7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. to help to manage care

      If I continue on with business (capitalism) manage care means improve efficiency - not provide the best care possible for each and every patient.

    2. Hospitals and insurers use the algorithm

      While the words are hospitals and insurers shouldn't we it really say businesses whose bottom line is to make a profit use algorithms.

  2. Sep 2017
    1. Third Space

      I don't know if this will bear out but for me a Third Space has a slightly different context.

      My graduate work is a combination of marketing at ASU and educational technology at BSU.

      Third Space in the marketing literature comes out of Bowling Alone http://bowlingalone.com/ and how the white middle and working class moved away from neighborhoods and into suburbia. Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. New York: Simon & Schuster.

      and also Oldenburg , R. (1989). The great good place. New York: Marlowe & Company. https://www.pps.org/reference/roldenburg/ who wrote about what what essentially was the setting for the Cheers.



      In educational technology, online learning and especially research in game based learning

      Online learning communities are looked at as third spaces or third places. There's been a bit written about this especially in the MMO World of Warcraft.

      Steinkuehler, C. A., & Williams, D. (2006). Where everybody knows your (screen) name: Online games as “third places.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication , 11(4), 885–909. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2006.00300.x


  3. Aug 2017
    1. Humanbeings, it was argued, mentally represent informa-tion from the environment, process that informa-tion, then select behaviors accordingly.

      The growth of adaptive learning, competency based learning platforms and IBM's Watson as virtual teaching assistant seems to indicate that the educational technology field is using this model in some products.

    2. Memory stores

      Even when people are in communities of practice as discussed in this article, I find in teaching technology that memory stores or cognitive load theory (Van Merriënboer, & Sweller, 2005) plays a huge factor in their ability to learn and learn more.

      I think situated learning and communities of practice often expect new members to keep up. Which may mean a large amount of time trying to figure out the culture rather than just being given the needed information as a novice.

      Van Merriënboer, J. G., & Sweller, J. (2005). Cognitive Load Theory and Complex Learning: Recent Developments and Future Directions. Educational Psychology Review, 17(2), 147-177. doi:10.1007/s10648-005-3951-0

    3. Manyclaim that this ‘traditional’ cognitive program con-tinues to significantly advance our basic scientificknowledge about human thought processes, aswell as our knowledge about how to design educa-tional and work environments that facilitate learn-ing and performance

      Reading this paragraph, makes me think of the recent Google employee memo on diversity http://gizmodo.com/exclusive-heres-the-full-10-page-anti-diversity-screed-1797564320

      If you read this paragraph and then look at the Memo, I think what I'm seeing is partly an argument about a traditional cognitive perspective to learning software engineering and the software engineering work environment.

      It does seem that the author of the memo feels that women in tech want social involvement while men in tech might want learning/working in isolation.

      I don't know if anyone else has read or has been paying attention to the Google Memo but if you have - what do you think?

  4. Aug 2016
    1. ideological presupposition about screens separating people both from each other and from an essential part of themselves. As genuine as this concern may be, it is nonetheless predicated on a belief that our essence is the same and that screens affect us in basically the same way, no matter who we are. They assume a universal human nature, embodied by a normative technology user — one for whom face-to-face interaction is both possible and optimal, and whose local networks are consistently supportive and healthy.

      In online learning certification courses, learners usually privilege F2F and demonstrate that in their text only discussion posts.