45 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2017
    1. Conclusion

      Overall, I was very impressed an interested throughout your analysis. It really makes me want to visit Cabbage town just to see it first hand. There were a few grammatical errors, but nothing that cant be a quick fixed. Great use of sources and citing them. Great job! Very impressive.

    2. For instance, Cabbagetown is a town/ neighborhood in Eastside Atlanta, where majority of the gentrification happens the most. With this being stated, it is still obvious that it has not done much change to the city or its neighborhood.

      Nice way of re-instating your thesis statement.

    3. community to prevent gentrification from happening.

      How exactly did they do this ? For instance, did they ever protest on reconstructions near by or that were to happen in that area?

    4. why Cabbagetown is so special? What’s its importance? Why aren’t they being associated with the gentrification drift? With this being stated, let’s take a look at Cabbagetown history and importance.

      Great! I was going to as you to be more specific but you let me know it was what you were speaking about next.

    5. I saw that everything in this little town did not look anything else like the rest of the gentrified “affected” Atlanta.

      Great observation and proof of it.

    6. As interesting as it is to note, Cabbagetown is located in East Side Atlanta. So, shouldn’t they be experiencing this too?

      Great attention grabber!

    7. the


    8. It has been stated by Shaila Dewan, A New York Times reporter, that areas in Northeast Atlanta such as Riverside, Buckhead, and Cobb County have already experienced some adaptations of gentrification, while Bankhead and Rockdale are surfacing media everywhere of new renovation projects

      Nice way of referencing your source and smoothly fitting it into the paragraph.

    9. Basically, what you can conclude from these two images is, the single-family homes that required a lower income, has been pushed out, tore down, dismantled and renovated their homes for higher rentals for people of higher incomes. Not fair, right?

      Nice interpretation of the space and situation.. Small little grammatical errors here and there, of which I have highlighted for you.

    10. To be a little more specific, Moreland Avenue, which is located South Atlanta has been conformed to new conditions as seen as in the image to the right

      Nice interrogation of an example to help your argument. Great use of a visual image as well.

    11. throughout the rest of this analysis you will learn how Cabbagetown has refused to change its customs and values of the city and how this town came together to not let this happen their neighborhood. First, I will inform you on the many places in Atlanta alone experiencing gentrification. Then,  I will include a comparison and a contrast of other conformed places in Atlanta to the “non-conformed” Cabbagetown. Next, I will provide information about the history of Cabbagetown and how much has not changed and why Cabbagetown has been such a success from not going under gentrification.

      Great way of introducing specific example and topics that you are planning touching upon.

    12. In Atlanta, the gentrification is also known to be radically altered, due to the increase of Caucasians entering the area and number of African Americans being forced to leave the area. According to Zak Cheney Rice, a writer from Mic Network stated, 31% of Atlanta alone has experienced gentrification in this 21st century. Although this horrific thing has been occurring in Atlanta very frequently and very fast, there is one city in particular that I personally have seen that refuses to let this happen to them. The idea of becoming “socially acceptable” is not apart of their traditions and customs. This city is none other than Cabbagetown, Atlanta.  

      I love the little history in your introduction. Your claim here seemed to be very straight forward and to the point. You defined exactly what you were talking about, defined it and connected it to your built environment experience.

    13. Introduction

      You did a great job at using subtitles throughout your analysis, which helped identify and see exactly what you were talking about in each section.

  2. Mar 2017
    1. Thus, it is also important that governments facilitate plurality in planning and building urban places by taking into consideration the fact that people's abilities change during their life span, and that disability is a natural facet of the human experience

      It is all about consideration and predictability. No one person is the same but things can be made in which everyone can have easy and equal accessibility to facilitate their needs.

    2. People with disabilities have heretofore often been considered a marginal group in planning and democratic processes.

      "A marginalized community is a group that's confined to the lower or peripheral edge of the society. Such a group is denied involvement in mainstream economic, political, cultural and social activities." (https://www.reference.com/world-view/marginalized-community-517401cfa76aa4eb)

    3. There is also a need for more research on how a value based interpretation of UD and inclusion can be implemented in urban planning processes, addressing concrete dilemmas.

