291 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. ar more rapidly than anticipated


    2. Few


    3. profound shock

      Probably expected with the way things were going.... not shocking

    4. Unfortunately, this dose of reality arrives more than 30 years after human-caused climate change became a mainstream issue.

      Again, it's been an issue for a while

    5. The climate change panel seems finally to have caught up with the gravity of the climate crisis.

      Scientists have been saying how bad we have been treating the environment and that it was going to catch up with us

    6. first 108 years

      The way this is worded makes it seem like it was bound to happen anyway

    7. all

      All? Or just the ones mentioned?

    8. underestimate the severity of threats

      Feel like this is what the public does, not scientists

    9. For decades, most scientists saw climate change as a distant prospect.

      Thought they were always telling us to take action immediately?

    1. Rather, have an upbeat sign inviting people to take part in a dog-walking club, a community garden or some other activity

      Don't want to isolate people even further

    2. handing out small grants to local gardening clubs, bird-watching groups and others so that they can spread the word and invite more people to join

      encouraging people to get involved

    3. I’m now persuaded that it’s a model for other countries.

      Other countries need to take loneliness and mental health as seriously as they do

    4. Second, people who are alone are less likely to go to doctor appointments, to take medicine or to exercise and eat a healthy diet.

      No one to keep them in check and confront their bad habits as they develop

    5. doctors are sometimes the only ones to witness a patient’s death, with no loved ones around

      People aren't prioritizing family over other commitments

    6. he saw families sometimes drop elderly family members off at a hospital for Thanksgiving or another long weekend in what sounds to me rather like the practice of a family leaving a dog at a kennel when they’re going away

      Great comparison, shows the lack of empathy families are having for their elderly family members

    7. Extended families have dissolved, and social institutions like churches, bowling leagues and neighborhood clubs have frayed

      Actual human interaction being replaced with online relationships and connections

    8. Public health experts in many countries are debating how to address a “loneliness epidemic”

      Breaking the stigma around talking about mental health

    9. Edvard Munch

      Painted "The Scream"

    10. lonely crowd

      good juxtaposition

    1. Her cultural power still threatens to overwhelm all of the realistic, funny writing and performance of Ms. Wong, Angela Garbes, Nefertiti Austin and Amy Schumer, who are expanding our narrow and confining definition of the “ideal mother.”

      Unrealistic expectations of motherhood can easily override the real and put more pressure on new mothers with the increase of "momfluencers."

    2. diaphanous


    3. veneration

      great respect

    4. reduced to a state of melancholia

      Became depressed because of her raging anxiety that she wasn't a good enough mother

    5. rickets

      softening and distortion of the bones due to lack of calcium

    6. who was not only responsible for the moral development of her children but also on the hook for their psychological and physical health

      Needed to do more than morally guide, need to be responsible for the child's health

    7. I would — I was going to say — lie down & die

      Beyond overwhelmed with the constant stress of parenting

    8. Rogers’s disappointment in her absent husband

      Lacks his help raising their child

    9. colicky

      distress in babies besides being healthy and well-fed

    10. ambivalence

      mixed feelings

    11. I fear I am not very charitable towards babies

      Isn't as fond of them as she "should" be, wants peace and quiet

    12. every irritable feeling should … be restrained

      Don't want the child to see them in negative light because they would remember everything "eternally"

    13. child-rearing manuals

      Guides on how to raise children

    14. In fact, they were often forced to leave their own babies to help raise wealthier children.

      Worked in other homes as a nanny

    15. Working-class white women and women of color were excluded from the cult of true womanhood

      Couldn't simply find joy in taking care of their children, they had to worry about working to pay the bills on top of everything going on at home

    16. there wasn’t widespread pressure to find pure joy in baby care.

      Different than more recent decades

    17. Women in colonial-era America helped run family farms and small businesses,

      Always thought they just worked in the home

    18. They needed the strong moral guidance of their fathers to live a proper life — while mothers were praised for their fertility, they were considered too emotional to raise children

      interesting, always thought he father was too busy "providing for the family" to raise their children and morally guide them.

