15 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. “Facebook’s algorithm” or a “Google algorithm,” which is usually inaccurate. They mean “software.”

      So true, two completely different things.

    2. You get money from an ATM—software. An elevator takes you up five stories—the same.

      what did I just say... Everything is software

    3. software easier to write, promising that you could code in plain English

      python, c++ are programs written by programs. Of course those programs are much more harder for their syntax is broader allowing to be more precise when communicating with hardware/the computer.

    4. for example, and that OS includes hundreds of subprograms, from mail apps to solitaire

      technically, everything is a program. The turing machine is a program too, a program being a multitude of functions and algorithms make it possible. Individual pieces are nothing.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. 11 million professional software developers

      software developers has a very vague definition.

    2. Its magic has been stripped away.


    3. I began to program nearly 20 years ago

      of my 4 years of knowing how to code, I would say code is a sort of communication framework between a user and a computer. We code because even though we can put 2+2 together we can give a computer a function where a user inputs two different numbers and now the computer can add things way faster than we can.

    4. Can you tell me what code is?” “No

      If you can't explain something you're supposed to be good at are you doing a good job?

    1. While social norms are changing towards non-consensual data collection and data exploitatio

      Are these norms being acted upon. Your not going to stop a venture capitalist from selling data.

    2. Whether the outcome is revenge porn or targeted ads, surveillance or discriminatory AI

      Realities of modern society, if you stop giving attention to a bully eventually the bully gives up.

    3. This threat seems disproportionately higher for women who are often overrepresented in internet content

      Historical comparisons of Male vs. female contributions to society

    4. and a slow, but noticeable decline

      so to take anything off the internet would mean for one particular thing to gain world-wide recognition.

    5. the position of women in tech and the value of our contributions

      Really vague, implies all women's nudes are posted on the internet, or they are objectified in the workplace, which means that if this is happening in the first place than they're workplace contributions are low.

    6. In 2021, sharing content is easier than ever

      giving up concerns for privacy