7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. counter narrative

      Counter narratives are something my group is really excited to use for our final practice.

    2. I want them to be able to see themselves as change agents.

      Students as agents of change has been a common and inspiring theme I have recognized throughout this entire semester.

    3. including community knowledge that may not be valued in schools or as part of the official curriculum.

      This phrase reminded me of a lot of conversations I had with my Unit 2 group about how bias a lot of curriculum is. It reminds me of how important it is for educators to recognize this.

    4. Throughout this unit, Kara asked her students to make use of their knowledge of their own neighborhoods, positioning them as experts about the places they inhabit.

      This phrase makes me really excited for developing our practice, as students using their knowledge of their own neighborhoods is a positive theme I have seen across readings. This is something we will also be using for our final project.

    1. the name itself, “Tardy Sweep,” which they found insulting and degrading.

      A common theme I have noticed in the readings and readings from other classes is how harmful the way we label things in schools can be. An example that comes to mind is how important it is to use the term" Emergent bilingual" in place of "English language learner".

    2. The students stood up, formed a circle, and documented their perceptions and feelings about the name in their journals. Then, they shared aloud their thoughts.

      This reminds me a lot of practice we use at my school called restorative justice circles.

    3. Critical Pedagogy in Practice

      It is so fun seeing everything come together through all the units. Here we can see a connection to Unit 1.