446 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. F. Spanish Translations and ESL CoursesThis Agreement and the notices listed in Attachment 7 shall be trans-lated and printed in Spanish and shall be made available to all Spanish-speaking Players. The costs for the translation and printing shall beborne equally by the Association and the Clubs. In the event of any dis-pute involving the interpretation of, or compliance with, the provisionsof this Agreement or these notices, the English version shall govern.Further, during each championship season covered by this Agreement,each Club will make available an English-as-a-second-languagecourse, at its expense, provided that at least one Player on that Clubrequests such a course

      Earlier CBAs had recognized the changing demographics of the sport in any official legal documentation by requiring those documents be translated and printed in Spanish. The addition of ESL courses in this CBA is another example of the MLBPA advocating for the interests or needs of foreign-born players.

    2. E. Active Player Limit(1) The active Player limit set forth in Major League Rule 2(c)for the period beginning with opening day of the championship sea-son and ending at Midnight, August 31, shall be 25, provided thatthe minimum number of active Players maintained by each Clubthroughout the championship season shall be 24. However, if areduction below 24 occurs as a result of unforeseen circumstances,the Club shall, within 48 hours (plus time necessary for the Playerto report), bring its active roster back to a minimum of 24 Players.The utilization or non-utilization of rights under this paragraph (1)is an individual matter to be determined solely by each Club for itsown benefit. Clubs shall not act in concert with other Clubs.(2) The active Player limit set forth in Major League Rule 2(c)for the period beginning with September 1 and ending with the closeof the championship season shall be 40 for the duration of thisAgreement.

      The negotiation around active player limits starts to formalize established practices and procedures, and in the process limited the number of opportunities available for minor league players to be promoted to the Major League team.

    3. D. College Scholarship PlanA Major League Player for whom there is in effect on or after January1, 1973 a valid and unexpired scholarship under the College Scholar-ship Plan may commence or resume his studies under the Plan at anytime within two years after his last day of Major League service. If his college studies have not commenced under the Plan within twoyears after his last day of Major League service, his scholarship shallterminate.Otherwise, his scholarship shall continue unless he shall fail to attendcollege for more than two consecutive years after his last day of MajorLeague service, without proper reason as set forth in Major LeagueRule 3(c)(4)(D). Participation by a Player in Winter League or Instruc-tional League play shall constitute proper reason for tolling the timelimitation in the preceding sentence.

      The College Scholarship Plan supported Major League players who were drafted out of college prior to completing their degrees and supported their degree completion. However, the benefits articulated in the Scholarship Plan only were available to drafted players who had advanced to the Major Leagues.

    4. C. Winter League PlayNo Major League Player shall be required to play in the WinterLeagues, provided that this provision shall not bar a Club from recom-mending the advisability of such activity to any Player

      While this CBA gives players some additional opportunities to profit from their baseball skill in the off-season, the vague language in this article also blurs the distinction between what players are contractually obligated to do and what 'recommended measures' a club might suggest to a player, with the unspoken potential threat of being held in breach of contract.

    5. . No DiscriminationThe Clubs will not interfere with, restrain or coerce Players because ofmembership in or lawful activity on behalf of the Association, nor willthey discriminate because of Association activity in regard to hire,tenure or employment or any term or condition of employment.The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied to all Players cov-ered by this Agreement without regard to race, color, religion ornational origin

      In a notable omission, organized baseball's CBA did not prohibit discrimination based on sex or gender, which legal precedent at this time had expanded to include gender identity and sexual orientation.

    6. A. ReportingNo Player shall be required to report for spring training workouts morethan thirty-three (33) days prior to the start of the championship sea-son, provided that:

      Although the length of the playing contract is specified elsewhere in the contract, the MLBPA continued working to clarify and formalize players' contractual labor obligations and limit opportunities for clubs to impose additional uncompensated work requirements.

    7. A. Safety and Health Advisory Committee(1)Safety and Health Advisory CommitteeThe Parties shall establish and maintain a bipartisan Safety andHealth Advisory Committee which shall be comprised of an equalnumber of members representing the Association and representingthe Clubs. The purpose of the Committee shall be(a) to deal with emergency safety and health problems as theyarise, and attempt to find solutions, and(b) to engage in review of, planning for and maintenance ofsafe and healthful working conditions for Players.

      No minor league club, player, or league representatives are represented in the formation of the Health and Safety Committee.

    8. ARTICLE XI—Grievance Procedure

      No grievance procedure is outlined or articulated for minor league players and teams, meaning the legal protections the MLBPA provides for major league players are not a benefit available for minor league players.

    9. ARTICLE X—World Series, League Championship Seriesand Division Series Players’ Pool

      No equivalent pool was created for minor league players to profit from championship or post-season appearances.

    10. ARTICLE VIII—Moving Allowances

      Extending the moving expenses clubs were required to cover for promoted players and their families was a major victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, no similar policy was outlined for minor league players who relocate due to an assignment to another minor league team.

    11. E. All-Star Game

      Since the CBA only articulates "leagues" governed by this CBA as the National League and American League, the various affiliated minor leagues (collections of minor league clubs) and their all-star games are not covered by this sub-article.

    12. (a) The criteria will be the quality of the Player’s contributionto his Club during the past season (including but not limited to hisoverall performance, special qualities of leadership and publicappeal), the length and consistency of his career contribution, therecord of the Player’s past compensation, comparative baseballsalaries (see paragraph (13) below for confidential salary data),the existence of any physical or mental defects on the part of thePlayer, and the recent performance record of the Club includingbut not limited to its League standing and attendance as an indi-cation of public acceptance (subject to the exclusion stated in

      Even as arbitration procedures as outlined in the CBA give Major League players greater control over their conditions of labor, this language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    13. F. Salary Arbitration

      As in previous CBAs, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in arbitration procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible for arbitration.

    14. (ii) for Minor League service—at a rate not less than the following:2003—at the rate per season of $50,000;2004—at the rate per season of $50,000;2005—at the rate per season of $50,000 plus a cost of liv-ing adjustment, rounded to the nearest $100, provided that thecost of living adjustment shall not reduce the minimum salarybelow $50,000;2006—at the 2005 rate per season plus a cost of livingadjustment, rounded to the nearest $100, provided that the cost

      The 2003 CBA was again one of early moments minor league salaries were specified in a legal document negotiated by the MLBPA. However, those salary minimums only applied to players who had the minimum one day of Major League service. For players who had not been promoted to a Major League club, these minimums did not apply.

    15. ARTICLE VI—Salaries

      Only vague guidelines for minimum salaries or salary specifications are laid out for minor league teams and players, allowing management to retain power over the minor league compensation structure.

    16. The Clubs recognize the Association as the sole and exclusive collec-tive bargaining agent for all Major League Players, and individualswho may become Major League Players during the term of this Agree-ment, with regard to all terms and conditions of employment, provid-ed that an individual Player shall be entitled to negotiate in accordancewith the provisions set forth in this Agreement (1) an individual salaryover and above the minimum requirements established by this Agree-ment and (2) Special Covenants to be included in an individual Uni-form Player’s Contract, which actually or potentially provideadditional benefits to the Player

      Establishing the MLBPA as the union for Major League players and players who might become Major League players during a CBA's term limits the ability of minor league players to form their own union.

    17. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contractsfor and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and individu-als who may become Major League Baseball Players during the termof this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for andon behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may becomemembers of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof

      Although minor league baseball was still a distinct organizational entity at this time, the CBA language explicitly stated it applied to current Major League teams but also left vague the relationship of minor league teams to the CBA. While not explicitly articulated in the CBA, the practice became for CBAs negotiated by the MLBPA to address some procedures or concerns for minor league teams and players.

    1. A. ReportingNo Player shall be required to report for spring training workouts more thanthirty-three (33) days prior to the start of the championship season, provided that:(1) injured Players, pitchers and catchers may be invited to -attend spring training workouts no earlier than forty-five (45) days prior to the start of the championship season; and(2) all other Players may be invited to attend spring training workouts no earlier than forty (40) days prior to the start of the championship season.

      Although the length of the playing contract is specified elsewhere in the contract, the MLBPA continued working to clarify and formalize players' contractual labor obligations and limit opportunities for clubs to impose additional uncompensated work requirements.

    2. (b) Cost of living adjustments for the split minimum salary for National Association service described above in paragraph (2) shall be computed as follows:

      The 1997 CBA was one of the first times the level of specificity applied to Major League salary calculations was also applied to minor league player salaries, creating some minimum standard protections for minor league salary stability. However, those protections only applied to minor league players who had the requisite one day of Major League service.

    3. (ii) for National Association service-at a rate not less than the following:1996-$28,900 per season;1997-at the rate per season of $37,000;1998-at the rate per season of $37,000;1999-at the rate per season equal to $37,000 plus a cost of living adjustment, rounded to the nearest $100, provided that the cost of living adjustment shall not reduce the minimum salary below $37,000

      The 1997 CBA was again one of early moments minor league salaries were specified in a legal document negotiated by the MLBPA. However, those salary minimums only applied to players who had the minimum one day of Major League service. For players who had not been promoted to a Major League club, these minimums did not apply.

    4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto subscribed their names as of the day and year first above written.

