32 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. the professor released a custom GenAI prompt designed to interact with learners and tutor them on topics from the quiz.

      Advanced ues case: custom prompt that is focused on the assignment!

    2. This time-saving effort allows the instructor to focus time and effort on interacting with learners.

      Optimistic spin: saves time to focus on interaction with learners Cynical spin: GenAI can do my job for me and is putting my very job at stake

    3. However, it is oriented toward the instructor, as the GenAI must consult the instructor for additional materials.

      Providing content to instructors on the learners' behalf!

    4. Instructor Proxy. In this mode, the GenAI's response is advocating on behalf of the instructor while interacting with learners.

      I'm finding this a little tricky to disentangle from the Instructor Assistant mode, because both are aiming to develop materials for the students. Maybe it's that the Instructor Proxy is focused on output-- creating output that goes directly for the learners, instead of being more instructor-mediated? It isn't that clean.

    5. Instructor Assistant.

      This can be the focus of an entire workshop/discussion.

    6. intent and the orientation of the user affects interaction

      What is the origin of this model?

    7. GenAI is introducing novel ways for learners to interact not only with their peers and instructors but also with autonomous entities

      This is some great framing, because it opens up a new set of questions. * How will interactions between students and instructors change? How might interactions between students and their content change? How might interactions between students and their classmates change? [Is this question even relevant? ]

    1. Then we will need to teach students how to work with AI

      This I think is the endpoint for academic tech/ instructional designers, but how does this happen? Does "train the trainer" work better or integrating IDs/AT staff into the curriculum design process?

    2. Talking directly and candidly with her undergraduate students

      Love how talking to the students is included in this!

    1. It turns out that by adding your assignments to the assignment area, many of these functions of the course management system are automatically activated

      This is the main takeaway from this page, right?

      I think reframing this as... Let GLOW do the work for you! or something like that might work.

    2. maybe this goes in Module 1?

      I think you covered this when you talked about homepage options.

    1. (as an aside.)

      Not clear on what this means. Is it like a secondary learning objective? I think you can probably delete "as an aside"- it's good content!

    1. either by mouse drag-and-drop or by the Move option under an item's triple-dots menu.

      Would you like a 10-second screencast to illustrate this?

    1. Creating a Pages Front Page (Special Instructions)

      This page isn't loading for me. 6/10/24 at 5pm.

      If others have this problem, I suggest making this a link to an external resource. The link works for me.

    1. s clear/consistent navigation, a logical layout, and easily-accessible resources:

      I'd be willing to make an optional deep-dive video into how a structured home page aligns with UDL principles!

    1. The video [1:58]

      May be good to edit captions so that the email reads correctly.

    2. Submit a GLOW Sandbox Request Links to an external site..

      Important we're all subscribed to submissions here

    3. This sums up our purpose perfectly!

  2. May 2024
    1. long with annotations regarding the reasons for the edits.

      Seems a little far fetched at scale.

    2. The AI generates a draft of the learning design

      How is "learning design" defined here?

    3. It could improve significantly if it were trained on annotated data.

      What would this annotated data look like?

    4. The end goal is to develop standards for integrating the ongoing ITS research (and other data-backed research streams) into continuous improvement of AI tutors.

      Would these standards be visible to end-users?

    5. How are those behaviors grounded in specific research findings about cognitive load?

      Future search: cognitive load and LLM-based tutors

    6. Let’s start with the authors not providing outcomes data anywhere in the 50-page paper


    7. The paper proposes evaluation rubrics for five dimensions of generative AI tutors:

      Can use this in an individual framework too for evaluating the suitability of the tool.

    1. But ChatGPT and similar programs are, by design, unlimited in what they can “learn” (which is to say, memorize); they are incapable of distinguishing the possible from the impossible.

      i.e. incapable of reason. Will that change?

    2. On the contrary, the human mind is a surprisingly efficient and even elegant system that operates with small amounts of information; it seeks not to infer brute correlations among data points but to create explanations.

      Concise explanation of how machine learning is different than human learning

  3. Jul 2023
  4. africana-studies.williams.edu africana-studies.williams.edu
    1. critically and systematically examines the cultures

      Test annotation here!