7 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. idemiolog

      acknowledges the crisis!!!!! and provides data :') from the CDC- reputable?!

    2. Heroin-assisted treatment

      interesting they brought up the controversial topic of treatment for people who are addicted--- in European countries who prioritize their people, has shown to be cost effective

    3. 118A>G variant

      maybe it's because I have no idea what there terms are, and even if I read the descriptions it seems like a complicated topic, but I feel like the curators of this page threw in a bunch of definitions from the medical textbooks or encyclopedias they used. For wiki, this is actually impressive, but for people who are looking for a quick and easy explanation might be thrown off.

    4. Mechanis

      breaks down the key factors behind the opioid disorder

    5. igns and symptom

      this information seems to be more for readers who are seeking to self-diagnose themselves and want a quick and easy list to see if they fit in or if someone they know might fit

    6. .

      use > increased tolerance > withdrawal > addiction/dependence

    7. Opioid use disorder is a medical condition characterized by a problematic pattern of opioid use that causes clinically significant impairment or distress

      defines term, phrases it as a disorder