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the agents participating in the CBA negotiations or signing off on the agreement.

    5. The Clubs and the Association will jointly request and cooperate in lobbying theCongress to pass a law that will clarify that Major League Baseball Players are covered under the antitrust laws (i.e., that Major League Players will have the same rights under the antitrust laws as do other professional athletes, e.g., football and basketball players), along with a provision that makes it clear that the passage of that bill does not change the application of the antitrust laws in any other context or with respect to any other person or entity. If such a law is not enacted by December 31, 1998 (the end of the next Congress), then this Agreement shall terminate on December 31, 2000 (unless theAssociation exercises its option to extend this Agreement as set forth in Article XXVII)

      These combined lobbying efforts resulted in the 1998 Curt Flood U.S. Congressional Act, which specified Major League Baseball's anti-trust exemption was still applicable to Major League clubs and players, in effect forcing minor league teams to also operate under that exemption while not benefiting from the legal protections and representation the MLBPA provided for Major League players.

    6. ARTICLE XXVIThe Industry Growth Fund

      Additionally, no minor league clubs, players, or representatives were included in the formation of the Industry Growth Fund governance structure.

    7. The revenue sharing plan may have a significant impact on the industry globally as well as on individual Clubs.

      As noted here, the revenue sharing plan also impacted the level of resources clubs had to invest in foreign scouting and talent development, a practice that was starting to begin in earnest during the late 1990s.

    8. ARTICLE XXVThe Revenue Sharing Plan

      While theoretically a revenue sharing plan should have improved overall minor league working conditions, the CBA did not specify any of the shared revenues be allocated for minor league salaries or facilities.

    9. ARTICLE XXIIILuxury Tax

      The 1994-1995 Major League strike resulted in significant tensions between players and owners going into this CBA negotiation. The competitive imbalance resulting from the lack of salary spending restrictions within Major League Baseball led to the institution of a Luxury Tax, which penalized clubs for spending over a specified salary cap.

      While advantageous in terms of ensuring Major League competitive balance, the Luxury Tax also set the precedent for the slotted signing bonus system which would have significant impact on minor league labor conditions and compensation.

    10. ARTICLE XXIIManagement RightsNothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the rights of the Clubs to manage and direct their operations in any manner whatsoever except as specifically limited by the terms of this Agreement

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    11. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

    12. D. Outright Assignment to National Association Club

      Again, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures were available only to Major League players with the required minimum service time.

    13. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right of a free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outside the structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compensation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in this Section B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    14. ARTICLE XXReserve System

      As noted in the 1980 CBA, the 1975 Messersmith/McNally ruling overturned Major League Baseball's reserve clause and created a clear path for certain players to negotiate as free agents. However, the MLBPA's success in negotiating for the rights of free agents also came with a reserve system that severely limited minor league players' autonomy and access to the benefits and opportunities of free agency.

    15. A. Consent to Assignment

      Even as free agency was radically altering the compensation level and conditions of labor for Major League players, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment and level of compensation.

    16. L. Family and Medical Leave ActThe Clubs will comply with the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.)

      While this CBA reflects compliance with the 1993 federal law, the legal precedent around Major League Baseball's anti-trust exemption means professional baseball is not required to comply with other federal or state laws, regulations, or procedures.

    17. 5) International Play Committee

      No minor league club or player representatives are included on this committee.

    18. I. International Play

      With organized baseball becoming more firmly established, profitable, and successful outside the United States, Major League Baseball and the MLBPA further expanded the level of specificity and regulation in the CBA in terms of international competition.

    19. F. Spanish Translations and ESL CoursesThis Agreement and the notices listed in Attachment 9 shall be translated and printed in Spanish and shall be made available to all Spanish-speaking Players. The costs for the translation and printing shall be borne equally by the Association and the Clubs. In the event of any dispute involving the interpretation of, or compliance with, the provisions of this Agreement or these notices, the English version shall govern. Further, during each championship season covered by this Agreement, each Club will make available anEnglish-as-a-second-language course, at its expense, provided that at least one Player on that Club requests such a course.

      Earlier CBAs had recognized the changing demographics of the sport in any official legal documentation by requiring those documents be translated and printed in Spanish. The addition of ESL courses in this CBA is another example of the MLBPA advocating for the interests or needs of foreign-born players.

    20. E. Active Player Limit(1) The active Player limit set forth in Major League Rule 2(c) for the period beginning with opening day of the championship season and ending at midnight, August 31, shall be 25, provided that the minimum number of active Players maintained by each Club throughout the championship season shall be 24. However, if a reduction below 24occurs as a result of unforeseen circumstances, the Club shall, within 48 hours (plus time necessary for the Player to report), bring its active roster back to a minimum of 24 Players. The utilization or non-utilization of rights under this paragraph (1) is anindividual matter to be determined solely by each Club for its own benefit. Clubs shall not act in concert with other Clubs.(2) The active Player limit set forth in Major League Rule 2(c) for the period beginning with September 1 and ending with the close of the championship season shall be 40 for the duration of this Agreement

      The negotiation around active player limits starts to formalize established practices and procedures, and in the process limited the number of opportunities available for minor league players to be promoted to the Major League team.

    21. D. College Scholarship PlanA Major League Player for whom there is in effect on or after January 1, 1973 a valid and unexpired scholarship under the College Scholarship Plan may commence or resume his studies under the Plan at any time within two years after his last day of Major League service. If his college studies have not commenced under the Plan within two years after his last day of Major League service, his scholarship shall terminate.Otherwise, his scholarship shall continue unless he shall fail to attend college for more than two consecutive years after his last day of Major League service, without proper reason as set forth in Major League Rule 3(c) (4)(D). Participation by a Player in Winter League or Instructional League play shall constitute proper reason for tolling the time limitation in the preceding sentence.

      The College Scholarship Plan supported Major League players who were drafted out of college prior to completing their degrees and supported their degree completion. However, the benefits articulated in the Scholarship Plan only were available to drafted players who had advanced to the Major Leagues.

    22. C. Winter League PlayNo Major League Player shall be required to play in the Winter Leagues, provided that this provision shall not bar a Club from recommending the advisability of such activity to

      While this CBA gives players some additional opportunities to profit from their baseball skill in the off-season, the vague language in this article also blurs the distinction between what players are contractually obligated to do and what 'recommended measures' a club might suggest to a player, with the unspoken potential threat of being held in breach of contract.

    23. A. No DiscriminationThe Clubs will not interfere with, restrain or coerce Players because of membership in or lawful activity on behalf of the Association, nor will they discriminate because of Association activity in regard to hire, tenure or employment or any term or condition of employment.The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied to all Players covered by thisAgreement without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.

      The 1997 CBA was an early moment the MLBPA successfully advocated for standard workplace non-discrimination protections to be applied to professional baseball, a measure that supported both U.S. and foreign-born players.

    24. A. Safety and Health Advisory Committee(1) Safety and Health Advisory Committee

      No minor league club, player, or league representatives are represented in the formation of the Health and Safety Committee.

    25. ARTICLE XIGrievance Procedure

      No grievance procedure is outlined or articulated for minor league players and teams, meaning the legal protections the MLBPA provides for major league players are not a benefit available for minor league players.

    26. ARTICLE VIIIMoving Allowances

      Extending the moving expenses clubs were required to cover for promoted players and their families was a major victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, no similar policy was outlined for minor league players who relocate due to an assignment to another minor league team.

    27. E. All-Star GameA Player who is a member of his League’s All-Star team shall, in addition to being reimbursed in accordance with past practice, be reimbursed by the League for thefirst-class jet air fare to and from the site of the All-Star Game for one guest from the guest’s place of residence, and for hotel accommodations for a maximum of three days for such guest

      Since the CBA only articulates "leagues" governed by this CBA as the National League and American League, the various affiliated minor leagues (collections of minor league clubs) and their all-star games are not covered by this sub-article.

    28. (12) Criteria.(a) The criteria will be the quality of the Player’s contribution to his Club during the past season (including but not limited to his overall performance, special qualities of leadership and public appeal), the length and consistency of his career contribution, the record of the Player’s past compensation, comparative baseball salaries (see paragraph (13) below for confidential salary data), the existence of any physical or mental defects on the part of the Player, and the recent performance record of the Club including but not limited to its League standing and attendance as an indication of public acceptance (subject to the exclusion stated in subparagraph (b)(i) below). Any evidence may be submitted which is relevant to the above criteria, and the arbitrator or arbitration panel shall assign such weight to the evidence as shall appear appropriate under thecircumstances. The arbitrator or arbitration panel shall, except for a Player with five or more years of Major League service, give particular attention, for comparative salary purposes, to the contracts of Players with Major League service not exceeding oneannual service group above the Player’s annual service group. This shall not limit the ability of a Player or his representative, because of special accomplishment, to argue the equal relevance of salaries of Players without regard to service, and the arbitrator or arbitration panel shall give whatever weight to such argument as is deemed appropriate

      Even as arbitration procedures as outlined in the CBA give Major League players greater control over their conditions of labor, this language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    29. . Salary Arbitration

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in arbitration procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible for arbitration.

    30. ARTICLE VISalaries

      Only vague guidelines for minimum salaries or salary specifications are laid out for minor league teams and players, allowing management to retain power over the minor league compensation structure.

