177 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. upload the files

      Manage files - you can now select multiple files

    2. just make sure that you have moved cl11 into wvd infra and done that section of the conditional access lab, changed device settings to domain joined

    1. az140-25-vm0,

      make sure you've done some things so we can see when we create our new vms for session hosts from this image it looks like its doing something

    2. Updates:

      you might also want a new folder, shortcut on start menu, remove sign out from menu etc, so we can see the difference

    1. following to generate the token necessary to join new hosts to the pool

      note the order you are doing things. You always need to have a token before you can join new hosts to a pool.

      A registration token is required to authorize a host to join the pool. The value of token’s expiration date must be between one hour and one month from the current date and time.

      Needed if there is a delay in joining session host to the pool because on because day 2 we didn't need registration token, but you can still do it direct from the portal as well. When you click on add host there's an option to generate a registration token.

    1. Connect-AzAccount

      Type this command first to allow you to login without any problems when using MFA

      Update-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam $false

      then Connect-AzAccount or

      $tenantId = (Get-AzContext).Tenant.Id

      Import-Module -Name AzureAD

    2. '<Azure_region>'

      $location = 'east us' be careful this might need to be 'westus' depending where we can get our vms - below

    1. Optional but maybe interesting

      kubectl exec is a command in Kubernetes that allows you to execute commands inside a running container within a pod. It provides a way to interact with the running processes inside the container, similar to how you would SSH into a virtual machi

    2. frontend pods' IP

      do you mean backend? I'm just seeing html file when I do the frontend

    3. d see a v2 message in the dev namespace and a v1 message in production.

      i just see the doctype html file, if IU choose the frontend, when I type curl you need to choose the one that says lab4backend-**

      curl gives a nice message - not in the midst of an html file

    4. here's only one placeholder remaining in our simple front end application, for the data from the backing service. Let's finish that off now by applying (a copy of) the sfe deployment in both namespaces. Again, you might wish to change the lab3frontends to lab4frontends or simply frontends.

      you can use the files in starters or solutions folder if you don't have the files from previous labs - from explorer view in vs code connection

    1. scp ~/index.html student@k8s-worker-0:~/index.html

      got an error about temporary failure in name resolution

    2. volumeMounts: - name: homepage mountPath: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ volumes: - name: homepage hostPath: path: /home/student/index.html

      I asked chatgpt where to put this, gave it the original file and then told it I needed to add this section

      spec: containers: - name: httpd image: httpd resources: {} volumeMounts: - name: homepage mountPath: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ volumes: - name: homepage hostPath: path: /home/student/index.html

    3. /apache2/htdocs/.

      I think it would be easier if you just put the whole file and the new stuff in bold, as it's so easy to put in wrong place, I'm getting

      rror from server (BadRequest): error when creating "lab3web.yaml": Deployment in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Deployment: strict decoding error: unknown field "spec.template.metadata.volumeMounts", unknown field "spec.template.status", unknown field "spec.template.volumes"

      I asked chatgpt and it did well

      spec: containers: - name: httpd image: httpd resources: {} volumeMounts: - name: homepage mountPath: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ volumes: - name: homepage hostPath: path: /home/student/index.html

    4. Delete the deployment (but not the service).

      k delete deployment lab3web

      after adding alias k=kubectl to the bashrc file

    5. OPTIONAL stretch goal see if you can find the emptyDir in your hosts' file system. It will involve finding out which node the pod is running on, connecting to that node and working out where in the file system the emptyDir is (you might be able to find a file named data-volume). Once you have found it, you could look for the files therein. Also, if you do take on this chalenge, observe, once you've deleted the pod, that the directory is removed.

