9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. What do you think is the most important action the United States should take to help older Americans?

      Set up a system similar to other countries that allow older people to get financial aid from the government on expenses like hospital visits and treatment like chemotherapy.

    1. Do you think the negative view of older people that is often found in our society is an unfair stereotype, or do you think there is actually some truth to this stereotype?

      I believe there are some truths to the stereotype but not every older person fits into the stereotypes we've created. My great grandma was 98 years old and would still cut her grass and do house hold chores without much difficulty.

    2. For all these reasons, they shied away from friendships with men.

      what about men? Women out live me and the research shown gives data about women's relationships with their community. Do men try to reach out and create relationships with their community? If not is it because they see it as they don't need to? Older generations of men have always used phrases like, "toughen up" or "be a man". This makes me believe that some older men feel that they shouldn't reach out and form relationships because they don't need to or they'll tough out whatever mental health issues they're battling related to emotion.

    1. As our nation and the world both “gray,” what do you think is the most important problem that will stem from the increasing number of older people?

      A decline in the work force. Older people cannot work forever and in some aspects the work force and taxes help older people financially.

    2. The average African American male will die almost 11 years earlier than the average white

      other than poverty and inequality what causes African Americans to have a lower life expectancy? White men and women can fall into poverty, but what allows them to live longer than African Americans? If we were to take inequality out of the equation would they live just as long as white Americans.

    1. Which theory of aging—disengagement theory, activity theory, or conflict theory—makes the most sense to you? Why?

      Both theories make sense to me, but some older people may have an easier time living with the disengagement theory while others may find more success in aging with the activity theory. if an older person is able to work they should, but if they are not in shape to do so they should not.

    1. The text states that the perception of aging in the United States is not very positive. What do you think accounts for this?

      I feel that society see older people as unable to do everyday tasks and be apart of the workforce. Commercials shown on TV show older people prone to accidents like falling or less able to get around their living area, these commercials promote products to help older people around the house or prepare for falls.

    2. Think about an older person whom you know. To what extent has this person experienced psychological aging? To what extent has this person experienced social aging?

      My grandfather came to my mind when I read this questions. He has dementia and its very frustrating for our family, he doesn't leave the house and seems very grumpy and controlling. Is there any way to prevent dementia by taking better care of ourselves in our younger years, this could be our diet, increase in physical activities or even mental exercise?

    1. What do you think is the worst or most serious problem facing the US elderly? Explain your answer.

      I believe one of the roots to the problems elders face in the US is a poor diet. Health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes can be linked to a poor diet.