291 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2019
    1. testify behind closed doors

      Important that it isn't in the public eye

    2. Speaker Nancy Pelosi will hold a news conference Wednesday to outline the immediate steps Democrats plan to take during the House’s two-week break, which lasts until Oct. 15.

      Need to read more about this to better understand

    3. Ukraine investigation

      Key in impeachment case

    4. subpoena

      Legal doc to summon a witness to the court

    5. Congress’s access to witnesses and documents.

      Congress struggling to see witnesses and documents, being denied

    6. Lawmakers accused Mr. Pompeo of “intimidating department witnesses in order to protect himself and the president,”

      Wanted to make sure him and Trump were in the clear, putting themselves above the witnesses

    7. an act of intimidation

      Empty threat?

    1. If only she could click those sparkly slippers three times and send Donald Trump home.

      Weird allusion to the Wizard of Oz, portrays Pelosi in a very odd light. Not bad but not necessarily good? Puts all the pressure on Pelosi.

    2. bipartisan.

      agreement of two opposing political parties

    3. You can’t say that you didn’t have an early exit from the Trump era. You can’t say you didn’t have a choice.

      A kind of guilt mechanism to scare Republicans into leaning more towards voting Trump out, as they fear the potential demise Trump could cause with a second term.

    4. we replay 2016 with the Electoral College and enter a second Trump term

      Worst case scenario in author's eyes

    5. preventing a Trump second term’s likely demolition of the G.O.P.

      Damage control

    6. Mike Pence.

      Even if Trump was impeached, we would still have to worry about Pence

    7. incumbent

      holder of office

    8. Petronius

      Roman satirist

    9. impeachment inquiry might, in fact, be that magical remote control

      Impeachment is what could get us to the "after Trump" world of recovery that is needed, according to author

    10. cynicism and bemusement

      Author has a satirical view of the Republican party

    11. that terrible Adam Sandler movie

      Pop culture reference

    12. most Republicans

      reiterating the point that even Republicans don't want him

    13. bestride

      tower over

    14. after Trump

      Phrase describing the "recovery" process after his term ends

    15. Well, maybe we can just pretend he isn’t there …

      Author's argument is that even many Republicans don't want to claim Trump/Trump's actions

    16. disquisition

      long/elaborate essay

    17. intelligent Republican

      Is the purpose in specifically stating that this is an INTELLIGENT Republican to help divert thought of the stereotypical southern Republican?

    18. wide-ranging investigation

      Narrow inquiry vs wide-ranging investigation; one focuses on specific/minute issues and the other focuses on the grand scheme of events and overall problems with the presidency.

    19. he needs to be steady.

      Will he be able to keep his composure?

    20. Trump is at his weakest when he’s in this mood — erratic and angry, consumed by striking back at his political opponents.

      People can most clearly see his flaws when he is being irrational/immature

    21. shouted

      Always forceful with his assertions, even on social media. Comments especially on this platform are wildly unprofessional.

    22. “I think you should ask for Vice President Pence’s conversation, because he had a couple of conversations also,

      Looking to place the blame on someone else so the negative light moves elsewhere.

    23. president can’t take a punch

      Consistently takes to Twitter to rant about things like "presidential harassment" and inconveniences to him when times get tough. He can never just step back and be the bigger person, he always has to forcefully defend himself as a kind of damage control (ends up making himself look immature the majority of the time).

    24. 55 percent of Americans said they would “strongly” or “somewhat” support an impeachment inquiry if Trump pushed Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden in exchange for military aid.

      Deal? Confused about this

    25. Republicans have taken a “wait and see” approach

      These republicans want to wait and see how this entire process while they occasionally make neutral comments from the sidelines until they can see what the result is going to be.

    26. damage they’re causing to our public institutions and to trust in government

      Democrats causing public to lose faith/trust in the government to do what is best for the people?

    27. something that can only divide and polarize the public?

      Could want the candidates to cause further separation in the country so that he can swoop in as the hero of the story. Could want the attention on him because he is confident that he can talk his way out of a sticky situation and keep his opponents from talking about what they are going to do for the people.

    28. will it turn away in disgust over “dysfunction” in Washington?

      Reason people are so adamant about not getting into politics or having a discussion related to them is because they are tired of seeing everyone in Washington making outrageous claims and promises they can't keep.