      What was the answer to this was it

      kubectl get pod kvstore -o wide to find the name of the node that it's on - mine was on k8s-worker-1

      I then went into ssh settings in visual studio code and added a host so my ssh config file is now

      Host worker0 HostName User student IdentityFile c:\users\karen\downloads\qwikLABS-L138956-206416.pem Host worker1 Hostname User student IdentityFile c:\users\karen\downloads\qwikLABS-L138956-206416.pem Host controller Hostname User student IdentityFile c:\users\karen\downloads\qwikLABS-L138956-206416.pem

      and I opened them up in 3 separate vs code windows

      kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}'

      kubectl get pod kvname -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}'

      and then

      on k8s-worker-1 in the terminal windows I used the syntax and replaced my id I had retrieved from above command in the poduid:


      sudo ls //var/lib/kubelet/pods/37abdd08-c0f7-4549-a9cc-20df89ed7fa8/volum es/kubernetes.io~empty-dir/

      you have to run it with sudo permissions otherwise you get denied access, but then you can see data-volume

      I then did sudo -i

      cd /var/lib/kubelet/pods/37abdd08-c0f7-4549-a9cc-20df89ed7fa8/volumes/kubernetes.io~empty-dir/

      ls (to see directory listing it shoowed me data-volume)

      cd data-volume


      it then showed me age and name which were the two values I had put in there

    6. '

      not needed!

    7. emptyDir: {}

      apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: kvstore name: kvstore spec: containers: - image: abhirockzz/kvstore name: kvstore volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: data-volume volumes: - name: data-volume emptyDir: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always status: {}

      I removed the line resources: {} at the end as kept getting error saying did not find expected - indicator. The above file works

  2. May 2024
    1. grep (this command is case sensitive):

      Grep is a useful command to search for matching patterns in a file. grep is short for "global regular expression print".

    2. be:v1 \

      run as two separate lines

    3. l

      this is an lowercase L not the number 1

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Tactics and techniques

      This is now called MITRE ATT&CK drop down menu

    2. and the RG1 resource group in the Scope column Select VM1, and then select Next: Collect >

      if you are doing this from scratch you will have to create a vm1 in RG1

    1. for Installed solutions.

      and then clear filter so you can see the other ones

    2. or Installed solutions.

      and then clear the filter so you can see Activity log again and then the three dots at the end and choose Manage

    3. Windows Security Events

      hmm, lots of warnings saying this is the old way of doing it and you should be using AMA agent instead

    1. Usage and estimated costs.

      under the Settings menu choice

    2. eploy Microsoft Sentinel to the workspace.

      From the Microsoft Sentinel menu (add it from All services if needed) - choose +Create button and select your workspace from Task 1 and click the Add button

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Get-AzVM -ResourceGroup 'az140-21-RG' | Enable-AzVMPSRemoting

      ensure you have already run instal-module -name az -force

      this command only works from cloud shell not from powershell ise

    2. student@adatum.com

      make sure you are selecting student@adatum.com otherwise you get kerberos error later - because you are using the user account as session host id domain joined

    1. Install-Module -Name AzureAD -Force Import-Module -Name AzureAD

      If you get the error The current processor architecture is: X86. The module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureAD\\AzureAD.psd1' requires the following architecture: Amd64. - you have used Powershell ISE x86 instead of the main Powershell ISE and you will have to run all the previous commands again!

      The powershell module AzureAD is going to be kept for a bit and then Microsoft Graph will be used, even though we are changing to Microsoft Entra ID

    1. Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition – x64 Gen2

      I chose that, but when it came to looking at Application insights on vm - map it said

      To enable the Map feature, configure Processes and dependencies in the Data Collection Rules for VM insights. Learn more You are using an OS version (MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2022-datacenter-azure-edition) that is not supported. For more details on supported OS and kernel versions please review our support matrix

    2. Networking page, choose Add inbound port rule.

      On the Network settings click the hyperlink for WS-VM1-nsg to go to the Network security group and from there crate a new inbound rule, or choose Create port rule blue button at the right side and choose inbound port rule

    3. select the RDP rule.

      you need to click on the letters RDP

    4. Networking.

      The wording is now Network settings

    1. Add Test Group.

      although we aren't changing the other settings, the Workspace will default to your log analytics workspace as there is only one, but you could use the drop down menu to change it. The create alert has been filled in with a condition called whenever the count test result is greater than 2 count

    2. and then

      expand the triangle(s) to see the vms available

    3. Next. On the Destination

      this is one button called Next: Destination

    4. Next.

      the button inside the Add data source page is called Next:Destination

    5. Create a data collection rule

      probably have to wait a few minutes otherwise the new data collection endpoint won't appear from the data collection endpoint - so check that first before giving it a name and resource group, if necessary close the data collection rule, wait a few more minutes and try again

    1. Configure.

      In the purple banner at the top, you will see an Enable now button

    2. On the Apply Monitoring Settings dialog box, choose Yes.

      From the web app, select the Diagnostic settings menu and from there +Add diagnostic setting and then choose HTTP logs from there. This section seems to be duplicated, it ells you how to do it properly below!

