494 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. “Yes, it’s a million-pounder, as you see; but it never made but one purchase in its life, and then got the article for only about a tenth part of its value.”

      Got to admit, I didn't expect this to be a happy ending

    2. “Papa,


    3. “Oh, you’ll get over it, sweetheart, you’ll get over it; it was only fun, you know. Come, let’s be going.”

      hahaha what a tone

    4. future stay and helpmate

      what a title

    5. character is above reproach,

      so much power in reputation

    6. oh, dear!

      I'll say

    7. Maybe it will teach you not to expect other people to look with your eyes.”


    8. So I loved her all the more, seeing she could be so cheerful when there wasn’t anything to be cheerful about

      noooo nooo my poor dude yo don't understand

    9. What in the nation she could find to laugh about I couldn’t see

      poor guy. Oblivious.

    10. till her hair turned red

      I didn't know hair changed color...

    11. He gripped my hand hard


    12. and she with me

      I'm sure this love is real Yeah, I'm sure their love is just about as real as the love between Kili and Tauriel

    13. My month ended, my employer back from his journey, I should be all right once more

      a little bit of a risky plan...

    14. Because, you see, with all my borrowing, I was carefully keeping within my means – I mean within my salary

      Well, glad he's keeping a budget. I'm not a finance expert, but I've heard even money that big can slip away when you feel that it's limitless

    15. take the seat at his dinner-party that night made vacant by the illness of one of his guests.

      everyone wants to be friends with a millionaire

    16. Within a week I was sumptuously equipped with all needful comforts and luxuries


    17. Sell an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that! Tod’s a fool – a born fool. Always doing something like this. Drives every millionaire away from this place, because he can’t tell a millionaire from a tramp, and never could. Ah, here’s the thing I am after. Please get those things off, sir, and throw them in the fire. Do me the favor to put on this shirt and this suit; it’s just the thing, the very thing – plain, rich, modest,

      this guy sees himself as quite the business man

    18. “My friend, you shouldn’t judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears. I am quite able to pay for this suit; I simply didn’t wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note.”

      sarcasm wasn't the nicest thing, but I can understand why the clerk would assume he's pulling his leg. When you look at the likelihood...

    19. I couldn’t give it away, if I should try, for neither honest citizen nor highwayman would accept it or meddle with it for anything.

      I can see his dilemma

    20. “Give me the change, please.

      did he think this would work....

    21. were not poor enough

      technically discrimination...

    22. English way of settling everything.

      a big generalization, but a funny one

    23. pretended that I hadn’t been thinking about the pear at all.

      don't care so much bro

    24. It was a long and stormy voyage, and they made me work my passage without pay, as a common sailor.

      tough break

    25. nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation

      sure places a lot of stock on reputation...

    1. was the only man in the world who could furnish here any detail of the test-mark—by honourable means.  I have finished.”

      That was super smooth. He must be a great lawyer.

    2. It’s a lie!  It’s an infamous lie!”

      These guys must hate each other right now

    3. Then the house let go, strangers and all.

      I can only imagine...

    4. two frauds—[The Chair.  “Order!”]—which of these two adventurers—[The Chair.  “Order! order!”]—which of these two gentlemen

      wow, they really aren't seeing things as they are

    5. can both have happened to say the very same words to the stranger?  It seems to me—”

      psh wow. No, that is a statistical nightmare

    6. I publicly charge you with pilfering my note from Mr. Burgess and substituting a copy of it signed with your own name.  There is no other way by which you could have gotten hold of the test-remark; I alone, of living men, possessed the secret of its wording.”

      the test was a good idea.

    7. gazed at it with a burning interest, a mouth-watering interest, a wistful and pathetic interest; a minority of nineteen couples gazed at it tenderly, lovingly, proprietarily, and the male half of this minority kept saying over to themselves the moving little impromptu speeches of thankfulness for the audience’s applause and congratulations which they were presently going to get up and deliver.

      so so telling. And strangely resounds with me as being such an accurate representation of how an event like this would actually happen

    8. During that one night the nineteen wives spent an average of seven thousand dollars each out of the forty thousand in the sack—a hundred and thirty-three thousand altogether.