      Things can not change , if the initiative is not taken to make a difference or a change for the better. Getting more knowledge and more in depth allows for a more understandable and easier way to navigate around dilemmas and hard to address topics.

    4. For these people, as well as for elderly people, children, and people with cognitive disabilities, it is of the utmost importance that basic structures in urban places are predictable and not too complicated to learn to use.

      Simplifying complex areas could go a long way for not just disabled but anyone as they age. Changes to certain things that were probably meant to help the disable can turn out to help anyone through their daily activities or making their life easier.

    5. "I recognize you by seeing your similarity and your difference to me, and then I make your strangeness familiar. In other words, I see you as you are"

      There is no need to change those with disability , there is need to support and help them stride forth by bettering their environment.

    6. When people with disabilities are included in such processes they represent knowledge that differs from the expert political and theoretical knowledge that planners and governments possess.

      "There are two traditions: empiricism, which holds that our knowledge is primarily based in experience, and rationalism, which holds that our knowledge is primarily based in reason."(http://www.theoryofknowledge.info/)Not only do you have to experience the sense of inequality or neglect, but you have to understand and reason with the public as to why things should change and how they should for the community as a whole. Not just one particular problem, we have to analyze multiple aspects to make bigger and better changes.

    7. "redesign of public space is essential to the dignity and self-respect of people with impairments

      Its not only important to build things to help with accessibility, but it is also very important to not exclude people with disability. Although people with disability have become more visible the idea that we are segregating them to "special buses" or "special schools/work places" takes away the dignity and self-respect because they are made seem as different when in reality , they can probably do everything anyone without a disability can, just in a different way or form.


    8. it is necessary to focus on equal access in spatial planning and building processes. Planning in urban areas is thus a social justice issue.


      It is necessary , to not just think of ourselves and how to make navigation easier for us but to also include those that have impairments which forces them to need further assistant than just normal visual signs or a figure signalling you to walk . We have to think not just of one person but of all. In order to have equal status for everyone we just make accessibility for everyone a norm.

    9. However, she also pointed to a catch-22: namely, that if wheelchair users, like herself, stayed indoors because of barriers in public places, politicians might fail to recognize their need for access.

      I do agree and say that if you want something to be pushed forth and opened up for people to see you must make it visible."The ADA owes its birthright not to any one person, or any few, but to the many thousands of people who make up the disability rights movement"(https://dredf.org/news/publications/the-history-of-the-ada/)

    10. Realizing that people with disabilities were grossly invisible in urban public areas, Jane 1 argued that politicians and spatial planners needed more knowledge about accessibility for wheelchair users.

      It is sad that we go through our daily lives ignoring things such as this until something, such as an article, news, or someone else opens our eyes to the situation. We may see someone struggling to get up the stairs because they are on crutches and we may proceed to help them but we never take for account that for that person, it is a daily struggle to be out , because of the lack of accessibility.

  3. Feb 2017
    1. For my supplemental reading , I decided to read “Lazy rivers and Student debts” by Kellie Woodhouse. I chose this amongst all for the simple fact that 1) I have never heard of a “Lazy River” and 2) as a college student , I can relate to the student debt accumulating and becoming a problem in our lives.(https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/06/15/are-lazy-rivers-and-climbing-walls-driving-cost-college) Throughout the article Kellie Woodhouse like Kathleen G Scholl and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi discussed the archistructures and space used for student benefits at universities. On one side of the spectrum, “Recognizing Campus Landscape as Learning space” discusses several main points which consist of the idea that students have better focus and attention when they study and learn in nature and open environment, that colleges are spending millions on upgrading student centers, but not enough on updating the nature parts of the campus and, the fact that college campuses should have more of a green space to help its students achieve the most can. The article focuses on how to make learning more efficient and how it is has evolved over time.

