4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. Then, make sure your writing is readable. If you have identified and analyzed your audience, you are off to a good start. Readable means that your document can be easily understood by your target audience, and refers to the formula where by words, sentence length, and sentence complexity determine how hard or easy your sentences are to read. If your readability is too high for the audience, then they will either take more time getting what they need from your writing, or it wont be of any use to them at all. Too low? You may come across as condescending, if not a lousy writer.

      This second accessibility in technical writing makes this familiar with writing text because this makes the classic Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and double spacing easy for the reader what the writer and/or author has to say.

    1. Your writing has to be clear so that your reader can get from it the information you intended. Strive to make sure that you have expressed exactly what you mean, and have not left room for incorrect interpretations.

      Being clear in writing is one of the most important standards because it can keep your readers attention while being direct and continuing with an active voice.

    2. First and most important, your writing must be honest. Your trustworthiness in communication reflects not only on you personally but on your organization or discipline.

      I agree with this text because not only are you writing to be honest but also not lacking integrity with your professional communication.

    1. Good communication skills, particularly in writing, are essential if you are going to succeed in the workplace.

      I do agree with this statement because when you are in a workplace that you want to build up to a higher position that requires you to have good communication and skills when it comes to connections.