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  1. Last 7 days
    1. And when they have come together to drink, they first sprinkle with liquor thisimage which is over the master's head, then the other images in order. Then anattendant goes out of the dwelling with a cup and liquor, and sprinkles threetimes to the south, each time bending the knee, and that to do reverence to thefire; then to the east, and that to do reverence to the air; then to the west to doreverence to the water; to the north they sprinkle for the dead. When the mastertakes the cup in hand and is about to drink, he first pours a portion on the ground.If he were to drink seated on a horse, he first before he drinks pours a little on theneck or the mane of the horse. Then when the attendant has sprinkled toward thefour quarters of the world he goes back into the house, where two attendants areready with two cups and platters to carry drink to the master and the wife seatednear him upon the couch. And when he has several wives, she with whom he hasslept that night sits beside him in the day, and it becomes all the others to cometo her dwelling that day to drink, and court is held there that day, and the giftswhich are brought that day are placed in the treasury of that lady. A bench with askin of milk, or some other drink, and with cups, stands in the entry.

      The Mongol customs rely heavily on alcohol and the relationship around the master. They would appear more superstitious at first but seem more prayer-like in some ways. specifically, when pouring exactly three sprinkles in the South, East, West, and North to give reverence to the fire, air, water, and the dead. It's fascinating to see how different customs hold high regard in their prayers and respect for their masters.

  2. Jun 2024
  3. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. They likewise killed theKnyaz and Knyaginya [transliteration of Russian word “princess”], and men,women, and children, monks, nuns and priests, some by fire, some by the sword,and violated nuns, priests’ wives, good women and girls in the presence of theirmothers and sisters.

      The overwhelming theme of this document is how God is an executor and a savior. God chooses to save the bishop but sentences the rest to the brutality of violation and death. When hiding in the Church of the Holy Mother of God, the pagans set it on fire with them inside, and yet their souls were given to God. History has shown that religion is deeply rooted in civilizations, but to hear that they believe that God is the reason that the pagans were set upon them perhaps that is why there is a lack of discussion of battle. To a point, they accepted their fate.