      The second article that was discussed focused on colleges deterring away from educational matters of importance onto matters of recreational spending. The main similarities between these two articles is that they’re both persuasive articles. Kellie Woodhouse said “One is encouraging us to focus on the environment where the students are placed in while the other questions the wisdom of colleges choosing to upgrade their auxiliary facilities before they upgrade their academic ones.” In the same article Wellman said "One can ask whether they're appropriate expenditures given that many colleges are letting their infrastructures deteriorate, even while they're investing in these things that are supposed to attract students.”The similarities also include a focus on how college campuses are affecting students. For example both articles are giving evidence on how today’s practices are influencing successful learning. Successful learning is associated to the financial sustainability and how schools were making it less affordable because of their reckless spending on amenities. The second article focuses on the consequential question colleges face when competing. How to make the campuses better. Being better has different values attached to it. How many students can they attract. Vistas and amenities are factors students do look at aside from an educational standpoint. But there lies the dilemma. Are you willing to pay more for a higher education or for a higher standard of recreational living. The article tackles and criticizes the campuses that believe in amenities over higher standards of education. While the first article discussed topics revolving around the techniques to learning more efficiently.

    2. Summary:

      Universities nationwide carry a responsibility to bring a hospitable environment and nourishing enrichment with regards to learning processes students go through. There were various concepts and questions that were addressed in this excerpt “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Space” by Kathleen G Scholl, Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi. From the role of the environment in fostering learning to the historical background behind campuses, learning was the biggest focus. Physical, social, and mental psyches were all a primary focus when discussing attention and its role within student learning. An example of what was discussed would be direct and indirect attention. Direct attention was described as an individual's ability to retain and comprehend information. While indirect is more natural process require stimuli and less work than direct. Learning and how modernization has also impacted it was a topic also discussed in minute length.

      Learning has evolved hand and hand with technology but also hardships against our attention span. The environment is a very important space because it helps alleviate fatigue and other stresses that can affect one's learning. Student nature interactions were studied on how they affect students positively in a learning and environment and were shown to yield positive results. The main focal point of the excerpt was to back up their claim that open learning spaces and more nature oriented surroundings were an important mix in successful learning rather than being in a traditional closed and fixed setting . Kathleen G Scholl and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi believed that a mixture was more commendable in terms of yielding a better and more positive results .

    3. American higher education institutions face unique twenty-first century changes and challenges in providing good, holistic learning spaces for the diverse and evolving needs of today’s college student.

      This made me think about how our education system is trying to stay aligned with the technological innovations that have sprung out of the twenty-first century.

    4. Therefore, we propose that the natural landscape of a university campus is an attentional learning resource for its students.

      I believe the decor and the environment a university showcases is ideal in making a stable learning environment for those that attend such university. Libraries , study rooms, and tutorial rooms are some of the examples that show a campus paying attention to its learning resources.

    5. Learning is a lifelong and year-round pursuit, which takes place throughout the campus, not just fragmented indoors in designated instructional spaces

      It is essential for individuals to partake in outside activities versus staying put inside a closed area. Being outside and meeting new people along with embracing new experiences helps open up a person to a more colorful world.

    6. Attention Restoration Theory (ART) centers on the internal and external influences affecting one’s cognitive ability and suggests that exposure to and interaction with nature has specific recovery effects on the human attentional system.

      There seems to be a distinct connection between cognitive retention and being in a natural environmental setting. Just like in recent studies it was found that people studied better without music but if music was involved listing to classical music without lyrical content helped those to study and retain more information.

    7. This executive attentional system encompasses a variety of psychological phenomena and is commonly separated into direct or voluntary attention and indirect or involuntary attention. We explain those concepts below as they apply to student learning and learning spaces.

      It is no secret that the processes of learning in today's culture can be seen through a physiological and psychological paradigm. Our learning styles have a direct connections to the type of psycho and behavioral techniques employed in today's classrooms.

    8. Direct attention is, therefore, an important cognitive skill required on a daily basis for students processing multiple sources of information, and working towards their academic goals at universities.

      Direct attention is the primary way of our students ability to retain and comprehend. Focus is one of the concepts that our learners aren't grasping at full capacity.

    9. Empirical research using the ART framework has examined all modes of human interaction in indoor, urban and wilderness settings and suggests that in the absence of fascinating natural stimuli, humans miss out on the critical type of rest (Keniger, et al., 2013). Urban stimuli typically lack the capacity to restore our direct attentional capacities effectively.

