17 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. ‘We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us’

      We utilize our media literacy skills to choose the proper media to learn from.

    2. I explore the idea of media as environments within which cultures can grow.

      People can share their ideas and beliefs through technology.

    3. ‘interdependent parts of knowledge into harmonious relationships through strategies such as relating part and whole or the particular and the general’

      Bringing together information to form an idea.

    4. t is easy to become so distracted by the constant presence of technology in our lives that we do not recognize how many of our actions are being mediated in some way by these technologies.

      As part of the younger generation, I can attest that technology is an instinct and we do not even notice how often we utilize it.

    5. Posthumanism stresses that the subject is constituted through its relations,

      A persons interactions form who they are as a person. The media that people interact with will inherently shape their life.

    6. ‘There is no microperception (sensory-bodily) without its location within a field of macroperception and no macroperception without its microperceptual foci’ (29). Both the microperceptual and macroperceptual views are entangled and necessary in order to comprehend overall the effects of media and to fully become media literate.

      Society is now entangled with technology and it is vital to implement media literacies.

    7. They focus on concepts such as de-centering the human and making sure marginalized groups are included in any definition of ‘human’.

      This would give people different perspectives and result in a more diverse and inclusive society.

    8. The approach of critical media literacy has increased the scope of media literacy by adding the critical study of how messages contain underlying stereotypes, marginalization, and exploitation.

      The main concern of media literacies should be teaching how to detect underlying messages. Underlying messages can be very impactful on their young impressionable audiences.

    9. ‘Adolescents who spent more time on screen activities were significantly more likely to have high depressive symptoms or have at least one suicide-related outcome, and those who spent more time on nonscreen activities were less likely’ (9). Educating people on possible dangers and negative effects of media falls within this protectionist approach.

      In a technology immersed world it is important that we do not over utilize it. Over utilization of technology can lead to mental health disorders and even learning disabilities such as ADHD.

    10. ‘ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages across a variety of contexts’

      Since young people are utilizing technology for around 10hrs a day it is important that they are educated on the good usages and the negative effects.

    11. how we use, and are potentially used by, media

      I think this is a great quote and would be perfect to catch the readers attention in the beginning of the article.

    12. chnologies, others are questioning, pointing out the drawbacks and costs of such changes. The Center for Humane Technology warns, ‘The companies that created social media and mobile tech have benefited our lives enormously. But even with the best intentions, they are under intense pressure to compete for attention, creating invisible harms for society’ (Center for Humane Technology, n.d.). Th

      In order to keep the consumers attention, media companies may publish untrue and biased information. This is why we need to think about where we are getting our information.

    13. In this saturated media environment, the media tend to disappear into the background of our awareness.3 They become part of the environment in which we live. This immersion, as Figure 1.1 reflects, is especially visible with the number of smartphones in use and how often people are engaged with them.

      We as a society have become so immersed in society that we forget to critically think on our own and question the sources in which we are getting the information.

    14. n the European Union (EU), while television is still the most commonly used medium—84% watch it every day or almost every day and 94% watch it at least once per week—the number of people who use the internet is catching up, with 65% of EU citizens using it daily or almost daily and 77% using it at least once per week

      Younger generations prefer to get their information from the internet and social media rather than television news sources. This shift requires more media literacies to avoid the spread of false information.

    15. It is fairly common for people in the developed Western world to live in a media-saturated environment. However, far from being new, this trend began in earnest with Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press,1

      The printing press is known to have sparked a paradigmatic shift. A paradigmatic shift is a major change in society, learning, technology and knowledge. This invention shifted the way humans communicate.

    16. hile this helped me to understand the mediating role of technologies, it also raised unanswered questions as to exactly how the subject was being transformed in its relation with technology

      How are humans being transformed by the technology of a museum visit.

    17. The posthumanist approach understands the human subject as constantly becoming through the myriad of constituting relations in their life. While it is not possible to completely understand the complexity of all interrelations that constitute us, the more we can become aware of how we relate with the world through these transformed aspects of our selves, the greater chance we will have for reclaiming some of our agency, which arguably is the main goal of media literacy.

      This framework will advance media literacies by implementing critical thinking which will allow media users to reclaim their life.