- Nov 2024
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
Bengalese finc
smth about them not heavily relying on vocal cues? check class notes; very ltitle research supporting somatosensory reinforcement
neural systems that support vocal plasticity across species.
relevance of this paper
both this circuit and its dopaminergic inputs are necessary for non-auditory vocal learning
basal ganglia and dopaminergic inputs aer needed for non auditory vocal learnign
reinforcement learning paradigm
Recorded bird’s song for 3 days without interference/feedback Analyzed the pitch of each syllable during this to know its normal pitch range (distribution) Selected a target syllable with consistent and measurable pitch pattern Pitch threshold was set based on pitch distribution
- Sep 2024
www-nature-com.proxy.library.emory.edu www-nature-com.proxy.library.emory.edu
n = 13 control subjects
sample size was mentioned earlier, but why did the journal accept a study with only 13 people for a disease as well-researched as AD.
Expression patterns of cell markers
are there certain combinations of cell markers that would indicate different maturation stages (e.g. GFAP + NeuN) / is that why CR has distinct patterns?
ntorhinal cortex (EC)
this structure is between the hippocampus and neocortex (functions in memory, time perception, etc.) it also shares similar functions with the DG (spatial formation), why arent these neurons neurogenic/what differentiation process arose for the neurogenic borders to be drawn
To shed light on the potential occurrence of AHN during physiological human aging, we sought to determine whether the adult human DG harbors a population of immature neurons throughout life (Fig. 1).
main research question; but why immature neurons? is the aim to see the growth under lab conditions idk
Under these methodological constraints, we identified thousands of doublecortin-expressing (DCX+) neurons in the DG for a cohort of 13 neurologically healthy subjects between 43 and 87 years of age
DCX is a microtubule-associated protein expressed by neuronal precursor cells and immature neurons in both embryonic and adult cortical structures. Neuronal precursor cells begin to express DCX while actively dividing, and their neuronal daughter cells continue to express DCX for 2–3 weeks as they mature into neurons.
The + is an indicator of their role in neurogenesis
human dentate gyrus
defining the main parts of the paper helps me keep everything else straight. the DG is involved in the formation of new episodic memories and spatial navigation. its role in neurogenesis alludes to its relevance in hippocampal plasticity. almost all of its applications relate to memory and AD, but there have been some studies that have observed its role in emotional + stress responses.