    29. but because the politics are too risky


  2. Sep 2019
    1. When we stay within our own tribe, talking mostly to each other, it’s difficult to woo other tribes to achieve our aims.

      Need to work with people of opposite view and have discussions with them to effectively state your point

    2. willing to change their minds quite nimbly. The poorest marks go to those who are strongly loyal to a worldview.

      People who are flexible with their views can better predict a sound than those who are very passionate and loyal to theirs

    3. dissonant


    4. glib

      fluent but insincere/shallow

    5. I must say that I often learn a lot — however painfully — from these conservatives with whom I utterly disagree

      Can still learn from the things you disagree with (no matter how strongly you disagree with them)

    6. seek out news sources that confirm our worldview.


    7. literally afraid of the other political party.

      Fear what they don't understand or agree with rather than making an effort to try to comprehend where the other is coming from.

    8. each America

      Like the way the author physically separates the two main political parties as two different America's. Truly shows the division amongst the people.

    9. In another America, a can-do president tries to make America great again as lying journalists stir up hatred that tears our social fabric.

      Right side of political spectrum, conservative.

    10. In one America, a mentally unstable president selected partly by Russia lies daily and stirs up bigotry that tears our social fabric.

      Represents the left side of political spectrum (liberal).

    11. I’m Right

      Political side? Correct?

    1. So perhaps the only way forward is for each of us to struggle on our own to work out intellectually with sparring partners whose views we deplore.

      Have to make it a personal goal, can't be publicly monitored.

    2. polarization

      sharp division of population or group into opposing factions

    3. this was particularly true of the well educated.

      Very interesting that the most educated people are the ones that are sticking to their bubble and playing it safe rather than having the hard discussions.

    4. Almost half of Americans now live in counties that vote in landslides

      Want to surround themself with like-minded people

    5. Americans increasingly are segregating themselves into communities, clubs and churches where they are surrounded by people who think the way they do

      People are sticking to what they know rather than exploring unfamiliar territory

    6. The effect of The Daily Me would be to insulate us further in our own hermetically sealed political chambers.

      The Daily Me would keep you trapped in your own bubble

    7. I’m sometimes guilty myself of selective truth-seeking on the Web

      I like that the author recognizes that he too falls into the trap and doesn't set himself up as this perfect figure that always looks into both sides of a controversial issue. He doesn't de-humanize himself.

    8. dunces

      fools, idiots

    9. caricature

      make fun of

    10. Both groups were most eager to receive intelligent arguments that strongly corroborated their pre-existing views.

      People want to see their beliefs in widespread articles to comfort them and assure them that this is the right thing, they have blinders on to anything that may slightly stray from their views.

    11. but rather information that confirms our prejudices

      People don't want to read things that contradict their beliefs. People don't want to be challenged, they want to be affirmed.

    12. aren’t in the newspapers but are for the newspapers.

      Physical newspaper is a dying industry as the world becomes more technology-based.

    1. But this implies an equal right to be heard on a matter in which only one of the two parties has the relevant expertise.

      Both parties do not have an equal right to be heard when one has no scientific knowledge or expertise relevant to the story, all Dorey has is a strong opinion based on disproven "facts."

    2. But if ‘entitled to an opinion’ means ‘entitled to have your views treated as serious candidates for the truth’ then it’s pretty clearly false.

      No everyone with an opinion deserves to have it taken seriously, especially when it isn't backed up with any hard facts (ex: vaccines cause autism).

    3. vehemently

      forcefully, passionately

    4. The problem is that sometimes we implicitly seem to take opinions of the second and even the third sort to be unarguable in the way questions of taste are.

      Follow the precedent that the first kind of opinions set for arguing.

    5. ranges from tastes or preferences, through views about questions that concern most people

      Opinions can be more light-hearted or more serious, depending on the topic. This quote identifies this range.

    6. pernicious

      harmful, destructive

    7. I can say or think whatever I like

      Common attitude when people can no longer back up their beliefs

    8. You are only entitled to what you can argue for.

      I like this phrase because it forces people to only speak when they have evidence to back up their point rather than just grasping at straws, per say.

    9. maybe to head off an argument or bring one to a close.

      Many times this phrase is used to end an argument when the parties can't agree or come to one singular conclusion, similar to the phrase "agree to disagree."

