20 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. MesoScale

      Change to "Meso Scale"

    2. MesoScale

      update to "Meso Scale Discovery"

    3. Gating on CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells

      update this to "Gating on Viable CD4+..."

    4. MesoScale

      change to "Meso Scale Discovery"

  2. Jun 2018
  3. www.stemcell.com www.stemcell.com
    1. Cytokine expression can be quantified by flow cytometry, ELISA or MesoScale multiplex array.

      If Figure 5 can't be approved by the live date, let's add a sentence after this: "STEMCELL’s Contract Assay Services (CAS) group is a certified CRO partner of MesoScale Discovery."

      link to https://www.mesoscale.com/en/products_and_services/services/find_a_cro/stemcell_technologies_contract_assay_services for the text "certified CRO partner".

      And remove Figure 5.

    2. .

      some bullet points have periods at the end, some don't. Please update for consistency according to style guide (we have no preference either way)

    3. AZT case study

      Can we somehow make this a heading?

    4. Myelotoxicity (CFU-GM)

      Change figure title to "Comparison of myeloid (CFU-GM) IC50 values across animal species"

    5. Immunomodulatory Test Compound Enhances Treg Cell Suppression Function but Has No Effect on the Proliferation of the Responder Cells Alone

      Compounds can be screened for immunomodulatory effects using the Treg cell suppression assay"

    6. development


    7. Insert Title Here

      "MesoScale multiplex platform"

    8. Insert Title Her

      "Intracellular flow cytometric analysis of immune cytokines"

    9. Insert Title Her

      "Human PBMC proliferation after activation"

    10. Figure 1. Insert Title Here

      Please use description as Figure Title for all figures in Immune Services section. Remove "Example of"

    11. Insert Title Here

      "Inter-donor and inter-assay reproducibility of 5-FU dose-response curves"

    12. Insert Title Here

      Replace with "Strong Anti-Proliferative Effects of AZT can be Qualitatively Observed in the CFU Assay by Changes in Colony Size." remove from description below

    13. Insert Title Here

      Replace this with "Dose-response curves of different 5-FU treatment regimens"

    14. Insert Title Here

      @Justin please replace this with the sentence below "Correlation between IC50.."

    15. Allows high-throughput testing of compounds in 96-well format.

      this is supposed to be a bullet point - please insert above Figure 2

    16. Figure 1.

      @Farah/Justin We want to replace this figure. Will provide you with image