      OH MY. That is a lot for one night

    9. “You were thinking, if a body could only guess out what the remark was that Goodson made to the stranger.” “It’s perfectly true.  I feel guilty and ashamed.  And you?”

      they sort of admit their bad intentions...

    10. and fondled them lovingly

      wow, someone is a little swept away

    11. “How you talk!  Not guilty of it!  Everybody knows he was guilty.” “Mary, I give you my word—he was innocent.”

      What a firm disagreement

    12. a burglar might come at any moment; it is dreadful to be here all alone with it.”

      a burglar in the most honest and upright town... sure

    13. for we are so poor, so old and poor!

      I'll bet they're not really that poor

    14. The old lady was afraid of the mysterious big stranger

      added that he was big, is that part of why she was afraid?

    15. ertainly without caring

      for being the best town, you'd think they'd be more considerate of others

    16. The neighbouring towns were jealous of this honourable supremacy,

      how immature, they should be happy for them and learn from them

    17. the most honest and upright town in all the region round about

      reminds me of Harvey Dent's quote "you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.

    1. waiting for you.

      That was long.

    2. tough pimples

      haha i think he's referring to an alligators bumpy skin?

    3. They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,

      For a guy who seems to love everything, he certainly makes exceptions.

    4. Logic and sermons never convince,

      Here we disagree, I'm only convinced by logic and take very little stock in feelings. In my experience, feelings are constantly changing and are unpredictable and often wavering. It seems silly to base beliefs off something as shaky as feelings. We need to operate based off what we know as fact, not what we feel

    5. red marauder,

      Native American???

    6. The day getting ready for me when I shall do as much good as the best, and be as prodigious;

      did that day ever come? would he have said it came?

    7. I seize the descending man and raise him with resistless will, O despairer, here is my neck, By God, you shall not go down! hang your whole weight upon me.

      Man, some of this stuff is just really hard to wrap my head around. I feel like this is the kind of stuff that I would find in a short, deep, meaningful poem that's only half a page. Then I would be able to try to focus more on each part and try to take it apart, but this song is just so long, it's honestly really hard to read it so analytically.

    8. Man or woman, I might tell how I like you, but cannot,

      I approve of this a lot

    9. The hundred and fifty are dumb yet at Alamo,)

      implying that those who died at the Alamo were dumb?

    10. I am an old artillerist, I tell of my fort’s bombardment, I am there again.

      he uses so much illustration and metaphors it's overwhelming

    11. Storming, enjoying, planning, loving, cautioning, Backing and filling, appearing and disappearing, I tread day and night such roads.

      day and night, so in his dreams?

    12. long dumb voices,

      he can't be digging on himself...

    13. liquid trees!

      i don't get this...

    14. I know I am deathless,

      except you're dead now...

    15. picturesque giant and love him

      not because he's a giant, but because he just is

    16. The beards of the young men glisten’d with wet, it ran from their long hair, Little streams pass’d all over their bodies.


    17. dumbly smoking

      Haha! calls smoking dumb, i like it, seems a little less like his style though

    18. I saw the marriage of the trapper in the open air in the far west, the bride was a red girl,

      Is he talking about a native american?

    19. I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.

      How do you know this if you've never died?

    20. Has any one supposed it lucky to be born?

      yes i do!

    21. Or I guess the grass is itself a child, the produced babe of the vegetation.

      sounding very hippie

    22. go bathe and admire myself.

      if he can do this without becoming cocky, then props to him

    23. Clear and sweet is my soul, and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul.

      starting to sound like a hippie

    24. I am in love with it,

      I can very much relate, all you english majors really should check out adventure education

    25. Hoping to cease not till death.

      This is why retirement shouldn't be what it looks like these days. Retirement shouldn't really exist as just an excuse to be lazy and unproductive, keep doing something!

    26. CELEBRATE myself

      if we all did this, the would would be a different place, but im really having a hard time picturing it... would it be a little too good?

    1. hen did Goodman Brown turn pale

      real or not, his perspective is forever changed

    2. “Faith! Faith!” cried the husband. “Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One!

      good advice

    3. loathful brotherhood

      what an idea

    4. My Faith is gone!” cried he, after one stupefied moment

      is he just now realizing this?

    5. switch.

      part of a plant or tree?

    6. You will think better of this by-and-by


    7. refused to go any farther

      good move, will he stick with it?