    3. App Services for the Web App with an SQL Database.

      this is still the website**** app service

    4. choose Yes.

      this installs tools and restarts your web app

    5. Settings

      the heading in the menu bar is called Settings

    6. App Services for the Web App with an SQL Database

      this will be called website**

  5. Jan 2024
    1. ervice, Container, and Object). Permits read

      these are the terms that Azure uses for different resource types, very important in SAS

  6. Dec 2023
    1. select Microsoft Entra Connect.

      i got error saying ad sync service not running - go to services, and its called Microosft Azure AD Sync - mine said automatic, but had to click on STart to start it

    2. F:\Apps

      e:\apps for me

    3. az140-cl-vm42,

      I've done this on my original client

    1. Shut down or sign out

      It's important to sign out to commit the change to the profile. You can put the session host that you connected to in drain mode, to ensure your next test you connect to a different session host

  7. Nov 2023
    1. Identify and monitor external assets by using Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management

      this was in both sets of objectives, but was never in previous course

    2. Recommend when to use a dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM)

      in previous objective it just said HSM without the full wording!

    3. Plan and implement network security configurations for an Azure SQL Managed Instance

      never in course before, but was in objectives

    4. Recommend when to use and configure a Microsoft Entra Application Proxy, including authentication

      this was never in the course before, but now appears to be in previous objectives

    5. Configure Microsoft Entra Verified ID

      this is in previous objectives even though it was never in course content

    6. groups

      Now secure groups, used to be secure directory groups

  8. Oct 2023
    1. Access policie

      you need to be owner of subscription to change from IAM to Access policies, the default subscription doesn't always do this

    1. profilesParentKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\FSLogix'

      in reality better to do this using centralised group policy on the domain controller

    2. open a PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.

      notice this is NOT using the Powershell ISE as Administrator as you've done before

    1. Download Azure AD Connect

      yes still called that here!! This will be Azure AD Connect V2 - so it will continue to be supported, it's v1 that is not going to be supported going forward

    2. start Internet Explorer and navigate to the

      Edge is already installed, just select it from the start menu and go straight to step 4

    3. Remote Desktop

      ensure you are still using bastion session so you are on the domain controller not your own pc!

    4. reated Azure AD user:

      this is your user called aadsyncuser@*outlook.onmicrosoft.com

    5. same credentials you used earlier in this task

      ie your outlook account

    6. <password>

      replace this with suitable password and remove chevron brackets and keep the quotes

    7. <password>

      replace and make a note of this password here

    8. '<password>'

      you need to replace this with your chosen password that will meet complexity for passwords in Active Directory on prem and then later in Microsoft Entra ID

    9. Basic

      we only need the basic functionality - but if you enable standard you get added functionality


    10. navigate to the Azure portal.

      you can just duplicate the tab from your browser

    11. into the Cloud Shell home directory.

      make sure you add them separately, if you shift click to select them both, only one will be uploaded. You can try opening the cloud shell window and dragging both files in from file explorer - this works well.

    12. Set-AzVirtualNetwork

      if you get any errors with this code, it's because you chose the wrong parameters file in the step above!!

    13. 11_azuredeploydc11.parameters.json

      please choose your file very carefully, it's the DC paramethers and there's no letter a in it

    14. This might take about 15 minutes.

      Please double check at this time, the script did what it was supposed to do. Go into the virtual network and from the menu select DNS servers and ensure that the DNS server now says custom and is pointing at which is the domain controller you've just built... otherwise everything goes wrong from here on in!! If it doesn't say it, and the script has completed, please update it manually so it does say it.

    15. parameters.json

      please select carefully - DON'T choose the one with the letter a after it, because that is used by the other lab

    16. named

      just right click on the link and choose to copy the link address

    17. $location = '<Azure_region>'

      $location = 'east us'

    18. Save.

      select Disable to do the save

    19. select No, sele

      You select Disabled and then use the radio button to say My organisation is using conditional access

    20. Allow the quota request to complete.

      you will need to initiate the request again, after setting up MFA - just stay in the New Quota Request window to wait for the update to happen or duplicate the browser tab to continue with lab.