    19. innately


    20. propensity

      natural tendency to behave a certain way

    21. women were supposed to feel fulfilled by their maternal role

      Women supposed to aspire to be a mother and think that it is the piece that will fill the hole in their life.

    22. since the 1800s

      The wealthy/upper class women that hired nanny's to essentially raise their children for them, while they are with their children when it is convenient for them.

    23. There are two diametrically opposed concepts of motherhood that dominate conversation in America today.

      One concept where everything seems perfect and nothing ever goes wrong, the utopian view of parenthood. Other concept that is very real and highlights all of the obstacles faced and odd things that have happened.

    24. diametrically


    1. looking for employment

      Doesn't even have a job, just in pursuit but still considered "working poor"

    2. What kinds of jobs are available to people without much education? By and large, the answer is: jobs that do not pay enough to live on.

      Strictly minimum wage jobs

    3. working homeless,” a now-necessary phrase in today’s low-wage/high-rent society

      Minimum wage jobs aren't enough to cover the cost of living

    4. But there were also wrinkled photos of her kids


    5. Laughter burst from the room.

      Make the most of what they have

    6. I wish we had a nice place like this.” Then her eye spotted a roach feeling its way over the stucco wall.


    7. Vanessa placed her insulin in the minifridge

      Has to pay for insulin

    8. Vanessa’s children, Taliya, 17, Shamal, 14, and Tatiyana, 12. When things got too loud or one of her grandchildren gave her lip, she would ask Vanessa to take her children somewhere else.

      Didn't have the patience or money to put up with attitude

    9. My dad was a junkie, but he never left us.

      Let it go because he was an active part of their life. Is this healthy?

    10. ailing

      in poor health

    11. fled their last place in June 2015, after a young man was shot and killed around the corner.

      Grew up in violent area

  2. Oct 2019
    1. When they did, he sexually assaulted her

      Don't understand how this problem still has yet to be resolved when such severe cases such as this one have occurred

    2. often in an elevator, staircase or doorway

      All small, confined spaces where they can trap their victim, making them helpless

    3. H.R.A. took no action against the two officers named in the case

      Officers not even punished

    4. “If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know what he would have done to me,”

      Terrifying, can't imagine what it would be like to go through this and think of all of the "what-ifs"

    5. The number of formal complaints is small, given the millions of people served by the agency, but the behavior they describe is shocking. Victims and attorneys say abuse often goes unreported, since poor people are less likely to have legal representation.

      Small amnt of complaints for large number of people but the abuse is severe and many times not even mentioned bc the people in poverty can't afford to get people to legally represent them

    6. It demands urgent, focused attention by the mayor to stop an alarming pattern of abuse against people living in poverty.

      Large problem

    7. archipelago

      group of islands, in this case used to describe the social system

    8. the city agency that serves more than three million impoverished New Yorkers every year.

      You'd think they would be more open and caring towards these people who are being vulnerable and seeking help

    9. They were employees and contractors of the Human Resources Administration

      Not even licensed police officers and he hadn't done anything suspicious/worthy of criminal investigation

    10. “I can’t breathe!” Mr. Purnell heaved. “I need my oxygen!”

      Appeals to pathos

    11. begging for help as officers kicked him and beat him with batons.

      The man was helpless and they continued to beat him, awful

    1. Her body was disabled, but thanks to the variety of devoted care she received, her life, though limited, retained its meaning.

      Still found meaning in life, not hopeless because she had a good support system and people caring for her

    2. Gross National Happiness Index

      Like this

    3. But our mental, emotional and spiritual needs are just as difficult to manage as we age, harder to expense and easier to ignore.

      Not a lot of attention given to this subject, mostly just focused on physical needs

    4. A handful of states offer some form of limited paid leave to workers to care for a family member, but for the rest of the country, the Family and Medical Leave Act, which applies only to immediate family members, allows for up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave

      Most states have unpaid work leave to take care of loved ones

    5. But my grandmother’s life shrank

      All she really does/can do is take care of her

    6. urban village configuration

      Different members of family (extended and not) all living under one roof?