    8. the traveller

      interesting that they still call him that

    9. state-secrets.”

      so of course im telling you

    10. Take my staff, if you are so soon weary.”

      offering sin perhaps?

    11. bearing a considerable resemblance to him

      wonder if this is foreshadowing

    12. in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree

      woah, he was just talking about something like this

    1. good Mr. Hooper’s

      at the end they call him good again, interesting

    2. Tremble also at each other!

      finally telling them how it is

    3. Dark old man!” exclaimed the affrighted minister, “with what horrible crime upon your soul are you now passing to the judgment?”

      he just buttered him up for so long to try to get him to take it off, then promptly calls him a dark old man

    4. On earth, never

      he's waiting for heaven?

    5. venerable

      great word

    6. “Yea,” said he, in faint accents, “my soul hath a patient weariness until that veil be lifted.”

      so close!!!

    7. he still showed an awful solicitude lest the black veil should slip aside

      this guy is so devoted

    8. election sermon.

      why don't we have those anymore haha

    9. so that love or sympathy could never reach him.

      how terrible, they didn't even make an effort

    10. he should be

      more like he should be scared of you terrible people

    11. Never

      never? that sure is commitment, I'd think he might talk such a thing over with his fiance

    12. “Your words are a mystery, too

      she's being honest

    13. entered upon the subject with a direct simplicity

      about time somebody did

    14. horror

      I wonder how he sees himself, I mean judging by this it seems like he fears his appearance, but he's the one doing it to himself, it seems strange to be afraid of yourself based on something you're consciously doing

    15. superstitious

      wow, if this isn't telling i dont know what is

    16. It was now an appropriate emblem.

      but heaven forbid he wear it any other time...

    17. “How strange,” said a lady, “that a simple black veil, such as any woman might wear on her bonnet, should become such a terrible thing on Mr. Hooper’s face!”

      yep crazy isn't it

    18. sagacious

      having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.

    19. something awful, only by hiding his face

      wow, that escalated quickly

    20. though still a bachelor

      sort of, i mean what about elizabeth

    21. good Parson Hooper

      Lets see how long they call him good

    1. his hair is most unusual

      took long enough!

    2. This may be the practice in law, but it is not the usage of reason

      right on!!!

    3. The police are entirely at fault—an unusual occurrence in affairs of this nature. There is not, however, the shadow of a clew apparent.

      Police are at fault because they can't solve it?

    4. woman

      I'd probably lean towards that as well, but geez not 100% ruling it out

    5. separated from the body, and was also greatly shattered

      SO GROSS

    6. It was not possible to say how the injuries had been inflicted.

      I'm glad they realize this

    7. excoriated

      damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin)

    8. hird day before her death, when she took out in person the sum of 4000 francs.


    9. Knew Madame L. and her daughter. Had conversed with both frequently.

      this is odd sentence structure

    10. foreigner

      like i said, risky assumption

    11. positive

      risky assumption

    12. considerable distance.

      wonder how they were able to get up so far and get her

    13. métal d’Alger

      metal something?

    14. Stereotomy

      Stereotomy is the set of geometrical knowledge and techniques of drawing and cutting the blocks of stone and their assembly into complex structures related to architectural construction

    15. Xerxes et id genus omne

      how would one go about fixing this...

    16. quondam

      that once was; former.

    17. Théâtre des Variétés.”

      Why is this like this?

    18. I there became acquainted with a Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin.

      Wait, is the story actually starting now?

    19. The best chess-player in Christendom may be little more than the best player of chess; but proficiency in whist implies capacity for success in all those more important undertakings where mind struggles with mind

      stop hating on chess man, it's just a game

    20. —Sir Thomas Browne

      Sir Thomas Browne was an English polymath and author of varied works which reveal his wide learning in diverse fields including science and medicine, religion and the esoteric

    1. Swooning

      What a great word

    2. rapped heavily

      why? just so you could laugh on the inside?

    3. hideous murder accomplished, I set myself forthwith, and with entire deliberation, to the task of concealing the body

      He knows its hideous, but expresses no sorrow and immediately goes about covering it up

    4. only endeared it to my wife

      if only she didn't love the thing so much she wouldn't have tried to stop him from killing it and she'd still be alive

    5. This had probably been done with the view of arousing me from sleep

      CLEARLY. It's just that simple.

