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  1. Feb 2022
    1. This is very cumbersome because it depends on seven variables. Also, it is likely that without much care, a change in the units such as going from meters to feet would result in an incorrect value for 𝑙ll. The way to get around this problem is to look for 𝑙ll as a function of dimensionless variables multiplied by something which has units of force. It is helpful because first of all, you will likely have fewer independent variables and secondly, you could expect the formula to hold independent of the way of specifying length, mass and so forth.

      Cubersome meaning: difficult to read, difficult to use. What I understood from this text is that one shouldn't rely soley on "𝑙=𝑓(𝐴,𝐡,πœƒ,𝑉,𝑉0,𝜌,πœ‡)". We should also take notice of 'dimensionless variables'. This is my first time hearing (technically reading) this term. So, what are dimensionless variables? Apparently, it is a, "...unitless value produced by (maybe repeatedly) multiplying and dividing combinations of physical variables, parameters, and constants." Though, I am having trouble relating this to the problem in solving.

      Creating Efficient Graphs With Dimensionless Variables