    7. my grandmother, divorced and in her 50s, retired early from her job as a garment worker to care for her at home.

      Went as far as to retire early to be a primary caregiver. Was she stable enough financially to do this or did she feel like this was something she had to do?

    8. may have little or no training

      Scary that they aren't educated on what they're doing, how does this effect the one who is being nursed?

    9. My family rallied to help her

      Family stepped up to both care for her and help raise her daughter, shows the great lengths many families will go to to help/support one another in hard/tragic times

    10. found her clenched right hand no longer at her command

      Lost control of the mobility of her right hand,

    11. She went on with life, and then collapsed the next week.

      Fine one minute, in danger the next. Demonstrates the unexpected

    12. Too many people have no choice but to reconfigure their lives around a loved one’s disability.


    1. until we reach justice by whatever means necessary.”

      Reference to Malcolm X?

    2. helped pass 67 new gun laws in 2018.

      Stat that proves that young people can make stuff get done

    3. Think of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, whose stone-faced protest outside the Swedish Parliament in 2018 inspired student strikes in more than a dozen countries and made her a global voice on climate change.

      Powerful imagery to stick with the reader as they read, shows that someone so young is so dedicated to fighting for what's right

    4. galvanized

      shock someone into taking action

    5. memeify

      make fun of, can be seen as dark humor to some but many times crosses a line that can be wildly offensive

    6. concomitant

      naturally accompanying or associating

    7. The mural is spectacular, at the intersection of the two major roads that carry drivers from fully gentrified central Seattle to quickly gentrifying south Seattle. Images of Black Panthers distributing food and registering black voters stretch 40 feet along the sidewalk outside the high school, which is 93 percent kids of color.

      Monumental mural!!!! Can't ignore

    8. but primarily because I’d been taught that when ordinary people, especially young people, try to do activism, they look stupid.

      Young people shamed for trying to have a voice and stand up for what they believe to be right

    9. bleeding-heart pandering to the dreaded “politically correct.”

      Need clarification on this phrase

    10. deriding


    11. cured


    12. I want to be very clear that I’m not talking about kids of marginalized identities or communities who have never for one second had the luxury to choose whether to fight or not.

      Good to note to the audience

    13. tedious, silly, self-important and, most damningly, ineffectual

      stigma was that young people didn't know anything and weren't able to understand the complexities of the world (not true, but influenced the way a lot of kids began to think about politics)

    14. innate

      natural, inherent

    15. yearning to be one of those kids who isn’t scared of sincerity, of action, of authority

      acknowledge authority and follow but wish they were brave enough to challenge it, I can relate to an extent

    16. I was on the side of the hippies

      Took sides while not knowing enough info, what a lot of people do today

    17. Inasmuch


    18. globalization

      how people, companies, and governments interact and integrate worldwide

    19. tanks and bricks and garbage fires and naked bicyclists and people dressed as turtles

      Wide range

    20. How ’90s pop culture convinced a generation of would-be earnest activists that caring was uncool.


    1. we could have

      Repetition of "we could have" to emphasize what we missed out on by not being responsible/holding ourselves accountable

    2. In Northern California, power was cut to more than a million people this week. Near Houston, houses that flooded only two years ago just succumbed again. The South endured record-shattering fall heat waves. In Miami, salt water bubbled through street drains yet again as the rising ocean mounted a fresh assault.

      examples that appeal to logos, allow the reader to clearly picture the damages that are being made bc of climate change

    3. most urgent imperative now

      Creates strong sense of urgency in reader

    4. Or we can be as brave as a schoolgirl and decide that now is the time to stand up and fight.

      Strong conclusion, makes you ask yourself what you can do

    5. Republican Party lies about this issue while the Democratic Party hides from it.

      Both parties in the wrong, refreshing from the usual blame on one party or the other

    6. laws with teeth

      Bite down and take action

    7. The most urgent imperative now is to turn our fear and frustration into votes.

      Call to action: VOTE

    8. Yes, in some sense it is.

      Not going to be able to prevent a lot of things from happening, but can work to lessen the blow

    9. public revolt over the climate crisis

      Finally happened roughly 5-6 years later

    10. heedlessly


    11. But even the scientists did not quite foresee the way that bone-dry vegetation would turn into a firebomb waiting for a spark.

