4 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2019
    1. Gamification is easy. It offers simple, repeatable approaches in which benefit, honor, and aesthetics are less important than facility. For the consultants and the startups, that means selling the same bullshit in book, workshop, platform, or API form over and over again, at limited incremental cost. It ticks a box. Social media strategy? Check. Games strategy? Check.

      I agree with this, many business just use gamification as a tool to sell their products rather than focusing on the quality of the products. However, what's unexpected is that there are many consumers keep going with the flow of that strategy without knowing the truth behind it.

  2. Jul 2019
    1. The truth is, it’s always been taboo to talk to strangers, and as long as there have been trains, we’ve found things to look at besides other people.

      I don't agree with the author making this opposition. It depends on the culture and lifestyle. But I have to admit that technology really affects the way we asscosciate with strangers.

    1. People didn't want to read instructions. To be successful, I had to come up with a game people already knew how to play; something so simple that any drunk in any bar could play. (14)

      I think this would be a helpful tip for people who are starting with game development! As I reflect, I, as a game player, tend to play the games that is similar to the games I enjoyed playing.

    2. Learning how to play a game is often a matter of internalizing a set of external constraints. With chess, this process is explicit—we read the rules and memorize them. But with a videogame, we learn the rules mostly by experimentation. (11)

      It is very interesting and true that we learn to play video games by experimenting because there are many external constraints in video games compared to classic and board games. As we experimenting the external constraint in the video game, we start to figure out another way to resolve the problem, thus develop the new sets of rules in that circumstances, and the internal constraints will be modified a little bit to make the game more interesting.