19 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
  2. Aug 2020
    1. And suddenly they realized why those other screams had sounded familiar.

      The kids set up the parents and locked them in the room. It seems like the room could predict the future because the author mentioned screams at the start of this story.

    2. “Well, in five minutes we’ll be on our way to Iowa. Lord, how did we ever get in this house? What made us buy a nightmare?” “Pride, money, foolishness.”

      They wanted the best for their kids, but it turned on them and made the kids spoiled.

    3. This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents

      They have been spoiled too much.

    4. My advice to you is to have the whole damn room torn down and your children brought to me every day during the next year for treatment

      They think the kids are in some sort of negative emotional state and they don't want to tell/don't know how to tell the parents.

    5. That sounds terrible! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of letting the machine do it

      All the kids want to do is play.

    6. couldn’t be rocked to sleep for another hour

      They have this unsettling feeling.

    7. Children are carpets, they should be stepped on occasionally

      While you should give your children the world, they also need to be taught life lessons once in a while.

    8. Wendy and Peter

      They are the children in this family of four.

    9. He knew exactly how the room should work. You sent out your thoughts. Whatever you thought would appear

      This was some sort of imagination room or it could be some sort of literary terminology on books they have been reading or what they have been thinking. Nightmares?

    10. “Sorry,” said a small voice within the table, and tomato sauce appeared.

      There's a machine to do everything in the house for them.

    11. sitting down in a chair that immediately began to rock and comfort her.

      She needed comfort like how a baby does when a parent holds them.

    12. Africa in your living room. But it’s all created from three dimensional color film behind glass screens

      The scenario was not real.

    13. His wife sounded strangely nervous

      It looks like something out of the ordinary seemed to have happened.

    14. George and Lydia Hadley

      Hadley from the word cloud was the couple/siblings' last name.

    15. They stood on the grass-like floor of the nursery

      It's a nursery for animals.

    16. This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them

      This might have been their childhood home or it might be referring to infants.

    17. making supper for four

      They have either kids, guests, or some type of company.

    18. I wish you’d look at the nursery

      There will be some type of problem in this story.