      Even worse than they thought

    12. we act surprised

      We all saw this coming, just didn't know it would be this soon. Snuck up on everyone.

    13. slithered

      Snake metaphor

    14. All of it was predicted, in general outline, decades ago.

      Scientists of the past warned us about the consequences of producing so much waste and harmful gases, but we didn't listen and now we're paying for it

    1. By raising taxes on the wealthy, we could end the lead poisoning that afflicts half a million American kids, we could provide high-quality preschool for all, we could offer treatment for all people with addictions and we could ensure that virtually all kids graduate from a decent high school and at least get a crack at college.

      So much more money to spend on bettering the lives of kids and people who are i'll (mentally and physically)

    2. Even if Trump disappeared tomorrow, we would still live in a country where the top 1 percent own more than the bottom 90 percent — and where on any given night more than 100,000 children are homeless.

      Trump isn't the only reason for this

    3. highest audit rate

      audit: an official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts

    4. High marginal income tax rates, applied only to very high incomes, are a perfectly sensible way to limit the explosion of top wealth inequality

      Not preventing the rich from getting rich, just closing the gap from how much harder it is for the working/lower class to gain any kind of upward traction

    5. This tax holiday, which they knew of in advance, turned out to have no impact on how hard people worked,

      Taxes don't correlate with how hard people work

    6. One of the most consequential political debates in the coming years will be whether to raise taxes on the wealthy.

      Important topic in debates for 2020 election

    7. if we had the same income distribution today as we had in 1979, the bottom 80 percent would have about an extra $1 trillion each year and the top 1 percent would have about $1 trillion less.

      Need to go back to financial systems of the past?

    8. roughly the same gap in life expectancy as exists between the U.S. and Nigeria.

      Strong comparison

    9. factory closings and lack of job retraining, corporate greed and irresponsibility, assaults on labor unions, stingy social welfare, mass incarceration and so on

      all contribute against working class

    10. class warfare

      conflict between the classes based on financial/social inequality

    11. this is America’s cancer.

      intense metaphor, shows seriousness of the corrupt system

    12. Great wealth has translated into immense political power, which is then leveraged to multiply that wealth and power all over again

      A system where the rich keep getting richer

    13. the 400 richest American households paid a lower average tax rate than any other income group

      Rich being taxed less than the working class

    1. Right now, our fear about addressing race causes us to leave kids guessing,

      Might be an uncomfortable conversation but extremely necessary

    2. War on Christmas

      Never heard about this, interesting

    3. edginess or rebellion, the teenager softened his stances and even disabled his alt-right meme accounts.

      communication is key in peacefully getting rid of the alt-right beliefs, may help the son realize how extreme they were.

    4. proud of his efforts to develop opinions that weren’t spoon-fed to him and to promise to listen to their son’s perspective if he would listen to theirs.

      Offers sense of comfort/safe space to express their belief

    5. internet

      internet is not always factual

    6. we want to keep them from becoming supporters of the racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and gender- or sexuality-based hatred that is on the rise.

      Want them to be decent human beings

    7. killed 22 people

      Motivated by race

    8. causes real-life devastation.

      Affects REAL people, young boys don't always realize the magnitude of their actions

    9. 2016 to 2017

      After election

    10. And anyway, I’m sure my friend shared it to be ironic.

      passes it off as irony

    11. He was shocked and embarrassed when I pointed out the actual message: that it would have been better if the Holocaust had continued.

      Many kids don't pay any regard to the content they are viewing and/or supporting. Her child completely misinterpreted the meaning of this largely anti-Semetic statement. Shows the ignorance of many teens/youth (not everyone).

