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  1. Oct 2024
    1. Hewillfallasleepnow:here,inhisfather’sarms,longbeforetheyreachthehouse,beforetheycomeupontheaccident.Breathingthesweetfumesofpineneedles.Feelingthroughthefather’sfleshthewarmthofflowingblood,whichishisbloodtoo

      Martin has realized how strong, brave, and amazing his son is, all in a positive light. With Sebastian in danger, Martin has realized how much love he has for him, and wants to restore their relationship as a healthy and average father and son relationship. He wants his son to feel loved, and comes to the realization thatches disability does not define him.

    2. nstartscallingforherbaby.Shiningthelightintotheditch;intothetrees;finallyontotheroad,whereitfindsfirstatinyred-stripedsneaker,thenherotherson,herhumanson,sittinginthedirt,staring,mesmerizedbythewreck

      Isabel realizes she had left her other son alone, and that he could have almost died. She realized she had so much attention on Sebastian that she didn't even think about the safety of her three year old. This is when her guilt kicks in.

    3. Abeautifulboyfromthewaistup,andfromthewaistdown,abeautifulhorse

      Isabel starts to see Sebastian as a sore through Kadens view. Powerful, beautiful, and unique. Not like a horse because of all of his hair and his hooves and multiple legs, but because of his personality.

    4. Heneedsawand.Withoutawand,hewillnever,everfindthem

      Kaden showed his innocence earlier in the story, but does even more in this instance. He believes a magic wand could fix what was happening to him, and that magic will protect him and his brother from unfortunate events.

    5. No,hedoesn’twanthissontovanish.Hejustwantshimtobenormal.

      Martin has a similar view to many people in society on disability. Unfortunately, people with disabilities dehumanize people with disabilities, and treat them as less than, just because they aren't fitting the stereotypes of a "normal person"

    6. Martincanbarelyadmitittohimself,buthiswifeisright.Hedoessometimeswishthebabywoulddisappear.Nothalfofhim.Allofhim.Nowit’shappening.Andiftheydon’tfindhim—iftheydoandit’stoolate.

      Martin seems to feel overwhelmed and stressed with Sebastians medical situation, and would rather just not have him as a burden. Although, once Sebastian was actually gone, he realizes how different his life would be, in an overall negative way.

    7. Ittookanhour,maybemore;yetthedaywasfarfromover,thesunstillwarmandhighoverheadwhensheheardherselfsay,inabrokenwhisper,Lookatyou,littleman.Lookatyoustandingup

      Sebastian, almost fully by himself was able to stand and walk.He may have not done it in the traditional way, because as described he was shaking and appeared to be having a seizure in the process, but he was successful and Isabel could not have been happier.

    8. butnow,intheoutdoors,heobservedeverythingwithwideeyesandsquawkedlikeatropicalbird

      I feel as though doctors and parents never gave Sebastian a chance to experience an average life so far, they may have not let him do certain things because they may have thought he couldn't handle it. Although they are finally realizing he is thriving in the environments they thought were maybe too difficult for him to handle.

    9. Jump,Kadenhadwhispered.Downthehall,they’dbeensaying,Goaway.Allofhim.Kadenopenedthebackdoor.Go,brother

      Kaden noticed the horrible treatment towards his brother by his parents, and had good intentions in mind. He was such an innocent three year old, and didn't think anything of Sebastians disabilities because that was all he has ever known for Sebastian. He wanted his brother to be free and feel happiness, after noticing how their parents treated him.

    10. Youjustwishhe’dgoaway,shesaidtooloudly.Untrue.Notjusthalfofhim.Allofhim

      Sebastian was seen as a burden by Martin, and Martin did not want to "deal with" Sebastian and his disability for the rest of his life. He didn't want to congratulate any of Sebastians successes, because he just wished he would not be able to function and not be around.

    11. Martinwalkedovertohimandplacedahandonhishead,andsaid,Wecan’tlethimdothis

      It is supposed to be a good thing, Sebastian being able to walk. As an initial reaction, Martin realized that his son is "getting used to" functioning with his disabilities. Martin gives the impression throughout the story that he wants his son to be "normal", and not get used to living with his disabilities before its too late to perform surgeries.