    10. No, you’re not entitled to your opinion

      Will this article be about privilege, status, or race issues?

    1. Very insightful title, I like how it makes me think

      Kevin is very observant, comes from his family (classifying flora and fauna)

      Love of the Truman Show, movie where Truman is in a simulation and begins to figure out that he is

      Line between judgmental and observant?

      His wittiness led to losing touch with Becky who didn't understand his sarcasm

      Kevin's keen look into other people's lives helps him help people like Jordan who are struggling

      Kevin can tell who you really are before you even know yourself

      "social garbage man" is this really a good thing? I understand not forcing friendships but to bluntly kick someone to the curb who didn't mesh well with him or the group?

    1. Informative title

      Loads of descriptors for the architectural style in the first paragraph alone, explains why they were drawn to it

      Not a busy building: abandoned?

      Old department store, many "tenants" now use the building

      Landmark was widely unappreciated

    1. Unsure what to expect with the title but interesting

      "but we all know that really means orange" I like this quote because it is informal but makes the audience feel involved

      Excited with the writer when they say that Maggie recognized them first

      "sun bursting eyes" never heard of eyes described this way but enjoy the comparison to her uplifting spirit as well

      They know so much but so little about Maggie

      Maggie makes even the most basic things different/unique

    1. "charming gracelessness" like the juxtaposition of these two words as a description of the hosts

      Based on the second paragraph you get the impression tat Robbie Q. Telfer really takes ownership of his work and the stage when he performs. This is a good characteristic to have especially combined with his charisma in the teaching world, as he probably has good relationships w his students and keeps them engaged

      belies: disguise something

      Perspective: Grew up in a largely narrow minded area

      Works to help high schoolers gain recognition for their work

      Characters interact with the work at the Encyclopedia Show

      Talented and with his talent he gives back to community

    1. 10

      Astonishingly low number, especially considering this is throughout the entire country!

    2. She said the clown that insulted her in front of her children in Memphis was white.

      Embarrassed in front of her children, doesn't want them to think that that is a socially acceptable way to talk to people.

    3. “Most of those are open carry,”

      Doesn't want anyone who has the ability to fatally hurt him get the chance, doesn't push the boundaries that far as he still has to worry about himself.

    4. the color of a clown’s skin, the sound of his voice, and which state he is parked in that night all determine what a clown can get away with.

      Know your audience

    5. firing up a tweet to amplify their outrage.

      Emphasizes the impact of social media and the power it holds.

    6. as long as they respect a line.

      Extremely important in this business to not cross a line and go too far

    7. Abrasive humor suited him as a defense

      Common defense mechanism used to protect themself, same goes for self-deprecating humor.

    8. he said, kids accused him of not being black enough, calling him a “yellow bird.”

      Still a problem now, as many people who are mixed struggle with feeling accepted by the races they are mixed with.

    9. There was no cage blocking those balls. Sometimes people cheated and threw rocks.

      Racist motivations, wanting to physically cause someone harm and willing to break the rules to do so.

    10. It featured a black man, often dressed as an “African savage” with a jungle backdrop, perched above a tank that sometimes resembled a caldron.

      If this was seen at a carnival now, how would the public take it? Would it be all over social media before the day was over?

    11. Our taste for insults seems to be evaporating

      People get more offended by insults than they used to (generalization)

    12. It’s like being laundry — you know what I’m saying — up and down


    13. If you hit a tea-plate-size target with a ball, a lever beneath Mr. Simmons’s perch disengages, dropping his hulking frame into 150 gallons of lukewarm water.

      Very technical way to describe the process, every detail is mentioned. Great vivid imagery.

    14. grifty

      To obtain money illicitly

    15. barkers

      People who advertise for a show by shouting at a crowd of people to get attention.

    16. His is a role that a more sensitive and inclusive world is now sweeping into the dustbin

      Live in a time where people are more sensitive to judgmental comments (rightfully so) and cancel culture helps rid of "toxic" people. Patches' job would be considered one that is emotionally harmful to others.

    17. weight of a man’s date, or the cheap finish of a woman’s fake gold hoop earrings.

      Patches aims for the material/outer appearances as the target of his remarks rather than digging at a personal level.

    18. anachronism

      The clown business has become increasingly less popular with the decline of circuses, Patches belongs to another time.