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    1. Summary

      This is the list of what I found important when skimming through the text of chapter 3.

      Genetic Variation: this is the genetic difference between individuals and it is what makes everyone unique. Understanding genetics helps understand the person and then understand the way they think. Genetic variation helps understand different people.

      Figure 3.11: This figure shows the action potential and how the electrical signal moves. This impulses over and over and it is important to understand in the brain because it is like the messenger.

      Figure 3.14: This figure shows the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems reactions. There are opposite affects for them. Understanding this can help analyze what nervous system is being affected by an event.

      The Two Hemispheres: There is a lot to discover about the brain and there is a lot of information in here about how it is made up as a whole and how there are certain areas for certain processes.

      What do you think? Brain dead or life support: This one was a very interesting topic to put in here at the end of all of this information about the brain and everything it does. I put this in the important list because it is important to think about real life situations and using critical thinking to figure out different controversies.

    1. emotional detachment

      https://images.app.goo.gl/R6fEN9LRd1QDoarR8 I found this funny little image about emotional detachment. There is a lot of different jokes about emotional detachment in todays world.

    1. Freud (1856–1939) was an Austrian neurologist who was fascinated by patients suffering from “hysteria” and neurosis. Hysteria was an ancient diagnosis for disorders, primarily of women with a wide variety of symptoms, including physical symptoms and emotional disturbances, none of which had an apparent physical cause. Freud theorized that many of his patients’ problems arose from the unconscious mind.

      This is a tricky fact to me because hysteria seems like something really hard to understand. It seems like this is something that can't be easily understood and thinking the unconscious is a part of it makes it more tricky to me.

    2. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on the role of a person’s unconscious, as well as early childhood experiences, and this particular perspective dominated clinical psychology for several decades (Thorne & Henley, 2005).

      I find this fact very interesting because the unconscious, specifically dreams, have always been interesting to me and how they can be interpreted. It is interesting to learn about the experiments that are conducted to find out more about the unconsciousness.

    1. Psychology students also can develop better communication skills during the course of their undergraduate coursework (American Psychological Association, 2011). Together, these factors increase students’ scientific literacy and prepare students to critically evaluate the various sources of information they encounter.

      This is a surprising fact to me, because I never thought of psychology being used for critical thinking. I never thought of this class being helpful with my other classes and research. It is really cool to learn more about psychology.

    1. mission

      My name is Katelyn Hoesche, I am in the Rarotonga Tribe and I like supreme pizza