15 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. Although this organizing pattern is more complicated than the others, it offers a proven structure that can help you organize your supporting materials and achieve your speech goals.

      I have never heard of the Monroe's motivated sequence. After reading about it I actually like it. I think that it is important to have a plan or a layout so you know exactly what you want to do. I like that in this sequence you don't get to the problem until after you have grabbed the audience and establish the importances of the speech. I like that you leave the audience with how can we fix this problem.

    2. When organizing your speech, you want to start with the body. Even though most students want to start with the introduction,

      I hate when teachers tell me to do this! I hate starting the body paragraph or the purpose of my speech. I always find it taking me forever to get started. I understand why people say it's better but I don't like it. The developing process comes differently to different people. So I don't think it is fair that this is the best way for everyone to work.

    1. It may be acceptable for you to include magazine sources in your speech, but you should still consider the credibility of the source. Magazines like Scientific American and Time are generally more credible and reliable than sources like People or Entertainment Weekly.

      I have never thought of using a magazine as a source for a speech. For any paper honestly. I wonder if I know someone that's ever used a magazine as a source. It just seems unprofessional to use that as a source.

    1. you may have to inform your audience about your topic in one main point before you can persuade them, or you may include some entertaining elements in an informative or persuasive speech to help make the content more engaging for the audience.

      I thought that this interesting because it's true. You have a speech be one general purpose. You have to incorporate other factors to make your speeches cohesive and entertaining. Nobody wants to listen to a speech of someone just reading facts off a piece of paper. Although people also don't want to hear an entertainment speech with absolutely no facts.

    2. In summary, audiences enter a speaking situation with various psychological dispositions, and considering what those may be can help speakers adapt their messages and better meet their speech goals.

      I have never really thought about my audience when I am giving my speech. I have thought about who I'm speaking to but It never accrued me to look further. I think that if you took the time to establish your audience and what you want your speech to be, you are able to execute it better. If you look at it from a psychological analysis state you can take the audiences 's beliefs,attitues and values.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Self-fulfilling prophecies are thought and action patterns in which a person’s false belief triggers a behavior that makes the initial false belief actually or seemingly come true (Guyll et al., 2010). For example, let’s say a student’s biology lab instructor is a Chinese person who speaks English as a second language. The student falsely believes that the instructor will not be a good teacher because he speaks English with an accent. Because of this belief, the student doesn’t attend class regularly and doesn’t listen actively when she does attend.

      I have heard of a self-fulfilling prophecies but that's not what I remember them being. These can be silent downfall. Most people don't even know that they are doing this to themselves. I wonder if these can work in reverse? This is why you should keep an open mind about people.

    1. The verbal and nonverbal feedback we get from people affect our feelings of self-efficacy and our self-esteem. As we saw in Pedro’s example, being given positive feedback can increase our self-efficacy, which may make us more likely to engage in a similar task in the future (Hargie, 2011). Obviously, negative feedback can lead to decreased self-efficacy and a declining interest in engaging with the activity again.

      Communication is important on everyday to day bases. When it is positive it can help motivate and push us to be better. When it is negative most people tend to shut down and not try as hard. Some can take negative feedback and turn it into something positive and not let it hurt their self esteem. People with a strong Emotional IQ can take criticism better.

    1. Our cultural identities and our personalities affect our perceptions. Sometimes we are conscious of the effects and sometimes we are not.

      This is something that I have always tried to notice. When people grow up in similar ways they tend to relate to each other on a personal level. Where when you grow in different living situations, cultural backgrounds, economic backgrounds , you can still be friends. The relationship is different though. You can't fully understand the differences you two have.

    2. Studies show that people are generally able to predict how another person will behave toward them based on an initial interaction. People’s accuracy and ability to predict interaction based on first impressions vary, but people with high accuracy are typically socially skilled and popular and have less loneliness, anxiety, and depression; more satisfying relationships; and more senior positions and higher salaries (Hargie, 2011).

      First impressions are important in all aspects of your life.weather it is a personal relationship of a business relationship. How you behave and come across will affect how other see you in the future. If you are having a bad day and snap at someone you don't know, when they see you in the future they might assume that you are a mean or grouchy person.

    1. If you are expecting a package to be delivered, you might pick up on the slightest noise of a truck engine or someone’s footsteps approaching your front door. Since we expect something to happen, we may be extra tuned in to clues that it is coming.

      I thought this was really interesting. When people are expecting something I think they hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see.I feel like this is defiantly something everyone goes through but It is not always recognized. I thought it was interesting that our brain has all these subconscious thoughts and undertones that we don't fully understand until after the moment.

    1. Group communication is communication among three or more people interacting to achieve a shared goal. You have likely worked in groups in high school and college, and if you’re like most students, you didn’t enjoy it. Even though it can be frustrating, group work in an academic setting provides useful experience and preparation for group work in professional settings.

      Group communication is an interesting topic to me because everyone has to do it at least once in your life. Everyone had group projects in high school like the text says. Some people do not do well in those situations. That is a lack of skill in communications. Everyone should work on some parts of their communication because how important it is. It is weird to notice how much something has been in your life. That's why communication classes are so useful for people. They become better speakers, friends, listeners, employees, students.

    2. Unlike other forms of communication, intrapersonal communication takes place only inside our heads. The other forms of communication must be perceived by someone else to count as communication. So what is the point of intrapersonal communication if no one else even sees it?

      People communicate and run conversations in their head and how they want them to go. Intrapersonal communication can cause so much peace or so much pain. What we tell ourselves every day and when we are deciding what to do, stems from our interpersonal communication. Which can affect how mentally sound a person is. Communication drives every person and molds how they are.

    3. The five main forms of communication are intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication.

      I learned about this in my high school speech class. I never realized how much went into communication. All of the little things we don't notice that go into communication. Words are and tones are just the surface level of communication. Lots of people that don't know about all of it. Communication is so complex.

    4. Today, we hear the word rhetoric used in negative ways. A politician, for example, may write off his or her opponent’s statements as “just rhetoric.” This leads us to believe that rhetoric refers to misleading, false, or unethical communication, which is not at all in keeping with the usage of the word by ancient or contemporary communication experts.

      This was so interesting to read this part. I had always know of the word rhetoric but that's not quite why I thought this was interesting. As a society if enough people get on a bandwagon we can change the whole persona of a word. If people can do it with words then what else could people manipulate and twist to fit a definition, an opinion or even a person. I hope that makes sense.

    5. which only lasted 140 years, from 1850 to 1990, and was marked by the invention of radio, telegraph, telephone, and television. Our current period, the “Internet Era,” has only lasted from 1990 until the present.

      Reading this paragraph made me realize I'm out of touch with reality. It stuck with me because there are still people in the world that don't have access to cellphones & the internet. Where I get frustrated if I have to wait more than a couple seconds for a tie Tok video to load. Even my own grandparents are learning and adapting to the "internet Era."Where as kids in my generation it seems to be a second nature.