- Sep 2019
planning.sfsu.edu planning.sfsu.edu
. Courage propels our willingness to be different and unique--to establish ourselves as a university with a distinct mission and character, rather than a follower in the pattern of others.
I definitely agree with courage being a big step toward leadership. It is important to instill courage in learning environments to encourage students to take risks and think outside the box. I remember schools generally taught me to be a factory worker by always preaching the system and to never "color outside the box". This actually hurt my academic growth b/c it hadn't introduced me to the value of failure. Fear of failure prevented me from really challenging myself and really stunned my growth throughout elementary/middle school.
senate.sfsu.edu senate.sfsu.edu
From the heart of a diverse community, San Francisco State University honors roots, stimulates intellectual and personal development, promotes equity, and inspires the courage to lead, create, and innovate.
To me, it sounds like SFSU takes pride in creating a space of diversity in order to add a rich culture to its learning atmosphere. It also encourages free-thinking free of discrimination, and hopes to create leaders out of the students who climb their way up the educational ladder. Although this sounds great, I don't think this school has gotten their yet. I've recently seen a mob of SFSU students shouting death threats, sexual harassment, and racist comments directed toward elder people preaching anti-abortion on campus. I understand anti-abortion is a sensitive topic, but a mob mentality definitely goes against the school's values, and paints a very poor picture of SFSU
www.calnewport.com www.calnewport.com
heavy studiers tended to memorize, while effortless students made connections between ideas.
I can definitely relate with this line. I personally tend to struggle with things like history or anything relating to that, because it really boils down to memorizing key names or dates, which'll later be brain-dumped. I tend to thrive in subjects like physics or calc because there is at least a system to it where I can connect dots and apply them to solving real world problems. I never have to study math/physics to earn an A, whereas I study for hours upon hours memorizing history just to muster up a C grade.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
While my college had done an excellent job recruiting me, I had no road map for what I was supposed to do once I made it to campus.
I believe it would have been very useful back before the internet to educate kids/ future students about college to help ease them into the transition. I've seen a lot of students drop out due to homesickness, and scammed by for-profit college tactics because of students lack of knowledge of college culture, and the financial/academic process.
And that, for me, is the quintessential quality of the first-generation college student’s experience. It’s not even knowing what you don’t know.
I can relate to this on some level. My parents never encouraged college, actually going so far as to discourage it out of fear of paying out of pocket. I knew nothing about college culture, or the academic process. Luckily we have the internet, which everyone has access to. I just googled/emailed/called for answers. So being a first-gen student isn't really an excuse for extra credit in my opinion.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
they have intensified their efforts to enroll and lift disadvantaged students.
I agree in increasing efforts for disadvantaged students to attend uni's; I don't agree with the first-gen method as it seems to be very unfocused. to me, first-gen isn't the same thing as "low income" or "underprivileged". There is technology out there designed to help future students navigate the academic. At first, I was very confused about the college process, and received no help from parents. All I had to do was use the internet and send a couple emails to get the answers I was looking for.
Surely, Ms. Weingarten assumed, the boy could be counted as a first-generation college applicant, deserving of an admissions bump for being disadvantaged.
I actually don't believe in this day and age that being a first-gen college student is deserving of special treatment. I fail to see the disadvantage with today's technology, where if you have a question, you could just google the answer or watch a YouTube video. My parents never encouraged college or talked about college, but since I'm an adult I was able to do research and make a decision for myself. I've literally put myself through education with zero support from parents. I don't believe that is deserving of a "bump", while there are others who struggle financially.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
was not willing to leave home at age 18 for an unfamiliar world.
This was true for me to. In my situation, college was too expensive for me to go in without a clear goal of what I wanted to become. I didn't have a lot of guidance or work experience beforehand to make a calculated decision toward my professional goals. I once thought I wanted to work in film or creative writing, but once I dabbled with that before entering college and realizing how unstable of a lifestyle it entailed, I was able to make a decisive choice geared toward my strengths and values. College is just too risky to not be 100% on board with your career path. I would advising being familiar with your world before pursuing it.
After all, the earnings gap between four-year college graduates and everyone else has soared in recent decades.
This is a very interesting line that speaks to me on several levels. I've actually done a lot of research behind my current career path of becoming a Software Engineer and I'd have to agree with this line. People working in this field make on average $120,000 annually, and roughly 90% have a bachelors relating to SE. I personally used to work as an Aviation Maintenance Tech beforehand, which I didn't need a bachelors for and made $60,000 annually. In my opinion, the aviation job is significantly more difficult than SE. This just goes to show the importance of furthering education.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Willingham goes so far as to say people should stop thinking of themselves as visual, verbal, or some other kind of learner
I agree with Willingham here. Personally I haven't seen any better results with my academics or work by buying into a "learning style". I've in fact seen a lot more harm than good as a student trying to understand a topic. For instance, instead of learning the meaning behind a certain word, or see where a word might fit into the bigger picture, I would just memorize the word. Maybe I would correlate it with another word, but I could never visualize the word, because it wasn't my "learning style". This was probably more harmful at work where I'd often read what I was supposed to do. I could recite every step, but actually doing it was a problem, because I couldn't visualize most of the steps. Because of this I'd argue a combination of teaching styles and study habits be implemented to better understand a subject, as adopting a learning style can be very limiting.
Essentially, all the “learning style” meant, in this case, was that the subjects liked words or pictures better, not that words or pictures worked better for their memories.
I really like this line of text because it paints a picture of how we see ourselves as learners vs how we actually are. I can relate to this because I used to enjoy being a visual learner and identified as being that type of student. I would priorities my study habits around the visual style, only to fail written portions of what I visualized. This also happened vice versa, where I studied written material only to fail the visualized version of what was written. Because of this, I would like to argue that teaching or studying with a specific style only limits your memory to that style. To me there has to be a combination of teaching styles and study habits to make the most out of understanding and memorizing the material. I believe that there isn't one style that fits one student best, but instead a combination of styles that every student can benefit from.