    6. The curtains of my bed were in flames.

      This is interesting. We never find out exactly how the fire starts, but we know there is a connections between the fire and the cat, interesting that it was his drapes that caught fire. Is there any symbolism, or significance that it was the curtains of his bed?

    7. consummate

      He's so bugged by his actions, rather than deal with them, he's going to wipe them off the face of the earth

    8. I again plunged into excess, and soon drowned in wine all memory of the deed.

      Vicious cycle

    9. regarded all black cats as witches in disguise

      "Let me throw this in there, just cuz it's gonna seem pretty creepy later"

    10. expect nor solicit belief.

      Nobody's gonna believe my crazy story, mainly cuz i'm crazy

    1. regret the untimely fate of the lovely Charlotte Temple

      serves him right, Its boggling to me that he cared so much once it was too late

    2. perfidy

      In the context of war, perfidy is a form of deception in which one side promises to act in good faith (e.g., by raising a flag of truce) with the intention of breaking that promise once the enemy has exposed themselves (e.g., by coming out of cover to capture the "surrendering" enemy).

    3. joy passed across

      horribly sad, but I can understand that she probably felt more joy in that instant than she had in a very long time. She loves her parents tremendously, and loves her child more than anything, so seeing the two of them together, knowing that her child will have a good life, must be incredible

    4. and bless your dying

      asking for his blessing? I assume?

    5. I feel I have but little longer to combat with the shafts of affliction

      Sounds self defeating a bit

    6. THE reader of sensibility may perhaps be astonished to find Mrs. Crayton could so positively deny any knowledge of Charlotte

      I'll say...

    7. I fear I shall never hear from him again

      Yes, what a shame it is that he will never be in your life again

    8. few remaining days

      As if she knew...

    9. “Oh, shall we not forgive the dear penitent?” said Mrs. Temple. “We must, we will, my love; she is willing to return, and ’tis our duty to receive her.

      I understand she really let them down, but geez, its more than just duty

    10. whom I can unburthen my full heart

      I mean, yeah, another girl would be nice, probably ideal, but it's not like it has to be another lady or nothing

    11. You are not happy, Charlotte


    12. reflexions

      interesting spelling

    13. the hated Montraville.

      hahaha i like it

    14. who almost idolized her

      maybe thats why she cares so much about pleasing people

    15. kill me, for pity’s sake kill me


    16. from this instant our connexion is at an en

      that sure was fast. good talk

    17. verlasting leave of her;

      wow, she has put up with so much crap from him and stayed and then he hears one negative thing about her that he doesn't even have evidence for, and he's already ready to leave her

    18. of regard to you

      oh what a gentlemen

    19. forgiveness

      You made a mistake, but at this point i'd be surprised if people really hold it against her, she's definitely suffered the consequences

    20. once kind

      You don't know that she's not still kind

    21. she still loved with the utmost tenderness,

      Told ya so

    22. Can neither peace nor comfort find, Nor friend whereon to rest

      leave girl! the whole thing was a mistake in the first place. Sad that she really doesn't see women as able to make such decisions

    23. and I will sit by

      shes too good to him

    24. villain

      At least he knows it

    25. woman of fashion; her complexion was a clear brown, enlivened with the glow of health, her eyes, full, black, and sparkling, darted their intelligent glances through long silken lashes; her hair was shining brown, and her features regular and striking

      this sure is descriptive, really giving the reader a lot to work with when picturing her

    26. peculiar pleasure

      Cuz jewels are all she wants

    27. accident.

      Oh boy... accident alright...

    28. mourn her disappointment.

      I wonder how long it takes before she catches on that hes not going to change

    29. entirely occupied his time

      If he doesn't have time for her, she obviously isnt a priority

    30. the daughter whom you so dearly loved, a poor solitary being, without society

      i don't think her parents have stopped loving her...

    1. Vengeance is mine and I will repay i

      Holding out hope that God will pay them back for their cruelty? I wonder if they think that means while they are still alive on earth or if the payback will just be eternity in hell

    2. yet you are not deprived of the means of meditation

      interesting, makes you wonder exactly what an education does for us. Does it give us common sense? good judgement? I don't think so...