    31. The Clubs recognize the Association as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent for all Major League Players, and individuals who may become Major League Players during the term of this Agreement, with regard to all terms and conditions ofemployment, provided that an individual Player shall be entitled to negotiate inaccordance with the provisions set forth in this Agreement (1) an individual salary over and above the minimum requirements established by this Agreement and (2) Special Covenants to be included in an individual Uniform Player’s Contract, which actually or potentially provide additional benefits to the Player.

      Establishing the MLBPA as the union for Major League players and players who might become Major League players during a CBA's term limits the ability of minor league players to form their own union.

    32. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and individuals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may becomemembers of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Although minor league baseball was still a distinct organizational entity at this time, the CBA language explicitly stated it applied to current Major League teams but also left vague the relationship of minor league teams to the CBA. While not explicitly articulated in the CBA, the practice became for CBAs negotiated by the MLBPA to address some procedures or concerns for minor league teams and players.

    1. A. Safety and Health Advisory Committee (1) Safety and Health Advisory Committee

      No minor league club, player, or league representatives are represented in the formation of the Health and Safety Committee.

    2. Post-Season Exhibition Games. Major League Rule 18(b) provides

      Again, as seen previously in the CBA, players are given limited ability to utilize their baseball skills for financial gain outside the playing season established by major league baseball in the CBA.

    3. 6. In order to enable the Player to fit himself for his duties under this contract, the Club may require the Player to report for practice at such places as the Club may designate and to participate in such exhibition contests as may be arranged by the Club, without any other compensation than that herein elsewhere provided, for a period begin-ning not earlier than thirty-three (33) days prior to the start of the championship season, provided, however, that the Club may invite players to report at an earlier date on a voluntary basis in accordance with Article XIV of the Basic Agreement. The Club will pay the necessary traveling expenses, including the first-class jet air fare and meals en route of the Player from his home city to the training place of the Club, whether he be ordered to go there directly or by way of the home city of the Club. In the event of the failure of the Player to report for practice or to participate in the exhibition games, as required and provided for, he shall be required to get into playing condition to the satisfaction of the Club's team manager, and at the Player's own expense, before his salary shall commence.

      Although the length of the playing contract is specified elsewhere in the contract, this language in the CBA gives clubs the power to place additional, uncompensated, obligations on players to ensure they comply with the level of physical fitness required to remain in good standing with the club per the terms of the contract.

    4. . The Player, when requested by the Club, must submit to a com-plete physical examination at the expense of the Club, and if necessary to treatment by a regular physician or dentist in good standing. Upon refusal of the Player to submit to a complete medical or dental ex-amination, the Club may consider such refusal a violation of this regulation and may take such action as it deems advisable under Regulation 5 of this contract. Disability directly resulting from in-jury sustained in the course and within the scope of his employment under this contract shall not impair the right of the Player to receive his full salary for the period of such disability or for the season in which the injury was sustained (whichever period is shorter), together with the reasonable medical and hospital expenses incurred by reason of the injury and during the term of this contract or for a period of up to two years from the date of initial treatment for such injury, whichever period is longer, but only upon the express prerequisite conditions that (a) written notice of such injury, including the time, place, cause and nature of the injury, is served upon and received by the Club within twenty days of the sustaining of said injury and (b) the Club shall have the right to designate the doctors and hospitals furnishing such medical and hospital services. Failure to give such notice shall not impair the rights of the Player, as herein set forth, if the Club has actual knowledge of such injury. All workmen's com-pensation payments received by the Player as compensation for loss of income for a specific period ~uring which the Club is paying him in full, shall be paid over by the Player to the Club. Any other disabili-ty may be ground for suspending or terminating this contract

      While some minimum expectations for resources the club will provide to players are articulated in the CBA, the obligation still largely falls on the player to follow specific procedures and conventions in order to have access to those resources. The CBA also raises the threat of contract termination as an option for players who avail themselves of club-provided resources.

    5. Governmental Regulation-National Emergency 11. This contract is subject to federal or state legislation, regula-tions, executive or other official orders or other governmental action, now or hereafter in effect respecting military, naval, air or other governmental service, which may directly or indirectly affect the Player, Club or the League and subject also to the right of the Com-missioner to suspend the operation of this contract during any na-tional emergency during which Major League Baseball is not played.

      However, the legal precedent around Major League Baseball's anti-trust exemption means professional baseball is not required to comply with other federal or state laws, regulations, or procedures.

    6. (4) Within five (5) days after receipt of notice of such claim, the Player shall be entitled, by written notice to the Club, toter-minate this contract on the date of his notice of termination. If the Player fails to so notify the Club, this contract shall be assigned to the claiming Club.

      Even with free agency established, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    7. By Club 7.(b) The Club may terminate this contract upon written notice to the Player (but only after requesting and obtaining waivers of this contract from all other Major League Clubs) if the Player shall at any time: (1) fail, refuse or neglect to conform his personal conduct to the standards of good citizenship and good sportsmanship or to keep himself in first-class physical condition or to obey the Club's training rules; or (2) fail, in the opinion of the Club's management, to exhibit sufficient skill or competitive ability to qualify or continue as a member of the Club's team; or (3) fail, refuse or neglect to render his services hereunder or in any other manner materially breach this contract.

      Minor league players are given limited avenues to influence or even negotiate the terms of their contractual employment and face significant professional and financial consequences for doing so.

    8. Medical Information 6.(b) The Player agrees that, should the Club contemplate an assign-ment of this contract to another Club or Clubs, the Club's physician may furnish to the physicians and officials of such other Club or Clubs all relevant medical information relating to the Player

      While some minimum expectations for resources the club will provide to players are articulated in the CBA, the obligation still largely falls on the player to follow specific procedures and conventions in order to have access to those resources. The CBA also raises the threat of contract termination as an option for players who avail themselves of club-provided resources.

    9. Service 5.(a) The Player agrees that, while under contract, and prior to expiration of the Club's right to renew this contract, he will not play baseball otherwise than for the Club, except that the Player may par-ticipate in post-season games under the conditions prescribed in the Major League Rules. Major League Rule 18(b) is set forth herein.

      These procedures are articulated in more detail in the rules documents, but players at any level of U.S. professional baseball have limited opportunities to use their baseball skills in other baseball contexts for financial gain. Those financial stakes have different ramifications for players not covered by major league salary minimums.

    10. Ability 4.(a) The Player represents and agrees that he has exceptional and unique skill and ability as a baseball player; that his services to be rendered hereunder are of a special, unusual and extraordinary character which gives them peculiar value which cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated for in damages at law, and that the Player's breach of this contract will cause the Club great and ir-reparable injury and damage. The Player agrees that, in addition to other remedies, the Club shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent a breach of this contract by the Player, including, among others, the right to enjoin the Player from playing baseball for any other person or organization during the term of his contract.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    11. Baseball Promotion 3. (b) In addition to his services in connection with the actual playing of baseball, the Player agrees to cooperate with the Club and par-ticipate in any and all reasonable promotional activities of the Club

      The CBA also blurs the distinction between on-field obligations and off-field expectations for major and minor league players, giving clubs extensive leeway in terms of their expectations for players. In this system, players also have limited autonomy to have full control of their identity, resources, and earning potential outside their career as a professional athlete.

    12. Loyalty 3. (a) The Player agrees to perform his services hereunder diligently and faithfully, to keep himself in first-class physical condition and to obey the Club's training rules, and pledges himself to the American public and to the Club to conform to high standards of personal con-duct, fair play and good sportsmanship.

      The CBA makes physical conditioning and other aspects of athletic training and fitness the responsibility of the player, without establishing minimum standards for league or club support for these requirements.

    13. The Club is a member of the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, a voluntary association of member Clubs which has subscribed to the Major League Rules with the American League of Professional Baseball Clubs and its constituent Clubs and to The Professional Baseball Rules with that League and the National Association of Baseball Leagues

      As noted in the annotations on the rules documents, the rules and procedures that governed Major League teams were also extended to the NAPBL, which included all minor league teams. This ambiguity in language around distinct procedures and standing for minor league players and teams has presented challenges to determining the legal status or standing for minor league baseball.

    14. ATTACHMENT 15 This will set forth the understanding of the parties regarding Article XX(A), of the Basic Agreement: With respect to a National Association Player with no existing Ma-jor League Contract, whose National Association Contract has been assigned to a Major League Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on the Major League Club's Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the tendering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the necessity of renewing the National Association Contract will provide the Major League Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such a Player will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), which provides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exercise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major League Contract to renew.

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    15. National League Expansion

      The National League added two teams in 1993, the Colorado Rockies and the Florida (now Miami) Marlins. Although the CBA provided detailed procedures for how Major League players would be procured for these new teams, the inevitable impact on minor league structure was not considered or clearly articulated.

    16. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto subscribed their names as of the day and year first above written.

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the agents participating in the CBA negotiations or signing off on the agreement.

    17. The Committee shall consist of no more than six (6) representatives from the Clubs and no more than six (6) representatives from the Association. The Executive Director and/or General Counsel of the Player Relations Committee (or his designee) shall be one of the Club representatives and shall serve as the Club co-chair. The Executive Director and/or General Counsel of the Players Association (or his designee) shall be one of the Association representatives and shall serve as the Association co-chair.

