77 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2016
    1. Value choices are attributed to theFounding Fathers, not to the Court.

      only they can know for sure what the original intent of the constitution was

    2. Society consents to be ruled undemocratically within defined areasby certain enduring principles believed to be stated in

      Our version of democracy. Not a democracy though, but a republic

    3. dilemma is resolved in constitutional theory, and inpopular understanding, by the Supreme Court's power to define bothmajority and minority freedom through the interpretation of the Constitu-tion.

      But what about how the judges interpret the consitution. What is a judge? Is it a white, old man? are they a part of the majority? in some cases no, but in a lot of cases yes

    4. neither the majority nor the minority can be trusted tb define the freedomof the other.


    5. majorities

      They exist.

    6. never neutral because it embodies a choice of one value rather thananother

      Biased to one's ideas/objective

    7. Warren Court

      He is known for the sweeping decisions of the Warren Court, which ended school segregation and transformed many areas of American law. The Warren Court refers to the Supreme Court of the United States between 1953 and 1969

    8. when is authority legitimate?

      Judicial review? when is it allowed? Can it be biased?

    9. how constitutional doctrine should be evolved by courts a step or twofarther.


    10. establish the necessity for theory


    11. constitutional law is its lack oftheory

      What about it lacks theory? biased?

    12. Neutral Principles and Some First AmendmentProblems

      What are Neutral Principles?

  2. Mar 2016
    1. Use Wikipedia to get a sense of the topic and identify addi-tional search terms.2.Use Google to get a broader sense of the topic as well as verify information and test out search terms you found in Wikipedia.3.Search Google again using quotation marks around your “search terms” to manage the number of results and identify more useful search terms.4.Search Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) to apply the search terms in an environment of mostly academic and professional resources.5.Do a limited search of “recent results or “since 2000” on Google Scholar to manage the number of results and identify the most current resources.6.Search your college’s library research databases using your college library’s web portal: to apply the search terms in an environment of the most trusted academic and professional resources.7.Focus your search within at least one general academic data-base such as Academic Search Premier, Proquest Complete, Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe, or CQ Researcher to apply the search terms in a trusted environment and manage the number of results.8.Do a limited search by year and “full text” returns using the same general academic database(s) you used in step 7 to reduce the number of results and identify the most current resources.

      Steps to take when beginning your research, which can begin with Googlepedia. Overall, use googlepedia as a starting point to begin formulating your own perspective of a topic or your own idea/thesis

    2. “[Y]ou are going to use [Google and] Wikipedia as a source for writing assign-ments regardless of cautions against [them]

      Rational Choice: no obvious cost in using it

    3. In just a single one-hour-long preliminary research session, Susan and Edward were able to utilize the research behaviors they were com-fortable with, were encouraged to continue starting their research in Googlepedia, and learned to remix their behaviors inside the online library.

      How the problem was fixed to incorporate their comfortability with the internet and apply it correctly to doing research

    4. Edward and Susan: Remix

      The students if they adapt to the criticism made by the author!!! A what if?

    5. For Susan, I suggest that she too construct a rebuttal argument and that she use the search string “outsourcing statistics” to explore sources

      Suggestions for susan

    6. Based on their Googlepedia research to this point, I suggest to Ed-ward that he construct his essay as a rebuttal argument and that he use the search terms “outsourcing” and “corporate responsibility” to explore sources available to him from the library.

      suggestions for when Edward conducts his research using googlepedia or anything similar to the database

    7. Despite my concerns, and perhaps your own, their Googlepedia-based research process can provide the terms they need to complete the research in more sound and productive ways, and the process can be easily replicated in an online library.

      Googlepedia can be used as research

    8. Yes, I am concerned that Susan doesn’t recognize that you can find two or three sources on the Web that agree on just about anything, no matter how crazy that thing might be. Yes, I am concerned that Susan opts out of forming an argument that she truly believes in. Yes, I am concerned that both Susan and Edward trust information so quickly and fail to see a need to question their sources.

      Concerns for how student's go about doing research

    9. Track Your Research/Give Props

      Annotated bibliography help track your research because you can write down your thoughts as to the significance of the source to the topic and how you plan to use it in the research paper... Wonder who uses that same reasoning for his class?

    10. building your understanding of writing academic arguments.

      His possible solution

    11. There are two concerns with Susan’s research at this point: (1) her rush to research and (2) her rush to judgmen

      Want to get it done, so she rushes her research and her argument

    12. Improve your research by attempting at least a handful of Web searches using different key terms.

      Do not just use one word for your topic; try using synonymous words or common keywords to find multiple perspectives of a topic

    13. Susan needs to understand why being overly reliant on sources uncovered early on in the research process is a prob-lem

      Like Hoskins says, if you input crap, you export crap also

    14. Susan and Edward have done just that for me, and I hope you have learned a little from them, too.

      Full circle, by using the examples of the students, to show how he helped them learn a few things that he hopes can help the student body audience as well

    15. Working through the research process as we have in this chapter, we are moving away from the research process to a combi-nation of our process

      We need to use both sources like googlepedia (for background) and libraries and teachers for aid!