    12. a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists and anti-Semites who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of politics that embrace implicit or explicit racism, anti-Semitism and white supremacy.

      People who believe white Christian people are of the ultimate power and deserve to be supported by the government for this view. Extremists who support an extremely racist and anti-Semetic way of living.

    13. triggered

      Used to describe something that initiates feelings of anxiety, anger , etc

    14. innocuous

      not harmful/offensive

    15. What I didn’t predict was that my sons’ adolescence would include being drawn to the kind of online content that right-wing extremists use to recruit so many young men.

      Extremely shocked, especially because it happened to her own SON

    16. squishy little babies

      description emphasizes youth and immaturity

    17. prey

      eerie, animalistic

    1. there is no moral equivalence between the stress of a senior executive staying up late to polish a presentation for a client and the stress of a retail worker unsure if she will get the shift she needs to make rent.

      Important to understand!!!! Can't compare

    2. If you don’t want to be stressed out, stop making decisions that will stress you out.

      Not always that simple, may feel pressure from family to constantly seek more rather than ever feel satisfied

    3. Maybe you will only be rich, as opposed to superrich. But you’ll be O.K.

      Talking down, mockery

    4. Just stop

      Repetition of this phrase

    5. more resistant to paying the higher taxes that are necessary for redistribution or better public services because they feel under such financial pressure themselves

      Self-inflicted pressure, they have a stable financial situation they're choosing to push the boundaries of it

    6. they have convinced themselves are unavoidable.

      Parents feel like they are forced to spend all of this time and money on extreme goals when they could just as well save their money and set a more realistic goal.

    7. The first 18 years in the lives of the children of these parents have become an expensive, extended college preparation course.

      Life goal is typically to get into Harvard, Yale, or some other ivy league school, then they'll figure out what happens afterward later.

    8. “The way the world works these days is unbelievable.” But that is not the way the world works: It is the way he was working the world.

      Reinforcing the idea that it is not the system that is hurting the wealthy, it is themselves

    9. the best preschools, the best high schools and the best colleges.

      Their children would be just fine in a great school, doesn't always have to be the best

    10. The problems of the affluent are not systemic. They are self-inflicted.

      It's not the system's fault, they set themselves up for failure. Push themselves beyond what is typically capable in a race to become perfect that they're never going to win.

    11. This is not to say that successful people are immune to life’s difficulties and strains.

      Recognizes that their struggles are valid, but can't compare them to someone of a different social/economic situation

    12. 12 years longer

      Most successful people live longer than least successful

    13. malaise


    14. Perhaps sick of being cast as villains, some of the rich and successful have decided to declare themselves victims.

      Desire to "flip the script"

    15. Their new complaint

      Sarcastic? Not a very serious tone, as if there have been tons of complaints prior.

    16. The whining of the wealthy is getting louder.

      Like the wording of this sentence

    17. money-rich, perhaps, but time-poor.

      pushing themselves to the brink to make even more money but not prioritizing time for things that really matter like family/friends

    18. meritocracy

      a ruling or influential class of educated or skilled people.

    1. that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

      We will continue to fight until there is equality for everyone, and in turn make the country stronger

    2. these dead shall not have died in vain

      Their deaths will have been meaningful, for the country and for freedom

    3. brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

      the act of the soldiers willingly going into battle for their country says more than any speech or dedication they could ever do

    4. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this

      It's only right for them to acknowledge the fallen soldiers; respect for them and their families

    5. can long endure

      This will determine if they can actually be a successful, self-sufficient nation

    6. all men are created equal.


    7. conceived in Liberty

      founded on freedom

    1. The first polls since the start of the inquiry have found that public support for impeachment is growing.

      The people want Trump gone

    2. 218 votes,

      A lot of people on the fence still, shows they are taking this very seriously. Are they strongly considering it?