      After the series of strikes, lockouts, and work stoppages that plagued Major League Baseball in the 1980s, both the MLBPA and management had a vested interest in ensuring more amicable labor relations moving forward.

      However, no minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented on this committee.

    18. ARTICLE XXIV-Baseball Economic Study Committee

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are included in this study committee, suggesting minor league baseball at this time was not seen as a central element of professional baseball's economic value.

    19. ARTICLE XXII-Management Rights Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the rights of the Clubs to manage and direct their operations in any manner whatsoever except as specifically limited by the terms of this Agreement.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    20. F. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

    21. Outright Assignment to National Association Club

      Again, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures were available only to Major League players with the required minimum service time.

    22. ARTICLE XX-Reserve System

      As noted in the 1980 CBA, the 1975 Messersmith/McNally ruling overturned Major League Baseball's reserve clause and created a clear path for certain players to negotiate as free agents. However, the MLBPA's success in negotiating for the rights of free agents also came with a reserve system that severely limited minor league players' autonomy and access to the benefits and opportunities of free agency.

    23. D. Foreign Assignments

      In the 1980 CBA, a player's consent was not necessary if he was being assigned to a team in his native country. This change in the language of the 1990 CBA offered greater stability for foreign-born players.

    24. A. Consent to Assignment (1) The contract of a Player with ten or more years of Major League service, the last five of which have been with one Club , shall not be assignable to another Major League Club without the Player's written consent. No consent from a Player shall be con-sidered effective until twenty-four hours from the Club's request to the Player for such consent. (2) (a) The contract of a Player with five or more years of Major League service, not including service while on the Military Li

      Even as free agency was radically altering the compensation level and conditions of labor for Major League players, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment and level of compensation.

    25. F. Printing Agreements in Spanish

      The 1990 CBA was again one of the early moments when Major League Baseball had recognized the changing demographics of the sport in any official legal documentation. At this point, increasing numbers of players from Latin America and the Caribbean were advancing to the Major Leagues, and this sub-article is one of the early moments the MLBPA advocated for the interests or needs of foreign-born players.

    26. Absent the agreement of the Association, there shall be no interna-tional play from the opening of the championship season to the open-ing of the next spring training; provided that championship season, All-Star, League Championship Series and World Series games played between Major League Clubs in the United States and/or in Canada shall not be considered international play; and provided further that each Club, subject to the limitations set forth in Article V(D)(3), above, may play exhibition games during spring training and the championship season against any non-Major League club if such games are played in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico and are not part of a national or international tour by a foreign club. The terms anp. conditions of the participation of Major League Players

      Again, as seen previously in the CBA, players are given limited ability to utilize their baseball skills for financial gain outside the playing season established by major league baseball in the CBA. This sub-article places particular restrictions on foreign-born players who may have had access to additional international opportunities.

    27. E. Active Player Limit

      The negotiation around active player limits starts to formalize established practices and procedures, and in the process limited the number of opportunities available for minor league players to be promoted to the Major League team.

    28. D. College Scholarship Plan A Major League Player for whom there is in effect on or after January 1, 1973 a valid and unexpired scholarship under the College Scholar-ship Plan may commence or resume his studies under the Plan at any time within two years after his last day of Major League service. If his college studies have not commenced under the Plan within two years after his last day of Major League service, his scholarship shall terminate.

      The College Scholarship Plan supported Major League players who were drafted out of college prior to completing their degrees and supported their degree completion. However, the benefits articulated in the Scholarship Plan only were available to drafted players who had advanced to the Major Leagues.

    29. C. Winter League Play No Major League Player shall be required to play in the Winter Leagues, provided that this provision shall not bar a Club from recom-mending the advisability of such activity to any Player.

      While this CBA gives players some additional opportunities to profit from their baseball skill in the off-season, the vague language in this article also blurs the distinction between what players are contractually obligated to do and what 'recommended measures' a club might suggest to a player, with the unspoken potential threat of being held in breach of contract.

    30. A. No Discrimination The Clubs will not interfere with, restrain or coerce Players because of membership in or lawful activity on behalf of the Association, nor will they discriminate because of Association activity in regard to hire, tenure or employment or any term or condition of employment. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied to all Players covered by this Agreement without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.

      The 1990 CBA was an early moment the MLBPA successfully advocated for standard workplace non-discrimination protections to be applied to professional baseball, a measure that supported both U.S. and foreign-born players.

    31. ARTICLE XI-Grievance Procedure

      No grievance procedure is outlined or articulated for minor league players and teams, meaning the legal protections the MLBPA provides for major league players are not a benefit available for minor league players.

    32. ARTICLE X-World Series and League Championship Players' Pool

      No equivalent pool was created for minor league players to profit from championship or post-season appearances.

    33. A Player may elect, within two years after the date of the assign-ment of his contract, regardless of when his contract is assigned or whether the assignment is between Major League Clubs or a Major League Club and a National Association club, to be reimbursed for 20 I 2 I RI s;::;a a:::;s (1) the reasonable and actual moving expenses of the Player and his immediate family resulting therefrom, including first-class jet air transportation for the Player and his immediate family, provided that, if the Player relocates more than one year from the date of the assign-ment, the Player must relocate in the assignee Club's home city and the Player must still be playing for the assignee Club at the time he incurs such expenses and (2) all rental payments for living quarters in the city from which he is transferred (and/or spring training loca-tion, if applicable), for which he is legally obligated after the date of assignment and for which he is not otherwise reimbursed. Such rental payments shall not include any period beyond the end of a season or prior to the start of spring training. The Club paying reim-bursement for rent shall have use and/or the right to rent such living quarters for the period covered by the rental reimbursement. In the event a Player is required to report to a Major League Club from a National Association club in any year on or after September 1, the foregoing paragraph shall not apply. Reimbursement shall be made by the assignee Club, except, should a Player's Contract be assigned from a Major League Club to a National Association club, reimbursement shall be made by the assignor Major League Club.

      Extending the moving expenses clubs were required to cover for promoted players and their families was a major victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, no similar policy was outlined for minor league players who relocate due to an assignment to another minor league team.

    34. E. All-Star Game A Player who is a member of his League's All-Star team shall, in addition to being reimbursed in accordance with past practice, be reimbursed by the League for the first-class jet air fare within the continental United States and Canada to and from the site of the All-Star Game for one guest, and for hotel accommodations for a max-imum of three days for such guest.

      Since the CBA only articulates "leagues" governed by this CBA as the National League and American League, the various affiliated minor leagues (collections of minor league clubs) and their all-star games are not covered by this sub-article.

    35. (12) Criteria. (a) The criteria will be the quality of the Player's contribution to his Club during the past season (including but not limited to his overall performance, special qualities of leadership and public appeal), the length and consistency of his career con-tribution, the record of the Player's past compensation, comparative baseball salaries (see paragraph (13) below for confidential salary data), the existence of any physical or mental defects on the part of the Player, and the recent performance record of the Club in-cluding but not limited to its League standing and attendance as an indication of public acceptance (subject to the exclusion stated in subparagraph (b)(i) below). Any evidence may be submitted which is relevant to the above criteria, and the arbitrator shall assign such weight to the evidence as shall to him appear ap-propriate under the circumstances. The arbitrator shall, except for a Player with five or more years of Major League service, give par-ticular attention, for comparative salary purposes, to the contracts of Players with Major League service not exceeding one annua

      Even as arbitration procedures as outlined in the CBA give Major League players greater control over their conditions of labor, this language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    36. F. Salary Arbitration The following salary arbitration procedure shall be applicable: (1) Eligibility. The issue of a Player's salary ma~ be submit-ted to final and binding arbitration by any Player or hIS Club, pro-vided the other party to the arbitration consents thereto. Any Club, or any Player with a total of three or more years ~f Major Leag_ue service, however accumulated, but with less than six years of MaJor League service, may submit the issue of the Player's salary to final and binding arbitration without the consent of the other party, subject to the provisions of paragraph (4) below. In addition, effective in 1991 and thereafter, a Player with at least two but less than three years of Major League service shall be eligible for salary arbitration if: (a) he has accumulated at least 86 days of service during the immediately preceding season; and (b) he ranks in the top seventeen percent ( 17 % ) ( rounded to the nearest whole number) in total service in the class of Players who have at least two but less than three years of Major League ser-vice, however accumulated, but with at least 86 days of service accumulated during the immediately preceding season. If two or more Players are tied in ranking, ties shall be broken consecutive-ly based on the number of days of service accumulated_ in ~ach of the immediately preceding seasons. If the Players remam tied, the final tie breaker will be by lot. (2) Six Year Player-Club Consent to Arbitration. Any Player with six or more years of Major League service, however ac-cumulated, who was not eligible to elect free agency under Arti-cle XX at the close of the preceding championship season, but whose Club has offered to proceed to salary arbitration pursuant to Arti-cle XX(D)(2), may elect salary arbitration in the same manner and at the same time as other Players.

      Salary arbitration was a key victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in arbitration procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible for arbitration.

