11 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
  2. Feb 2019
    1. I chose life.

      what was said when they turned away loans

    2. financial

      many think they have chosen the wrong college due to the financial burden they endure

    3. loneliness that some students experience once they get to school

      what makes them lonely

    4. Technological connectedness has made it much harder for college students to make mistakes and learn from them.

      harder than not being connected?

    1. (One U.S.F. effort: an app called “Cold Turkey” that blocks social media for an hour or two so students can study without disruption.)

      this is a good invention

    2. Nearly 40 percent of them get no credit for any of the courses they have completed and lose 27 credits on average — or about a year of school, according to a 2014 federal study.

      they should be advised not to transfer if it means losing credits.

    3. 25 hours can get in the way of passing classes

      how many classes does this consist of?

    4. but fail to take the right courses in the right order

      are they receiving assistance from a counselor or taking classes they choose?

    5. Many of those who finish in five or six years have either unnecessarily drained their parents’ bank accounts or end up in a lot more debt.

      what financial steps are they taking to ensure they don't go into debt.