    3. Mr. Trump’s fixation on discovering and discussing the identity of the whistle-blower

      Trump isn't even focusing on the Ukraine deals, putting all of his attention on the whistle-blower.... does he think he's safe w the Ukraine dealings? Does he have people protecting him?

    1. But it is where we start. It is where our union grows stronger.

      Always need a starting point

    2. so Ashley convinced her mother that what she really liked and really wanted to eat more than anything else was mustard and relish sandwiches

      Didn't want to make her for guilty for not being able to afford more

    3. This time we want to talk about

      The repetition of this phrase does a good job of building momentum

    4. distraction

      Like the use of distraction

    5. by investing in our schools and our communities; by enforcing our civil rights laws and ensuring fairness in our criminal justice system; by providing this generation with ladders of opportunity that were unavailable for previous generations.

      Like that he gives specific examples

    6. requires a belief that society can change.

      Need hope

    7. without becoming victims of our past.

      Pushing for social justice and change rather than just talking

    8. imperfect

      More relatable, doesn't make himself seem godlike

    9. In fact, a similar anger exists within segments of the white community. Most working- and middle-class white Americans don’t feel that they have been particularly privileged by their race.

      Reference NFG, What my Bike Taught Me About White Privilege! Despite all obstacles faces, race has never been one of them

    10. And the lack of basic services in so many urban black neighborhoods – parks for kids to play in, police walking the beat, regular garbage pick-up and building code enforcement – all helped create a cycle of violence, blight and neglect that continue to haunt us.

      Everything adds up

    11. meant that black families could not amass any meaningful wealth to bequeath to future generations.

      Literally prevented by the government from moving up

    12. But we do need to remind ourselves that so many of the disparities that exist in the African-American community today can be directly traced to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow.

      Recognize that today's racism is rooted in the poor/violent treatment of black people in the past, there is history that can't be ignored

    13. we’ve never really worked through

      Majority of people aren't willing to confront these issues because it's uncomfortable

    14. But race is an issue that I believe this nation cannot afford to ignore right now.

      Still relevant

    15. I suppose the politically safe thing would be to move on from this episode and just hope that it fades into the woodwork.

      Doesn't want the issue to go without being acknowledged, needs to be addressed but also need room for growth

    16. The church contains in full the kindness and cruelty, the fierce intelligence and the shocking ignorance, the struggles and successes, the love and yes, the bitterness and bias that make up the black experience in America.

      !!!!!! The church's combined experiences encapsulate the truths of America

    17. the stories and songs gave us a means to reclaim memories

      Could relate to the gospel music and stories of the bible, saw themselves in them and gave them hope

    18. But the truth is, that isn’t all that I know of the man.

      He understands what Rev. Wright said was horrible, but also knows him to be another man who did good.

      Opposite of today's "cancel culture"

    19. elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America

      Puts all the negatives above the positives

    20. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely – just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.

      Doesn't put himself on a pedestal and make him seem better than everyone else, he admits this "fault" and persists to say that near everyone has done the same.

    21. that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.

      People get so fired up and say racist things that affect both white and black people

    22. that it’s based solely on the desire of wide-eyed liberals to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap

      Is this saying that some people just wanted him to be president based on race?

    23. “too black” or “not black enough.”

      Constant struggle for people who are mixed

    24. I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.

      American Dream!!!!

    25. I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations

      Ups and downs, both ultimately got him to where he is now

    26. comes from my own American story.

      Personal ties

    27. but we all want to move in the same direction

      One common goal

    28. through protests and struggle, on the streets and in the courts, through a civil war and civil disobedience and always at great risk

      All acts that were necessary to make CHANGE, still happening today. Ex: Women's March, Black Lives Matter, Pride, climate change, etc

    29. to leave any final resolution to future generations.

      Interesting that even now, many of the older generations look to the younger ones to ignite change instead of acting themselves

    30. It was stained by this nation’s original sin of slavery

      Unfinished because not everyone was equal, as the document said, but many were still discriminated against. Obviously prominent in that slavery was still prevalent

    31. improbable experiment in democracy

      Figured it wasn't going to work or last