    37. (ii) for National Association service-at a rate not less than the following: 1990-$26,500 per season; 1991-at the 1990 rate per season; 1992-at the rate per season equal to the rate for the 1991 season plus a cost of living adjustment, rounded to the nearest $100 provided that the cost of living adjustment shall not reduce the minimum salary below the 1991 rate; 1993-at the 1992 rate per season.

      The 1990 CBA was again one of the earliest times minor league salaries were specified in a legal document negotiated by the MLBPA. The U.S. poverty line in 1990 four-person family was was $12,700.

    38. ARTICLE VI-Salaries

      Only vague guidelines for minimum salaries or salary specifications are laid out for minor league teams and players, allowing management to retain power over the minor league compensation structure.

    39. The Clubs recognize the Association as the sole and exclusive collec-tive bargaining agent for all Major League Players, and individuals who may become Major League Players during the term of this Agree-ment, with regard to all terms and conditions of employment, pro-vided that an individual Player shall be entitled to negotiate in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Agreement (I) an individual salary over and above the minimum requirements estab-lished by this Agreement and (2) Special Covenants to be included in an individual Uniform Player's Contract, which actually or poten-tially provide• additional benefits to the Player.

      No contingency is made for the reality that Minor League clubs and leagues also enter into agreements with Major League teams, allowing informal or unregulated procedures to continue influencing and shaping minor league baseball by setting the precedent that CBAs would not explicitly address the status or relationship of minor league teams.

    40. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and individuals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Even by the fourth CBA, the MLBPA did not make a clear distinction between players who were Major League players at the time of the agreement, and "individuals who may become major league baseball player during the term of this Agreement." This second category, without specifying it includes minor league players, is inclusive of minor league players since theoretically any minor league baseball player could become a major league player during the course of an agreement's term.

    41. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and individuals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof

      Although minor league baseball was still a distinct organizational entity at this time, the CBA language explicitly stated it applied to current Major League teams but also left vague the relationship of minor league teams to the CBA. While not explicitly articulated in the CBA, the practice became for CBAs negotiated by the MLBPA to address some procedures or concerns for minor league teams and players.

    1. 4) Within 5 days after receipt of notice of such claim, the Player shall be entitled, by written notice to the Club, to terminate this contract on the date of his notice of termination. If the Player fails to so notify the Club, this contract shall be assigned to the claiming Club. ( 5) If the contract is not claimed, the Club shall promptly deliver written notice of termination to the Player at the expiration of the waiver period. 7. ( e) Upon any termination of this contract by the Player, all obli-gations of both Parties hereunder shall cease on the date of termi

      Even as free agency was developing, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    2. ARTICLE VII -Moving Allowances

      Requiring major league clubs to cover moving expenses for promoted players and their families was a major victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, no similar policy was outlined for minor league players who relocate due to an assignment to another minor league team.

    3. ARTICLE V -Salaries Individual Player salaries shall be those as agreed upon between a Player and a Club, as evidenced by the execution of a Uniform Player's Contract, subject to the following:

      Only vague guidelines for minimum salaries or salary specifications are laid out for minor league teams and players, allowing management to retain power over the minor league compensation structure.

    4. Post-Season Exhibition Games. Major League Rule 18(b) provides

      Again, as seen previously in the CBA, players are given limited ability to utilize their baseball skills for financial gain outside the playing season established by major league baseball in the CBA.

    5. 6. In order to enable the Player to fit himself for his duties under this contract, the Club may require the Player to report for practice at such places as the Club may designate and to participate in such exhibition contests as may be arranged by the Club, without any other compensation than that herein elsewhere provided, for a period begin-ning not earlier than March 1 or ten days prior to the second Saturday in March, whichever is earlier, provided, however, that the Club may invite pitchers and catchers to report at an earlier date on a voluntary basis. The Club will pay the necessary traveling expenses, including the first-class jet air fare and meals en route of the Player from his home city to the training place of the Club, whether he be ordered to go there directly or by way of the home city of the Club. In the event of the failure of the Player to report for practice or to participate in the exhibition games, as required and provided for, he shall be re-quired to get into playing condition to the satisfaction of the Club's team manager, and at the Player's own expense, before his salary shall commence.

      Although the length of the playing contract is specified elsewhere in the contract, this language in the CBA gives clubs the power to place additional, uncompensated, obligations on players to ensure they comply with the level of physical fitness required to remain in good standing with the club per the terms of the contract.

    6. . The Player, when requested by the Club, must submit to a com-plete physical examination at the expense of the Club, and if necessary to treatment by a regular physician or dentist in good standing. Upon refusal of the Player to submit to a complete medical or dental exami-nation the Club may consider such refusal a violation of this regulation and may take such action as it deems advisable under Regulation 5 of this contract. Disability directly resulting from injury sustained in the course and within the scope of his employment under this contract shall not impair the right of the Player to receive his full salary for the period of such disability or for the season in which the injury was sustained ( whichever period is shorter), together with the reasonable medical and hospital expenses incurred by reason of the injury and during the term of this contract or for a period of up to two years from the date of initial treatment for such injury, whichever period is longer, but only upon the express prerequisite conditions that (a) written notice of such injury, including the time, place, cause and nature of the injury, is served upon and received by the Club within twenty days of the sustaining of said injury and (b) the Club shall have the right to designate the doctors and hospitals furnishing such medical and hospital services. Failure to give such notice shall not impair the rights of the Player, as herein set forth, if the Club has actual knowledge of such injury. All workmen's compensation pay-ments received by the Player as compensation for loss of income for a specific period during which the Club is paying him in full, shall be paid over by the Player to the Club. Any other disability may be ground for suspending or terminating this contract.

      While some minimum expectations for resources the club will provide to players are articulated in the CBA, the obligation still largely falls on the player to follow specific procedures and conventions in order to have access to those resources. The CBA also raises the threat of contract termination as an option for players who avail themselves of club-provided resources.

    7. Governmental Regulation -National Emergency 11. This contract is subject to federal or state legislation, regulations, executive or other official orders or other governmental action, now or hereafter in effect respecting military, naval, air or other governmental service, which may directly or indirectly affect the Player, Club or the League and subject also to the right of the Commissioner to sus-pend the operation of this contract during any national emergency during which Major League Baseball is not played.

      However, the legal precedent around Major League Baseball's anti-trust exemption means professional baseball is not required to comply with other federal or state laws, regulations, or procedures.


      Players are given limited avenues to influence or even negotiate the terms of their contractual employment and face significant professional and financial consequences for doing so.

    9. Medical Information 6. ( b). The Player agrees that, should the Club contemplate an assign-ment of this contract to another Club or Clubs, the Club's physician may furnish to the :physicians and officials of such other Club or Clubs all relevant medical information relating to the Player.

      While some minimum expectations for resources the club will provide to players are articulated in the CBA, the obligation still largely falls on the player to follow specific procedures and conventions in order to have access to those resources. The CBA also raises the threat of contract termination as an option for players who avail themselves of club-provided resources.

    10. Service 5.( a) The Player agrees that, while under contract, and prior to expiration of the Club's right to renew this contract, he will not play baseball otherwise than for the Club, except that the Player may participate in post-season games under the conditions prescribed in the Major League Rules. Major League Rule 18(b) is set forth herein.

      These procedures are articulated in more detail in the rules documents, but players at any level of U.S. professional baseball have limited opportunities to use their baseball skills in other baseball contexts for financial gain. Those financial stakes have different ramifications for players not covered by major league salary minimums.

    11. Ability 4. (a) The Player represents and agrees that he has exceptional and unique skill and ability as a baseball player; that his services to be rendered hereunder are of a special, unusual and extraordinary char-acter which gives them peculiar value which cannot be reas9nably or adequately compensated for in damages at law, and that the Player's breach of this contract will cause the Club great and irreparable injury and damage. The Player agrees that, in addition to other remedies, the Club shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent a breach of this contract by the Player, including, among others, the right to enjoin the Player from playing baseball for any other person or organization during the term of his contract.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    12. Baseball Promotion 3. ( b) In addition to his services in connection with the actual playing of baseball, the Player agrees to cooperate with the Club and partici-pate in any and all reasonable promotional activities of the Club and its League, which, in the opinion of the Club, will promote the welfare of the Club or professional baseball, and to observe and comply with all reasonable requirements of the Club respecting conduct and service of its team and its players, at all times whether on or off the field.

      The CBA also blurs the distinction between on-field obligations and off-field expectations for major and minor league players, giving clubs extensive leeway in terms of their expectations for players. In this system, players also have limited autonomy to have full control of their identity, resources, and earning potential outside their career as a professional athlete.

    13. Loyalty 3. (a) The Player agrees to perform his services hereunder diligently and faithfully, to keep himself in first-class physical con9-ition and to obey the Club's training rules, and pledges himself to the American public and to the Club to conform to high standards of personal con-duct, fair play and good sportsmanship.

      The CBA makes physical conditioning and other aspects of athletic training and fitness the responsibility of the player, without establishing minimum standards for league or club support for these requirements.