      This could be a reoccurring problem for big cities such as New York or Atlanta. The lack of natural stimuli such as plants could possible reduce the amount of sleep a student may get which would possible affect their attention span during class.

    10. de Bloom, Kinnunen and Korpela (2014) found that people in corporate settings benefit most from directed attention breaks spent in natural settings.

      Im personally glad this has been proven only because it is something that i have gotten into doing. Such as going to parks during the week when it is less populated and do some work. It seems to help my thinking process more than staying cooped up inside my dorm.

    11. holistic

      "Holistic is characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole." A perfect word to describe the diversity communities in which majority of universities and institutions are located. Along with the individual needs for each student that needs to be met.

    12. The preservation of open space is vital to the maintenance and effective functioning of a quality university learning environment

      Would colleges with a more isolated campus suffer compared to colleges like Georgia State which is interactive with the community and forces students to get to know the community as well?

    1. Summary: In Parting Ways from In Small Things Forgotten James F. Deetz does a wonderful job of writing a captivating and very detailed beginning to the little history that took place in a place very close to the historical Plymouth. He mainly focus on the underrepresented life of 4 common African American men, Cato Howe,Prince Goodwin,Plato Turner, and Quamany. It touches on several theories such as, of material culture and middle class groups in colonial America which corresponds to racial stands as well. He also demonstrated the impact that regional differences had on the development of material culture in early America. He expressed the structures of the shot houses that resemble the house makers cultural roots. He claims that it is a way for blacks to claim "heritage through their building traditions in the face of the dominant culture". Although as time passes and there is a little bit of a newer sense, the primary culture still withstands within the building forms.

    2. An Archaeology of Early American Life

      "American life" is not the way Cato Howe & the 3 other men had lived. If anything, the lived a underprivileged life compared to other Americans because of their race.

    3. terminus post quem

      "terminus post quem"-" For example, if an archeological site contains coins dated 1588, 1595, and others dated 1590 - 1625, the terminus post quem would be the coin dated 1625, i.e., the latest date obtained from the evidence" https://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/comic/activity/pdf/TPQ.pdf

    4. The site had never been disturbed by cultivation or other earth removal since it was lived on. As a result, both the focus and the visibility of the features were excellent.

      This is a great thing , especially to learn more of how Howe, Quamany, and Plato had lived throughout their life. Its an excellent historical site to preserve . It would be hard to explain the life of those that lived their because of the lack of information on their lives but would be beneficial to express the lack of care and support for African Americans, compared to everyone else.

    5. Three years later, he died, and his estate was probated.

      pro·bate ˈprōˌbāt/ noun 1. the official proving of a will. "the will was in probate" verb NORTH AMERICAN 1. establish the validity of (a will).

    6. If we were to rely only on the documentary sources for our knowledge of the life of the four men who lived at Parting Ways, we would have little on which to proceed.

      I believe this fact is something that happened very often for African american, slaves and even those that earned their freedom.

    7. I remember driving from my middle school which is in Boston , 30-45 minutes from Plymouth, and going to see people reenact how people use to live. However , they had never mentioned or brought up the fact that slaves had lived in that area as well or Cato Howe's life or history. Even of his patriotism in the military.

    8. Cato Howe was black

      After reading this , the author creates the idea that because of this fact things are going to be dealt with and create difficulties through Cato Howe's life and anyone associated with him.

  4. Jan 2017
    1. Our knowledge of Cato Howe and his fellow blacks of Plymouth comes from two sources: Fragmentary written records give us a partial picture, lacking in important details.

      The insufficient amount of information on Cato Howe and other blacks of Plymouth shows the lack of care and acknowledgement they received. Even after gaining their freedom.

    2. Piecing together black history on a local level is a fascinating and often frustrating process of assembling fragments to form a coherent whole. To gain a true understanding of the story of a people, it is best to detail a picture of their life within a community and then relate that to the larger world

      It is amazing just how much there is still to learn. The simple idea that I, myself, have lived in Massachusetts for 15 years of my 19 years of life and have never once heard of Cato Howe's history or any of the slaves is absurd. I can just imagine how much there is to uncover.