    16. Susan Blum notes that “if we want to teach students to comply with academic norms of [research], it may be helpful to contrast their ordi-nary textual practices—rich, varied, intersecting, constant, ephemeral, speedy—with the slower and more careful practices required in the academy” (16)

      They say... students can benefit from gaining an appreciation for the slower practices of finding resources (library?)

    17. Unlike Edward, Susan is not concerned with engaging in a debate on the subject of outsourcing, regardless of her opinions on it. Susan views the assignment as I think many students would, another “get it done” research paper. Further, she believes the majority opinion, at least as it is discussed in the initial source she locates, should be heropinion in her essay. Susan explains, “I tend to take the side that I think I can make the stronger argument for . . . If it was a personal issue or an issue I was really interested in, like abortion, I wouldn’t do this. This topic doesn’t affect me though.”

      First was the similarity between the two, but now is the difference! Rather then want to understand the sides of a topic, she just wants to finish the paper, so she goes with the majority opinion. She has no incentive to look at more views of the topic because it has no effect on her.

    18. “Currency: The timeliness of the information.”•“Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.”•“A u t h o r i t y: The source of the information.”•“Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the informational content.”•“Purpose: The reason the information exists.” (Meriam Library)

      Criteria for a source to be viable for research... students tend to not take these factors into account when choosing to use the source for their research

    19. Like Edward, Susan is not (initially) concerned about the credibil-ity of the text (author’s credentials, source, sponsoring/hosting website, URL or domain, etc.); she appears only concerned with the informa-tion itself.

      Important comparison to overall students!

    20. However, analyze them as closely as you would a printed source.

      Visuals can also be non-crediable... just because its a graph or a map does not mean it is viable for the research... may be genralized or use confusing wording to confuse the reader

    21. usan’s information behavior shows how attract-ed we all are to visuals

      individuals are attracted to visuals! Mainly on the first few pages... too much work to look through more than a few pages

    22. As Susan types in the term “outsourcing,” Google as a search

      By typing one word, google creates possible topics of interest

    23. Susan begins her research where most students do, on Google.

      Google is the easiest way to start because anything can be searched in this immense database!

    24. It is not that the library and databases are a hassle or the library is an uncomfortable space, but I can get this research done in bed.”

      His point: it is easy and accessible... good enough

    25. Know as much as you can about your source and do your best to present his or her credentials in your writ-ing.


    26. Viewed one way, Edward is trying to establish the credibility of his source. However, he doesn’t dig deep enough or perhaps is too easily convinced.


    27. Analysis: Understanding the credentials of the author or source is particularly important in conducting sound academic re-search and especially during the age of the open Web.

      One must understand how reliable and credible the writer of the source is when taking it into account when used in one's research. if someone is unable to recognize a uncredible author, it can cause one's writing to become unrealiable

    28. Edward, Susan, and Googlepedia

      For this section, he goes through the process of each student. The author points out the issues they face or have, offer an explanation to the issue and why it occurs, and then offers a solution or a "recommendation."

    29. Let your research help focus your thinking.

      Like hoskins says, let your research help find your focus. that why you do research on a topic before focusing your question and creating a thesis for you essay

    30. Edward’s reliance on Wikipedia at this point is still not a concern. He is starting to link out to other resources, just as you should do.

      Edward is beginning to show progress in his development, but he still needs more work to improve his research skills more... He needs to think more critically and creativly about the topic in question and explore the topic more.

    31. Though he seems to identify a research focus, corporate re-sponsibility, and working thesis

      The three crucial components the author defined

    32. After our brief discussion to flush out his process in conducting


    33. Even though Edward acknowledges that the source of the “Bogeyman” text is the journal Business Week, for example, he admits selecting the text based on the title alone, claiming “I don’t read [Business Week], so I can’t judge the source’s quality.”

      Did not care about what the topic was about; rather, he just cares about the interesting title behind the information

    34. Recommendation: Deepen your understanding. Formulate a working thesis. Reread the pages as Edward has done here. This is recursive preliminary research, a process that will strengthen your research and your writing

      Steps he recommends students take when beginning their research

    35. Analysis

      analysis of the issue and how the views of the teachers and librarians are explained by the students. Giving the students a reason to use googlepedia, but not in the way the students use it

    36. Wikipedia. To use it as a starting point, not a final destination.

      Use it as background, or, as the author says, presearch.

    37. Edward

      Edward, however, uses Wikipedia as his primary research outlet, and he does not care about where the information comes from; instead, he chooses his topics of research based on the most interesting.