    14. Notwithstanding the rate of payment stipulated above, the minimum rate of payment to the Player for each day of service on a Major League Club shall be at the rate of $30,000 per year for the 1980 playing season, $32,500 per year for the 1981 playing season, $33,500 per year for the 1982 playing season, and $35,000 per year for the 1983 playing season. Effective with the 1981 championship season, the minimum rate of payment for National Association service for all Players (a) signing a second Major League contract (not covering the same season as any such Player's initial Major League contract) or a subsequent Major League contract, or (b) having at least one day of Major League Service, shall be at the rate of $14,000 per year for the 1981 and 1982 playing seasons, and $16,000 per year for the 1983 playing season.

      No minimum salaries or salary specifications or guidelines are laid out for minor league teams and players, keeping minor league player compensation outside the scope of the CBA.

    15. The Club is a member of The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, a voluntary association of member Clubs which has subscribed to the Major League Rules with The American League of Professional Baseball Clubs and its constituent Clubs and to The Professional Base-ball Rules with that League and the National Association of Baseball Leagues

      As noted in the annotations on the rules documents, the rules and procedures that governed Major League teams were also extended to the NAPBL, which included all minor league teams. This ambiguity in language around distinct procedures and standing for minor league players and teams has presented challenges to determining the legal status or standing for minor league baseball.

    16. N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto subscribed their names as of the day and year first above written.

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the agents participating in the CBA negotiations or signing off on the agreement.

    17. ARTICLE XX-Management Rights Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the rights of the Clubs to manage and direct their operations in any manner what-soever except as specifically limited by the terms of this Agreement.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    18. G. Outright Assignment to National Association Club ( 1) Election of Free Agency. (a) Any Player who has at least 3 years of Major League service and whose contract is assigned outright to a National Association Club may elect, in lieu of accept-ing such assignment, to become a free agent. ( b) In the event that such Player does not elect free agency in lieu of accepting such assignment, he may eleot free agency between the end of the then current Major League season and the next following October 15, unless such Player is returned to a Major League roster prior to making such election. ( 2) A Player who becomes a free agent under this Section G shall immediately be eligible to negotiate and contract with any Club without any restrictions or qualifications. Such Player shall not be entitled to receive termination pay. Such a free agent shall receive transportation and travel expenses in the same manner as he would if he had been unconditionally released except he shall be limited to receiving travel expenses to his new club if he reports to it directly, provided such expenses are less than to his home city. ( 3) Procedure. Not earlier than 4 days0 prior to the contem-plated date of an outright assignment, the Club shall give written notice to the Player, with a copy to the Players Association, which shall advise the Player that he may either (a) accept the assign-ment or ( b) elect to become a free agent, and that in the event he accepts the assignment, he may elect free ,agency between the end of the then current Major League season iand the next following October 15, unless he is returned to a Major League roster prior to making such election. The Player shall also be informed in the notice that, within 3 days0 after the date of the notice, he must advise the Club in writing as to his decision whether to accept the assignment. If the Club fails to give written notice, as set forth herein, to the Player prior to the date of such assignment, the Player may, at any time, elect to become a free agent pursuant to this Section G, provided, however, that if the Club subsequently gives such written notice to the Player, he shall, within 3 days0 thereafter, advise the Club in writing as to his decision

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible as free agents. In this sub-article, only Major League players with the required minimum service time who are assigned to a minor league team are eligible to declare as free agents.

    19. ARTICLE XVIII-Reserve System

      After arbitor Peter Seitz's ruling in the 1975 Messersmith/McNally case, Major League Baseball's reserve clause was effectively overturned. The 1980 CBA was one of the early legal documents in which the specifics of free agency were articulated and negotiated.

    20. F. Waivers Major League waiver requests on any one Player shall not be with-drawn by the same Club more than once in the period beginning November 11 in one calendar year and ending November 10 in the following calendar year. ·when waivers are asked for a second time on a Player whose contract has been claimed previously in one of the periods referred to above, the waiver request shall state that this is the second request by the asking Club and is irrevocable.

      Even as free agency was in its nascent stages and the power of the reserve clause was diminishing, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    21. D. Foreign Assignments The contract of a Player shall not be assigned otherwise than within the United States and Canada, without the Player's written consent, provided, however, that the Player's consent is not necessary if he is a Native of such foreign country

      Even as the MLBPA was making some early efforts to advocate on behalf of the interests of foreign-born players, that population still experienced significant precarity in their conditions of labor.

    22. . Assignment to National Association Club

      The 1980 CBA continued to formalize established practices and procedures but still allowed significant ambiguity around minor league baseball's legal status and labor conditions.

    23. A. Consent to Assignment (I) The contract of a Player with ten or more years of Major League service, the last five of which have been with one Club, shall not be assignable to another Major League Club without the Player's written consent. (2) The contract of a Player with five or more years of Major League service, not including service while on the Military List ( or with seven or more years -of Major League service, including service while on the Military List), shall not ·be assigned otherwise than to another Major League Club, without the Player's written consent.

      Even as free agency was becoming more firmly established, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    24. F. Printing Agreements in Spanish

      The 1980 CBA was again one of the early moments when Major League Baseball had recognized the changing demographics of the sport in any official legal documentation. At this point, increasing numbers of players from Latin America and the Caribbean were advancing to the Major Leagues, and this sub-article is one of the early moments the MLBPA advocated for the interests or needs of foreign-born players.

    25. E. Active Player Limit

      The negotiation around active player limits starts to formalize established practices and procedures but still allowed significant ambiguity around minor league baseball's legal status and labor conditions.

    26. D. College Scholarship Plan

      The College Scholarship Plan supported Major League players who were drafted out of college prior to completing their degrees and supported their degree completion. However, the benefits articulated in the Scholarship Plan only were available to drafted players who had advanced to the Major Leagues.

    27. A. Reporting No Player shall be required to report for spring training prior to the earlier of either ( 1) March 1 or ( 2) Ten days prior to the second Saturday in March; provided, however, that the Clubs may invite pitchers and catchers to report at an earlier date on a voluntary basis.

      A major achievement for the MLBPA in this CBA was starting to clarify the limits or boundaries on players' contractual obligations outside the official playing season and spring training periods.

      However, the lack of a formal grievance procedure for minor league players limits players' ability to advocate for or compel that interpretation of the CBA.

    28. C. Winter League Play No Major League Player shall be required to play in the Winter Leagues, provided that this provision shall not bar a Club from recommending the advisability of such activity to any Player.

      While this CBA gives players some additional opportunities to profit from their baseball skill in the off-season, the vague language in this article also blurs the distinction between what players are contractually obligated to do and what 'recommended measures' a club might suggest to a player, with the unspoken potential threat of being held in breach of contract.

    29. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied to all Players covered by this Agreement without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.

      The 1980 CBA was one of the first times the MLBPA had pushed for standard workplace non-discrimination protections to be applied to professional baseball, a measure that supported both U.S. and foreign-born players.

    30. A. Safety and Health Advisory Committee

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the formation of the Health and Safety Committee.

    31. ARTICLE X -Grievance Procedure

      No grievance procedure is outlined or articulated for minor league players and teams, meaning the legal protections the MLBPA provides for major league players are not a benefit available for minor league players.

    32. ARTICLE IX-World Series and League Championship Players' Pool

      No equivalent pool was created for minor league players to profit from championship or post-season appearances.

    33. E. All-Star Game A Player who is a member of his League's All-Star team shall, in addi-tion to being reimbursed in accordance with past practice, be reim-bursed by the League for the first-class jet air fare within the con-tinental United States and Canada to and from the site of the All-Star Game for one guest, and for hotel accommodations for a maximum of three days for such guest.

      Since the CBA only articulates "leagues" governed by this CBA as the National League and American League, the various affiliated minor leagues (collections of minor league clubs) and their all-star games are not covered by this sub-article.

    34. (12) Criteria. The criteria will be the quality of the Player's contribution to his Club during the past season (including but not limited to his overall performance, special qualities of leadership and

      Even as arbitration procedures as outlined in the CBA give Major League players greater control over their conditions of labor, this language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    35. F. Salary Arbitration Effective with the 1981 Championship Season the following salary arbitration procedure shall be applicable:

      Salary arbitration was a key victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in arbitration procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible for arbitration.

    36. (ii) for National Association service: at a rate not less than the following: 1981-at the rate of $14,000 per season 1982 -at the rate of $14,000 per season 1983 -at the rate of $16,000 per season

      The 1980 CBA was the first time minor league salaries were specified in a legal document negotiated by the MLBPA. The U.S. poverty line in 1980 for a non-farm family of four was $8,414.

    37. The Clubs recognize the Association as the sole and exclusive collec-tive bargaining agent for all Major League Players, and individuals who may become Major League Players during the term of this Agreement, with regard to all terms and conditions of employment except ( 1) individual salaries over and above the minimum require-ments established by this Agreement and ( 2) Special Covenants to be included in individual Uniform Player's Contracts, which actually or potentially provide additional benefits to the Player.

      No contingency is made for the reality that Minor League clubs and leagues also enter into agreements with Major League teams, allowing informal or unregulated procedures to continue influencing and shaping minor league baseball by setting the precedent that CBAs would not explicitly address the status or relationship of minor league teams.

    38. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and indi-viduals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Even by the fourth CBA, the MLBPA did not make a clear distinction between players who were Major League players at the time of the agreement, and "individuals who may become major league baseball player during the term of this Agreement." This second category, without specifying it includes minor league players, is inclusive of minor league players since theoretically any minor league baseball player could become a major league player during the course of an agreement's term.

