7 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2018
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
"Of a thing: having an attractive form or appearance; well-proportioned; elegant, stylish." (OED)
Austen uses "handsome" to describe beauty in the male and female sense
Trade - The practice of making one's living in business, as opposed to in a profession or from unearned income. (OED)
three-and-twenty years
three and twenty years = 23
This number references the 23 years they had been married.
chaise and four
A chaise and four is a small carriage pulled by two to four horses with two to four wheels
When Mrs .Bennet says Netherfield is "let" she means someone is renting the estate.
knighthood by an address to the King
Lucas' knighthood was made official by the king possibly due to his already social and political title of mayor
Mayoralty - the office of mayor
Sir William Lucas was mayor of Meryton