    12. Hethinks:mysonwalkedtoday.Anyotherparentwouldbefilledwithaclearandsimplehappiness.ForMartin,itisalltoomuch

      in the end, Martin is really shocked and happy at the fact that his son can walk, and that he can perform some natural bodily functions, even with his disability.

    13. She’dmadeaspaceinhermindandheart,andnowhewouldstepintothatshapeandfititperfectly,fillitperfectly.Shereachedoutahandandpulledopenthecurtain

      Isabel's true feelings and emotions peak it at this time. She knew there were complications with Sebastians birth, and she knew she was going to see him in an extreme state. Although she knew going into this that she would love him no matter what, and that she would try and make him feel loved that way.

    14. Iwantedtoseemybrotherrun.Mybrotherisahorse.

      Kaden, the three year old brother also describes his infant brother as a horse. Although, I believe this is in a more innocent way. Kaden doesn't understand societies view on disabled people at such a young age, so he has created his own majestic, powerful meaning of his brother being a horse. It wasn't about his looks to Kaden, it was about his personality.

    15. Aknifebladetwistsinhisstomach.Suddenly,sharply,Martinisawareofhisconduct.

      It took for his sons life to be in danger for Martin to realize his affects on his son as an infant, and how he is to blame for his son to run away.

    16. Heintendstocallthepolice,reportamissingperson.!endecides,withequalimpulsiveness,againsttheidea.Whatkindofdescriptionwouldhegive?Howcanheexplainwhenhehimselfdoesnotunderstand?

      I also find this line interesting. The fact that in the way of his sons safety, Martin wouldn't call the police to report that he is missing because he claims he cannot describe how his son looks. He seems to refuse to accept the fact that his son does not look like the average person, and almost seems embarrassed that he looks the way he does.

    17. Shethinks:hecantakecareofhimself

      This is shocking to me. No mother should think that their three year old child can take care of themselves in the dark, alone in the middle of the night. They are nowhere near the age and maturity of being able to take care of themselves for any amount of time.

    18. Nowhecan’thearanythingbutcricketsmarchingcloserandcloserinthedark

      The boy is terrified being alone in the dark and quiet, hence the line "he can't hear anything but crickets marching closer and closer in the dark". He fears for his safety and hints at the fact that he feels something bad may happen to him.

    19. healwaysunderstandsthattheabandonmentisnotreallygoingtooccur.Yethereheisnow.Leftbehind

      This reminds me of the description of a "glass child". A glass child is the sibling of someone who has mental or medical issues, and doesn't require the most attention from parents. The three year old brother was left behind and forgotten about once Sebastian ran away, and wasn't informed of the parents leaving him by himself in the middle of the night.

    20. He’scarefultokeephisvoicefreeofangersohissonwillnotmisinterprethisintentions.Idon’twanttopunishyou,Ijustwanttohelp

      These couple of lines are interesting to look back on after learning about Martin's views on Sebastian, and how he treated him. Martin has created an uncomfortable dynamic between him and his son because of his views towards disability.

    21. Sheisthinkingonlyofherbaby.Whereheis,howtoreachhim.Buteverythoughtofhimfeelssomehowlikeathoughtaboutherself

      Going along with my previous idea of the mothers guilt, she seems to want to reassure herself that she is fine and her son is in danger and he is who the focus should be on. Although, in the back of her mind she still fears for herself.

    22. Itseemsverywrongtoher,inthesemoments,tobefrightenedforherself.Butsheis

      The mother feels very frightened in the woods in the middle of the night by herself. She feels this guilt of being nervous for herself because she can only imagine how her infant is feeling, who is not old enough to take care of himself.

    23. flickofthetail,theshuffleofhooves.Asheboundsdeeperintothemazeoftrees,night’sfirststarappearsintheeclipt

      They continue to dehumanize Sebastian, continuing with the horse references they related him to because of his disabilities.

    24. Upperhalf,humanhalf,twistedintheirdirection;alookofjoyandterrorintheinfant’seyes

      My initial reaction to this description of the infant was definitely shocking, and made me think more about societies standards for people because of the animal like description for this human. Also, looking closer at the second part of the sentence, the infant seems to feel free but terrified.