same stuff he's studied his entire life in a new way.

    13. how happy I should be, if I might enjoy that God, and be rapt up to him in heaven, and be as it were swallowed up in him for ever!

      He is finally doing more than just reading the scriptures, he is realizing the personal implications of it

    14. Absolute sovereignty is what I love to ascribe to God. But my first conviction was not so.

      He first did not see God as all powerful and perfectly just

    15. in choosing whom he would to eternal life, and rejecting whom he pleased


    16. but without that kind of affection and delight which I had formerly experienced

      He's not in it for the image anymore

    17. My mind was much engaged in it

      but not his heart. Sounds like he's going through the motions