    21. Create storage.

      after creating the storage account, you might get an error saying you need to register your Azure Cloud shell. To do this. Go to your subscription and make a note of the subscription id, and then run these commands, substituting the subscription id and removing the chevron brackets.

      az account set --subscription < subscription name or id >

      az provider register --namespace Microsoft.CloudShell

      for example

      az account set --subscription b07aadc9-aade-4982-9d2c-7b42caaaaaaaa

      az provider register --namespace Microsoft.CloudShell

    22. Lab files

      These files are found from a zip https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/AZ-140-Configuring-and-Operating-Microsoft-Azure-Virtual-Desktop - click on Code and then download the zip file. You can do quite a lot of the first lab outside of learnondemand environment, so you can save your files on your computer and inside learnondemand.

  9. Sep 2023
    1. Dismount-VHD -Path "C:\Allfiles\Labs\04\MSIXVhds\$appName.vhd" -Confirm:$false

      you will need to add the line $appName="XmlNotepad" above as we overwrote the whole code for step 6 or alternatively overtype $appName.vhd with XmlNotepad.vhd

    2. certlm.msc

      certificates local computer console

    1. se Bastion.

      make sure the az14-cl-vm11 is running before trying to connect to it using bastion, you may bet a network unstable error!

    2. az140-31-wvdpolicy1 policy.

      From Microsoft Entra ID - Security - Conditional Access - Policies

    3. launched successfully.

      might take a minute or so initially

    4. a4a365df-50f1-4397-bc59-1a1564b8bb9c

      or just search for Microsoft remote desktop

    5. 9cdead84-a844-4324-93f2-b2e6bb768d07

      you need to copy and select and paste the whole number, as if you start typing it doesn't find it. You can actually just type Azure Virtual desktop instead

    6. Cloud apps or actions,

      this is now called Target resources

    7. ab computer

      signed back in as your admin user

    8. Azure AD tenant

      remember this is now Microsoft Entra ID - so do a find and replace in your head whenever you see Azure AD

    1. Student lab manual

      I would suggest, just before taking the image and sysprepping the vm, do something to the vm like create a folder or shortcut so you can see it when you test it.

    2. az140-25-vm0

      might be a good idea to create a folder on the desktop and a folder in the c drive with your name, just so when you finish you can see that it's done something!!

    3. Availability options

      If you get asked Security type, be sure to select Standard, as TrustedLaunch isn't supported. If the deployment fails use the Redeploy button and ensure everything is selected correctly.

    4. about 20 minutes.

      you can continue with the next part, but be sure not to click on Review and Create for the host pool, until deployment is done

    5. Max session limit

      maximum number of users that have concurrent sessions on a session host

    6. Host pool type

      Preferred app group type - is a setting underneath this one - leave that as Desktop

    7. take about 2 minutes.

      and the rest!! maybe up to 15 mins

    8. feedback hub collection of telemetry data:

      Microsoft collects Windows diagnostic data to solve problems and to keep Windows up to date, secure, and operating properly. It also helps us improve Windows and related Microsoft products and services and, for customers who have turned on the Tailored experiences setting, to provide more relevant tips and recommendations to enhance Microsoft and third-party products and services for each customer’s needs.

    9. Storage Sense:

      Storage Sense can automatically free up drive space for you by getting rid of items that you don't need, like temporary files and items in your Recycle Bin

    10. Start-BitsTransfer -Source "https://aka.ms/edge-msi" -Destination 'C:\Allfiles\Labs\02\MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi' Start-Process -Wait -Filepath msiexec.exe -Argumentlist "/i C:\Allfiles\Labs\02\MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi /q"

      Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is used by programmers and system administrators to download files from or upload files to HTTP web servers and SMB file shares

    11. if you encounter an error

      you will encounter this error!!

    12. folder.

      or just copy it after it has been downloaded

    13. extract the x64 subfolder into the same folder.

      don't need to do this additionally, as when you extract the file, it will go here anyway!