    3. bear up under all our troubles

      Almost sounds like a cop out, like their giving up fighting and would rather just deal with it

    4. This minister of Jesus Christ did not think himself too good to receive the hand, and ride in the chariot with a black man in the face of da

      he didn't, he preached to love your neighbor and your enemy, but it is funny that I don't have any memory of this exact instance ever happening in the bible... but hey its a big book

    5. law-giver, Moses,

      man they sure do make a lot of religious references, lots more than they do today

    1. which I had enjoyed in my whole life put together.

      I respect her but man she sounds like shes on drugs here

    2. I seemed to myself to perceive a glow of divine love

      odd metaphor

    1. bad to worse

      I'll say

    2. Now the priest would not let the people manufacture prayer offerings

      seems strange for a priest to disallow prayer

    3. fought right and left but was soon overpowered

      im surprised he was able to hold them back at all, and especially surprised he was able to kill the cheif

    1. Lord and Superior of all the men in the world, that all should obey him, and that he should be the head of the whole Human Race

      yeah OKAY, God tells everyone that He is their ruler and that they should obey him but then he says nah actually obey this guy peter

    2. he Lord our God, Living and Eternal, created the Heaven and the Earth, and one man and one woman, of whom you and we, all the men of the world at the time, were and are descendants, and all those who came after and before us.

      sounds like a preacher, perhaps with an agenda

    1. throw stones with slings, making threats of shooting arrows

      interesting that they throw stones, but not arrows. I guess they don't want to kill them, even though clubs and stones certainly could

    2. Governor

      Which governor?

  2. Nov 2015
    1. Agonies are one of my changes of garments, I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person, My hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on a cane and observe.

      Sort of reminds me of Rev. Hooper, taking on the sins of the town, Whitman doesn't ask how the injured person feels, because that emphasizes the disconnect between the two of them, but he becomes the injured person, and is able to wear their pain like someone wears clothes.


      chapter 2 and 3 summary: Charlotte's father, (Henry) is a good guy. Blakenly asks Henry to consider the poor situation of Mr. Eldridge, who is stuck in prison after a very unfortunate incident between where eldridge borrowed money from someone named george but then kicked george out of his house, and therefore george asked for the money back early, and eldridge could not pay and was put in jail

  3. Oct 2015
    1. slipped a letter he had purposely written, into Charlotte’s hand, and five guineas into that of Mademoiselle, who promised she would endeavour to bring her young charge into the field again the next evening.


    2. I will return to Portsmouth and think no more about her.

      at least he's trying to be noble

    3. having therefore spent three whole days in thinking on her and in endeavouring to form some plan for seeing her

      boys got a serious crush

    4. I shall rest satisfied in the purity of my own intentions, and if I merit not applause, I feel that I dread not censure.

      saying that she knows she might not become famous, and she might be censured, but she knows she had good intentions and is right

    5. snares not only of the other sex,

      she really doesn't seem to like men very much, or maybe she doesn't dislike men so much as she dislikes the things they do

    6. ircumstances on which I have founded this novel were related to me

      so this novel is based on the life of some other lady named Charlotte, and the little details have been changed

    7. Susanna Rowson

      Susanna Rowson, née Haswell was a British-American novelist, poet, playwright, religious writer, stage actress, and educator

    1. I mean to bend the whole of my artillery against those supposed proofs, which you have from thence provided, and from which you have formed an intrenchment apparently so invulnerable

      "excuse me, but I'm going to take you down"

    2. O thou genius of my sex

      HA! Am I reading this right? Because if I am, it's a sass bomb

    3. taught to fill up time rationally

      man we sure are bad at this

    4. sensibility, soft compassion, and gentle commiseration

      I'm glad she's not trying to say that men and women are the "same". Of coarse every person is different, but women are often more compassionate and gentle, which is a wonderful thing. The world would be a much harsher place without these traits. I'm glad she recognizes that differences are not inherently bad

    5. the ornamenting our exteriour ought to be the principal object of our attention;

      Still a big object of attention

    6. thus unassisted, have seized the wreath of fame.

      She's right. It really is crazy that the women's rights movement didn't happen sooner

    7. Pity that all such censurers of female improvement do not go one step further, and deny their future existence; to be consistent they surely ought.

      WOW such sass its so impressive