    38. Edward, Susan, and Googlepedia

      The author uses two students to see how they do research through Google and Wikipedia. Both methods used by each of the students has its flaws.

    39. In the end, their Googlepedia research hurt not only their writing, but also their credibility as journalists.

      THIS IS THE POINT!!!!! CLAIM... by using this research source as their only form of research, their credibility and authenticity of their writing is severely damaged

    40. searching in Wikipedia or Google•power browsing quickly through websites for ideas and quotes•cutting-and-pasting information from the Web into one’s own writing without providing proper attribution for it•viewing information as free, accurate, and trustworthy•treating online information as equal to print information

      Issues that professionals and educators find to be damaging to their development of research skills

    41. Fitzgerald posted his fake quote on Wikipedia within hours of the composer’s death, and later found that several newspaper outlets had picked up and published the quote, even though the administrators of Wikipedia recognized and removed the bogus post.

      By posting fake things, the readers that choose to use this as support or sources of their reading can lead to hurt the follower's writing... Monkey see, monkey do!

    42. The Wikipedia Hoax

      Vague title... What is this?

    43. By mirroring what writers do with Googlepedia and building on that process, this essay will significantly improve your research skills

      The significance of mirroring the student's process in doing research using googlepedia, the essay will improve their research techniques to help them acquire the new skills that are crucial for their lives

    44. I first acknowl-edge what you already do when conducting research

      What is that?

    45. “We [teachers] need to recognize that our students enter our [college] classrooms with their own experiences as users of informa-tion” (265)

      his point: students come into the college environment, used to using google and wikipedia to access and get their information.

    46. Despite the fact that it would

      Connector to the previous paragraph

    47. I believe we all are immersed and comfortable in the information world created by Googlepedia, yet there is much more to research than this.

      This is his claim and opinion. In addition, he explains that we have become used to going with what is easy and accessible!

    48. Howeve


    49. The concept of presearch is an important one for this chapter; Ed-ward’s reliance on Wikipedia and Susan’s reliance on Google are not research crutches, but useful presearch tools

      They should serve as background. Not the actual arguments and support. They have potential to be useful. Don't think of these websites as useless, rather as a way to help start up your brain (get your thoughts rolling)

    50. Wikipedia brings ideas together on a single page as well as provides an accompanying narrative or summary that writers are often looking for during their research, particularly in the early stages of it.

      Can be used as a background source

    51. The suggestion by Head and Eisenberg that many students go to Google and Wikipedia first, and that many of them go to these websites in order to get a sense of the big picture (11), is confirmed in the advice offered by Purdy when he writes that Wikipedia allows you to “get a sense of the multiple aspects or angles” on a topic (209).

      This is proved because of this

    52. Alison J. Head and Michael Eisenberg from Project Information Literacy report from their interviews with groups of students on six college campuses that “Wikipedia was a unique and indispensible research source for students . . . there was a strong consensus among students that their research process began with [it]”

      Academic source used to prove the argument that it cannot be stopped entirely

    53. Still, the


    54. Wikipedia and Google are so much a part of the research process for writers today that to ignore their role and refuse to work with these tools seems ludicrous.

      Connect to thesis. People have intergrated these research outlets to the point that it has become important to use and cannot be stopped. People should use these websites in addition to professional resources (library resources) to get a full perspective on the issue. It is impossible to dismiss these two websites

    55. “information is trustworthy and useful because, over time, many, many people have contributed their ideas, thoughts, passions, and the facts they learned both in school and in the world”

      But what about those that do not understand the information as much as others, or have different/abnormal perspectives on an issue? Individuals may believe that it is better to get a full circle idea, but there are people that have "ridiculous" ideas

    56. reliability

      This is why people are skeptical about websites like wikipedia

    57. I admit that finding information quickly and effort-lessly is certainly alluring

      Why students use these websites!

    58. In short, information literacy is a set of skills you need to understand, find, and use information.

      Summary of the idea, while connecting it to his thesis!

    59. The American Library Association (ALA) and the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL

      Academic source

    60. In doing so, I include comments from Susan and Edward on developing their exist-ing information behaviors into academic research skills, and I offer questions to help you consider your own information behaviors and research skills.


    61. this chapter shows you why that’s not true and why the resources provided by your school library are still much more effective for conducting research

      I say

    62. While Susan and Edward find Googlepedia to be “good enough” for conducting research,

      They say

    63. Therefore, my goal in this chapter is to suggest a blended research process that begins with the initial tendency to use Google and Wikipedia and ends in the university library

      Thesis... "throughout this essay" format!!!

    64. Please understand that I do not plan to dismiss the use of what I call “Googlepedia” in seeking information

      By saying this, it is a transition to show that these sources that seem unreliable, may not be necessarily.

    65. I trace in this chapter the early research decisions of two first year composition students, Susan and Edward, one who begins research in Google and another who starts in Wikipedia.

      Exhibit? Evidence?