    14. z140-25-vm0 | Connect blade, select Use Bastion.

      you may find that the vm is in a not ready state as it's still finishing deploying so just be patient, even though the bell icon is suggesting it's finished

    15. az140-25-vnet y

      Another alternative is to set up peering between your new VNet and the vnet11 you already created, and then you can use the bastion you already deployed. If you do this you can just go straight to task 3

    16. e about 5 minutes.

      closer to 10 minutes

    1. ssignments.

      it has been assigned to the az140-wvd-remote-app group

    2. ncludes a single host.

      it might appear as unavailable for a few minutes but then should change status.

    3. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ

      This is UTC time zone format For instance, UTC time in ISO-8601 is xx:xx:xxZ - just seems to show AM or PM next to the hours minutes and seconds

    4. take about 5 minutes

      you will notice that the vm exists, but it hasn't been added to the host pool yet. Steps to follow

    5. Private IP address (

      because you are already on an Azure virtual machine which is pretending to be your on premises domain controller you can use the private ip address.

    6. Azure AD group

      although we use friendly names of groups, Azure always uses the object id of the group when you are adding users to it

    1. 60 minutes

      more likely 120 mins plus. Please be really careful, go slowly, as mistakes take a lot longer to rectify later!!

    2. Note: You might have to wait a few minutes and refresh the browser page for the AD DS user accounts to appear.

      A very long 60 minutes!!

    3. as its password.

      use the Reset password option within the Microsoft Entra ID, if you have forgotten the password.

    4. Azure AD Connect.

      now called Microsoft Entra connect

    5. Azure Active Directory

      this name has changed to Microsoft Entra ID - so wherever you see the wording Azure Active Directory or Azure AD, they are talking about Microsoft Entra ID

    6. Azure Active Directory

      remember this is now Microsoft Entra ID

    7. Remote Desktop

      it means within the bastion session

    8. user principal name

      Should be something like aadsyncuser@QASTUDENTAZURE1000770.onmicrosoft.com

    9. $tenantId

      You will get a warning: WARNING: Install the latest PowerShell module, the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, for new features and improvements! https://aka.ms/graphPSmigration but it's fine for now!!

    10. Windows PowerShell ISE as administrator.

      make sure you haven't selected powershell ise x86 version!

    11. Install-Modul

      takes a good few minutes!

    12. $adminRegEntry =

      this doesn't actually exist, so use the Server Manager - local server - and click on IE Enhanced security configuration and turn both to Off

    1. In the Stay signed in to all your apps window, clear the checkbox Allow my organization to manage my device checkbox and select No, sign in to this app only.

      I didn't see this.

    2. in via Remote Desktop to a host.

      not sure what this means - but from the Azure portal, you can go to Azure Virtual desktop - Host pools - az140-23-hp2 - Session hosts and see the total sessions on each of the session hosts and who the assigned user is.

    3. In the Stay signed in to all your apps window, clear the checkbox Allow my organization to manage my device checkbox and select No, sign in to this app only.

      you might not get this.

    4. upper right corner

      its the ellipsis on the second row that has the unsubscribe not the one in the very top right hand corner

    5. Get-ADComputer -Filter "sAMAccountName -eq 'az140-23-p2-2$'"

      you can change the last 2$ to 0$ to get info about the first vm.

    6. az140-23-p2-2.

      I have two virtual machines and they are called az140-23-p2-0 and 23-p2-1. The parameters file we used, says prefix az140-23-p2 and the number of instances was 2 - so it has built 2 vms, and called the first one 0 and the second one 1

    7. bout 15 minutes.

      if it fails, best to remove all deployments from the REsourcegroup az140-23-RG and then start again, and ensure all fields are filled in, including vm location with eastus, as it's not a required field, and the entire NSG id is correct, starting with subscription/ Also ensure you created your subnet hp2-Subnet with the correct name.

    8. Location

      type in eastus - all one word

    9. (leave others with their existing values):

      there will be quite a few ones which are not mentioned here which are to remain blank, you only need to have values with the fields with the red stars.

    10. From your lab computer, start a web browser, navigate to the Azure portal, and sign in by providing credentials of a user account with the Owner role in the subscription you will be using in this lab.

      you are already there!!