    39. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and indi-viduals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Although minor league baseball was a distinct organizational entity at this time, the CBA language explicitly stated it applied to current Major League teams but also left vague the relationship of minor league teams to the CBA. While not explicitly articulated in the CBA, the practice became for CBAs negotiated by the MLBPA to address some procedures or concerns for minor league teams and players.

    1. Post-Season Exhibition Games. Major League Rule 18(b) provides: ( b) EXHIBITION GAMES. No player shall participate in any exhibition game during the period between the close of the Major League championship season and the following training season, except that, with the consent of his club and permission of the Commissioner, a player may participate in exhibition games for a period of not less than thirty ( 30) days, such period to be desi

      Again, as seen previously in the CBA, players are given limited ability to utilize their baseball skills for financial gain outside the playing season established by major league baseball in the CBA.

    2. In order to enable the Player to fit himself for his duties under this contract, the Club may require the Player to report for practice at such places as the Club may designate and to participate in such exhibition contests as may be arranged by the Club, without any other compensation than that herein elsewhere provided, for a period begin-ning not earlier than March 1 or ten days prior to the second Saturday in March, whichever is earlier, provided, however, that the Club may invite pitchers and catchers to report at an earlier date on a voluntary basis. The Club will pay the necessary iraveling expenses, including the first-class jet air fare and meals en route of the Player from his home city to the training place of the Club, whether he be ordered to go there directly or by way of the home city of the Club. In the event of the failure of the Player to report for practice or to particip,ate in the exhibition games, as required and provided for, he shall be re-quired to get into playing condition to the satisfaction of the Club's team manager, and at the Player's own expense, before his salary shall commence.

      Although the length of the playing contract is specified elsewhere in the contract, this language in the CBA gives clubs the power to place additional, uncompensated, obligations on players to ensure they comply with the level of physical fitness required to remain in good standing with the club per the terms of the contract.

    3. he Player, when requested by the Club, must submit to a com-plete physical examination at the expense of the Club, and if necessary to treatment by a regular physician or dentist in good standing. Upon refusal of the Player to submit to a complete medical or dental exami-nation the Club may consider such refusal a violation of this regulation and may take such action as it deems advisable under Regulation 5 of this contract. Disability directly resulting from injury sustained in the course and within the scope of his employment under this contract shall not impair the right of the Player to receive his full salary for the period of such disability or for the season in which the injury was sustained ( whichever period is shorter), together with the reasonable medical and hospital expenses incurred by reason of the injury and during the term of this contract; but only upon the express pre-requisite conditions that (a) written notice of such injury, including the time, place, cause and nature of the injury, is served upon and received by the Club within twenty days of the sustaining of said in-jury and (b) the Club shall have the right to designate the doctors and hospitals furnishing such medical and hospital services. Failure to give such notice shall not impair the rights of the Player, as herein set forth, if the Club has actual knowledge of such injury. All workmen's com-pensation payments received by the Player as compensation for loss of income for a specific period during which the Club is paying him in full, shall be paid over by the Player to the Club. Any other disability may be ground for suspending or terminating this contract at the dis-cretion of the Club.

      While some minimum expectations for resources the club will provide to players are articulated in the CBA, the obligation still largely falls on the player to follow specific procedures and conventions in order to have access to those resources. The CBA also raises the threat of contract termination as an option for players who avail themselves of club-provided resources.

    4. 1. This contract is subject to federal or state legislation, regulations, executive or other official orders or oilier governmental action, now or hereafter in effect respecting military, naval, air or other governmental service, which may directly or indirectly affect the Player, Club or the League and subject also to the right of the Commissioner to sus-pend the operation of this contract during any national emergency during which Major League Baseball is not played.

      However, the legal precedent around Major League Baseball's anti-trust exemption means professional baseball is not required to comply with other federal or state laws, regulations, or procedures.

    5. 4) Within 5 days after receipt of notice of such claim, the Player shall be· entitled, by written notice to the Club, to terminate this contract on the date of his notice of termination. If the Player fails so to notify the Club, this contract shall be assigned to the claiming Club. ( 5) If the contract is not claimed, the Club shall promptly deliver written notice of termination to the Player at the expiration of the waiver period. 7. ( e) Upon any termination of this contract by the Player, all obli-gations of both Parties hereunder shall cease on the date of termi-nation, except the obligation of the Club to pay the Player's compensation to said date

      Even as free agency early stages, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.


      Players are given limited avenues to influence or even negotiate the terms of their contractual employment and face significant professional and financial consequences for doing so.

    7. ( 3) Unless the assignor and assignee Clubs agree otherwise, if the assignee Club is a National Association Club, the assignee Club shall be liable only to pay the Player at the rate usually paid by said assignee Club to other Players of similar skill and ability in its classi-fication and the assignor Club shall be liable to pay the difference for the remainder of the period stated in paragraph 1 hereof between an amount computed at the rate stipulated in paragraph 2 hereof and the amount so payable by the assignee Club.

      Unlike major league minimum salary levels, which are outlined in the CBA, clubs are given broad powers over the compensation of minor league players. A convention is established around compensation levels being tied to level of play and player skill, but no formal salary structure for minor league players is outlined in the CBA.

    8. 6.(a) The Player agrees that this contract may be assigned by the Club ( and reassigned by any assignee Club) to any other Club in accordance with the Major League Rules and the Professional Base-ball Rules. The Club and the Player may, without obtaining special approval, agree by special covenant to limit or eliminate the right of the Club to assign this contract.

      Even as free agency was in its early stages, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    9. Service 5.( a) The Player agrees that, while under contract, and prior to expiration of the Club's right to renew this contract, he will not play baseball otherwise than for the Club, except that the Player may participate in post-season games under the conditions prescribed in the Major League Rules. Major League Rule 18(b) is set forth herein

      These procedures are articulated in more detail in the rules documents, but players at any level of U.S. professional baseball have limited opportunities to use their baseball skills in other baseball contexts for financial gain. Those financial stakes have different ramifications for players not covered by major league salary minimums.

    10. Ability 4. (a) The Player represents and agrees that he has exceptional and unique skill and ability as a baseball player; that his services to be rendered hereunder are of a special, unusual and extraordinary char-acter which gives them peculiar value which cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated for in damages a,t law, and that th~ Player's breach of this contract will cause the Club great and irreparable injury and damage. The Player agrees that, in addition to other remedies, the Club shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent a breach of this contract by the Player, including, among others, the right to enjoin the Player from playing baseball for any other person or organization during the term of his contract.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    11. Baseball Promotion 3.(b) In addition to his services m connection with the actual playing of baseball, the Player agrees to cooperate with the Club and partici-pate in any and all reasonable promotional activities of the Club and its League, which, in the opinion of the Club, will promote the welfare of the Club or professional baseball, and to observe and

      The CBA also blurs the distinction between on-field obligations and off-field expectations for major and minor league players, giving clubs extensive leeway in terms of their expectations for players. In this system, players also have limited autonomy to have full control of their identity, resources, and earning potential outside their career as a professional athlete.

    12. Loyalty 3. (a) The Player agrees to perform his services hereunder diligently and faithfully, to keep himself in first-class physical condition and to obey the Club's training rules, and pledges himself to the American public and to the Club to conform to high standards of personal con-duct, fair play and good sportsmanship

      The CBA makes physical conditioning and other aspects of athletic training and fitness the responsibility of the player, without establishing minimum standards for league or club support for these requirements.

    13. Nothing herein shall interfere with the right of the Club and the Player by special covenant herein to mutually agree upon a method of pay-ment whereby part of the Player's salary for the above year can be deferred to subsequent years.

      No minimum salaries or salary specifications or guidelines are laid out for minor league teams and players, keeping minor league player compensation outside the scope of the CBA.

    14. The Club is a member of The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, a voluntary association of meI(lber Clubs which has subscribed to the Major League Rules with The American League of Professional Baseball Clubs and its constituent Clubs and to The Professional Base-ball Rules with that League and the National Association of Baseball Leagues

      As noted in the annotations on the rules documents, the rules and procedures that governed Major League teams were also extended to the NAPBL, which included all minor league teams. This ambiguity in language around distinct procedures and standing for minor league players and teams has presented challenges to determining the legal status or standing for minor league baseball.

    15. ARTICLE XVII -Reserve System

      After arbitor Peter Seitz's ruling in the 1975 Messersmith/McNally case, Major League Baseball's reserve clause was effectively overturned. The 1976 CBA was the first legal document in which the specifics of free agency were articulated and negotiated.

    16. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the rights of the Clubs to manage and direct their operations in any manner what-soever except as specifically limited by the terms of this Agreement.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    17. N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto subscribed their names as of the day and year first above written .

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the agents participating in the CBA negotiations or signing off on the agreement.

