7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. This is why an unreliable narrator in film can be jarring in ways different than we experience it in a novel.

      It's jarring because we see what the protagonist sees. So, even if they're an unreliable narrator, we still form our "objective" view on the subjective perspective of the protagonist.

    2. told for a purpose

      This purpose could be political or social, OR just for financial purposes. A good example is Into The Spiderverse.

    3. In film we will find elements of this discourse in places like  set-design, costumes, music, editing, lighting, and many of the other techniques and artistry

      It's everywhere

    4. they will be briefly in the same shot together, signifying the next stage in their (unhealthy) relationship.

      Editing can be another way to convey meaning

    5. These discursive devices are what allows, as we will see later in the semester in Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane,  seventy years of a man’s life to be narrated in two hours, or, in Bicycle Thieves, three days to be told in 90 minutes.

      Where the story is narrated in a shorter summarized way than the real-time events

  2. Aug 2024