11 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2018
colony.io colony.io
What is multisig really? Reqeusting approval from mutiple people?
Multisignature is a digital signature scheme which allows a group of users to sign a single document. Usually, a multisignature algorithm produces a joint signature that is more compact than a collection of distinct signatures from all users. Wikipedia
How could that be proven?
- Jul 2015
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Directives with no new scope are read-only; they're completely trusted (i.e. internal to the app) and they don't touch jack. Directives with a child scope add functionality, but they are not the only functionality. Lastly, isolate scopes are for directives that are the entire goal; they are standalone, so it's okay (and most "correct") to let them go rogue.
When to use which scope?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
var obj = {1: 11, 2: 22}; var arr = Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) {return obj[key]}); Results in: [11, 22]
Turning object into an array. Makes sense!
trevweb.me.uk trevweb.me.uk
Got it for the first time!
- Jun 2015
career.guru99.com career.guru99.com
21) Explain what is DI (Dependency Injection ) and how an object or function can get a hold of its dependencies ? DI or Dependency Injection is a software design pattern that deals with how code gets hold of its dependencies. In order to retrieve elements of the application which is required to be configured when module gets loaded , the operation “config” uses dependency injection. These are the ways that object uses to hold of its dependencies Typically using the new operator, dependency can be created By referring to a global variable, dependency can be looked up Dependency can be passed into where it is required
Still don´t get Injection and dependency injection!
onehungrymind.com onehungrymind.com
Isolated Scope Infographic, nice!
blog.carbonfive.com blog.carbonfive.com
INTRO to scopes! Read 10 times!
blog.carbonfive.com blog.carbonfive.com
Difficulty of communicating within scopes? Which one can be accessed where?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
$scope is Angular's data storage object
Where is data being saved in Angular? $scope is Angular's data storage object
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Creating a DOM-element using a directive