    11. next task.

      if the copy icon doesn't work, select the resource id yourself and use Ctrl + C to copy and then paste it into notepad

    1. g File Explorer.

      you can check to see your storage account by looking in Active Directory users and computers and looking under the WVDInfra Organisational unit it will be shown as a computer account object.

    2. icacls Z:

      Icacls is a Windows command-line utility that IT admins can use to change access control lists on files and folders. To find out what they are click here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/icacls . F is full control, M is modify, OI is Object Inherit, CI is Container Inherit

    3. Configured.

      this is shown in the main panel (underneath the +File share) when you have selected File shares

    4. Note:

      ensure you click Yes to All when prompted

    5. AzFilesHybrid.zip

      easiest way is to just download the azure-file-samples using the green Code button and then extract the azfileshybrid from there

    6. Transaction optimized

      there is a new default option to turn on backup on the second tab - you can leave that on, or take it off to save some money whilst doing the lab.

    1. aduser1 via its group membership.

      should be Desktop from DAG, Word, Powerpoint and Excel from Office 365 and CMD prompt from Utilities because user 1 has been assigned to all of the application groups via group membership of az140-wvd-pooled for DAG and Utilities RAG and az140-wvd-remote-app for Office365-RAG

    2. aduser1 credentials,

      if you've not made a note of the credentials for your user, you need to reset it from the domain controller and then run through Azure AD Connect again to sync the change as we didn't set up password writeback

    3. $computerName = 'az140-cl-vm11' Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -ScriptBlock {Add-LocalGroupMember -Group 'Remote Desktop Users' -Member 'ADATUM\az140-wvd-users'}

      I got the red text, but it wouldn't work, as the az140-cl-vm11 hadn't joined the adatum.com domain. REstart the vm if it hasn't been restarted since changing the DNS server for the virtual network and then log on to the vm and change the system properties so that you can join it to the adatum.com domain using Student and Pa55w.rd1234 credentials. I ended up right-mouse clicking on STart menu and choosing Computer management and then going into local users and groups and adding az140-wvd-users to the Remote Desktop Users

    4. 0

      If you go into the shortcut of Command Prompt - Properties and look at Shortcut - Change icon button you will see the icons available. The first one is the zero, and then you count from there which icon you would like.

    5. Add Azure AD

      Add Microsoft Entra ID users or groups!

    6. pool consists of two hosts

      make sure the deployment has finished, if there's nothing there! If you look and it says the hosts are unavailable - it means: The AVD agent has not successfully communicated with the AVD Management Service, or the agent is unable to update itself to the latest version. This can also show temporarily while AVD waits for the OS to boot up and the agent to come online. In this scenario, the AVD agent did register to the AVD service. Most likely that the virtual machines didn't join the domain. So you will have to do this manually. Firstly check that the virtual network DNS server points at your domain controller Then you need to use the Restart button to restart your virtual machines az140-21-p1-0 and 1 from the virtual machines view, so they see the new DNS settings. After restarting, connect to each vm az140-21-p1-0 Go to System properties and change the computer name to be part of domain adatum.com, using credentials Student and Pa55w.rd1234. After restarting your vm, wait a bit, and then check back in your host pool and you should see in the host pool that they are now available. Although the virtual machines show as running in the virtual machines view, they take a long time to change the status in the session hosts

    7. version 22H2

      be sure to choose carefully, there are some very similar names

    8. hp1-Subnet (

      this was the one you created earlier in the exercise

    9. user principal name

      It should be something like aduser1@QASTUDENTAZURE1000770.onmicrosoft.com

  10. Aug 2023
    1. version 22H2

      choose carefully there are similar named ones

    2. Add applications.

      virtual machines need to be up and running to be able to add the applications, otherwise you get error The host pool does not contain available virtual machines

    3. Remote App (RAIL)

      NOTE: A desktop application group already exists in the selected host pool and you can only create RemoteApp application groups.

    4. Wait for the deployment to complete. This might take about 10 minutes.

      Good time to take your break

    5. az140-21-hp1

      if at any stage you see the letter a next to a name it means you have selected the wrong instructions and you are doing the Azure Active Directory - not Active Directory - ie on premises being used as your identity directory