    18. F. Outright Assignment to National Association Club (I) Election of Free Agency. Any Player who has at least 3 years of Major League service and whose contract is assigned out-right to a National Association Club may elect, in lieu of accepting such assignment, to become a free agent. A Player who becomes a free agent under this Section F shall immediately be eligible to negotiate and contract with any Club without any restrictions or qualifications. Such Player shall not be entitled to receive termina-tion pay. Such a free agent shall receive transportation and travel expenses in the same manner as he would if he had been uncondi-tionally released except he shall he limited to receiving travel ex-penses to his new club if he reports to it directly, provided such expenses are less than to his home city. ( 2) Procedure. Not earlier than 4 days0 prior to the contem-plated date of an outright assignment, the Club shall give written notice to the Player, with a copy to the Players Association, which shall advise the Player that he may either (a) accept the assign-ment or (b) elect to become a free agent. The Player shall also be informed in the notice that, within 3 days0 after the date of the notice, he must advise the Club in writing as to his decision. If the Club fails to give written notice, as set forth herein, to the Player prior to the date of such assignment, the Player may, at any time, elect to become a free agent pursuant to this Section F, provided, however, that if the Club subsequently gives such written notice to the Player, he shall, within 3 days°' thereafter, advise the Club in writing as to his decision.

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible as free agents. In this sub-article, only Major League players with the required minimum service time who are assigned to a minor league team are eligible to declare as free agents.

    19. . Waivers

      Even as free agency was in its nascent stages and the power of the reserve clause was diminishing, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    20. C. Foreign Assignments The contract of a Player shall not be assigned otherwise than within the United States and Canada, without the Player's written consent, provided, however, that the Player's consent is not necessary if he is a Native of such foreign country.

      Even as the MLBPA was making some early efforts to advocate on behalf of the interests of foreign-born players, that population still experienced significant precarity in their conditions of labor.

    21. When a Player's contract is assigned from a Major League Club to a National Association Club, the rights and benefits of such Player that do, and do not, follow him to the National Association shall be in accordance with past practices. Additionally, such a Player shall retain the right, if any, to become a free agent, or to require the assignment of his contract, which he possessed under his then current Major League contract ( or the renewal thereof, if a contract executed prior to August 9, 1976), as provided in Article XVII hereof, which right shall not be diminished or interfered with as a result of such assignment or the signing by the Player of a National Association con-tract, provided that such right shall terminate if and when suc

      The 1976 CBA continued to formalize established practices and procedures but still allowed significant ambiguity around minor league baseball's legal status and labor conditions.

    22. Consent to Assignment ( 1) The contract of a Player with ten or more years of Major League service, the last five of which have been with one Club, shall not be assignable to another Major League Club without the Player's written consent. ( 2) The contract of a Player with five or more years of Major League service, not including service while on the Military List ( or with seven or more years of Major League service, including service while on the Military List), shall not be assigned otherwise than to another Major League Club, without the Player's written consent.

      Even as free agency was in its nascent stages and the power of the reserve clause was diminishing, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team

    23. F. Printing Agreements in Spanish Agreements printed in Spanish shall be made available to Spanish-speaking Players.

      The 1976 CBA was one of the first times Major League Baseball had recognized the changing demographics of the sport in any official legal documentation. At this point, increasing numbers of players from Latin America and the Caribbean were advancing to the Major Leagues, and this sub-article is one of the early moments the MLBPA advocated for the interests or needs of foreign-born players.

    24. E. Active Player Limit The active Player limit of 25 set forth in Major League Rule 2( a) and the practices which have existed thereunder shall be continued during the 1976 season. Effective for 1977, the active Player limit set forth in Major League Rule 2( a) shall be 25 for the period beginning with opening day of the championship season and ending at midnight, August 31; the active Player limit shall be 40 for the period beginning with September I and ending with the close of the championship season; and the minimum number of active Players maintained by each Club throughout the championship season shall be 24, provided, how-ever, that if a reduction below 24 occurs as a result of unforeseen circumstances, the Club shall, within 48 hours ( plus time necessary for the Player to report), bring its active roster back to a minimum of 24 Players.

      The negotiation around active player limits starts to formalize established practices and procedures but still allowed significant ambiguity around minor league baseball's legal status and labor conditions.

    25. D. College Scholarship Plan A Major League Player for whom there is in effect on or after January 1, 1973 a valid and unexpired scholarship under the College Scholar-ship Plan may commence or resume his studies under the Plan at any time within two years after his last day of Major League service. If his college studies have not commenced under the Plan by that date, his scholarship shall terminate. If he has commenced his studies by that date, his scholarship shall continue unless he shall fail to attend college for more than two consecutive years after that date, without proper reason as set forth in Major League Rule 4(j)(7). Participa-tion by a Player in Winter League or Instructional League play shall constitute proper reason for tolling the time limitation in the preced-ing sentence.

      The College Scholarship Plan supported Major League players who were drafted out of college prior to completing their degrees and supported their degree completion. However, the benefits articulated in the Scholarship Plan only were available to drafted players who had advanced to the Major Leagues.

    26. Winter League Play No Major League Player shall be required to play in the Winter Leagues, provided that this provision shall not bar a Club from recommending the advisability of such activity to any Player,

      While this CBA gives players some additional opportunities to profit from their baseball skill in the off-season, the vague language in this article also blurs the distinction between what players are contractually obligated to do and what 'recommended measures' a club might suggest to a player, with the unspoken potential threat of being held in breach of contract.

    27. A. Reporting No Player shall be required to report for spring training prior to the earlier of either ( 1) March 1 or ( 2) Ten days prior to the second Saturday in March; provided, however, that the Clubs may invite pitchers and catchers to report at an earlier date on a voluntary basis,

      A major achievement for the MLBPA in this CBA was starting to clarify the limits or boundaries on players' contractual obligations outside the official playing season and spring training periods.

      However, the lack of a formal grievance procedure for minor league players limits players' ability to advocate for or compel that interpretation of the CBA.

    28. A. Safety and Health Advisory Committee The parties shall establish and maintain a bipartisan Safety and Health Advisory Committee which shall be comprised of an equa] number of members representing the Players Association and repre-senting the Major League Clubs. The purpose of the Committee shall be ( I) to deal with emergency safety and health problems as they arise, and attempt to find solutions, and ( 2) to engage in review of, planning for and maintenance of safe and healthful working conditions for Players.

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the formation of the Health and Safety Committee.

    29. ARTICLE X -Grievance Procedure

      No grievance procedure is outlined or articulated for minor league players and teams, meaning the legal protections the MLBPA provides for major league players are not a benefit available for minor league players.

    30. ARTICLE IX-World Series and League Championship Players' Pool

      No equivalent pool was created for minor league players to profit from championship or post-season appearances.

    31. . All-Star Game

      Since the CBA only articulates "leagues" governed by this CBA as the National League and American League, the various affiliated minor leagues (collections of minor league clubs) and their all-star games are not covered by this sub-article.

    32. ARTICLE VII -Moving Allowances

      Requiring major league clubs to cover moving expenses for promoted players and their families was a major victory for the MLBPA in this contract. However, no similar policy was outlined for minor league players who relocate due to an assignment to another minor league team.

    33. ( 12) Criteria. The criteria will be the quality of the Player's contribution to his Club during the past season (including but not limited to his overall performance, special qualities of leadership and public appeal), the length and consistency of his career contribu-tion, the record of the Player's past compensation, comparative baseball salaries ( see subparagraph ( 13) below for confidential salary data), the existence of any physical or mental defects on the part of the Player, and the recent performance record of the Club including but not limited to its League standing and attendance as an indication of public acceptance ( subject to the exclusion stated in (a) below). Any evidence may be submitted which is relevant to the above criteria, and the arbitrator shall assign such weight to the evidence as shall to him appear appropriate under the circumstances

      Even as arbitration procedures as outlined in the CBA give Major League players greater control over their conditions of labor, this language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    34. E. Salary Arbitration Effective with the 1976 championship season, the following salary arbitration procedure shall be applicable:

      Salary arbitration was a key victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in arbitration procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible for arbitration.

    35. B. Maximum Salary Reduction

      While the gains made by the MLBPA could be applied to minor league players, the lack of a formal grievance procedure for minor league players limits players' ability to advocate for or compel that interpretation of the CBA.

    36. ARTICLE V -Salaries Individual Player salaries shall be those as agreed upon between a Player and a Club, as evidenced by the execution of a Uniform Player's Contract, subject to the following:

      No minimum salaries or salary specifications or guidelines are laid out for minor league teams and players, keeping minor league player compensation outside the scope of the CBA.

    37. The Clubs recognize the Association as the sole and exclusive collec-tive bargaining agent for all Major League Players, and individuals who may become Major League Players during the term of this Agreement, with regard to all terms and conditions of employment except ( 1) individual salaries over and above the minimum require-ments established by this Agreement and ( 2) Special Covenants to be included in individual Uniform Player's Contracts, which actually or potentially provide additional benefits to the Playe

      No contingency is made for the reality that Minor League clubs and leagues also enter into agreements with Major League teams, allowing informal or unregulated procedures to continue influencing and shaping minor league baseball by setting the precedent that CBAs would not explicitly address the status or relationship of minor league teams.

    38. In making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and indi-viduals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Although minor league baseball was a distinct organizational entity at this time, the CBA language explicitly stated it applied to current Major League teams but also left vague the relationship of minor league teams to the CBA. While not explicitly articulated in the CBA, the practice became for CBAs negotiated by the MLBPA to address some procedures or concerns for minor league teams and players.

    39. n making this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and indi-viduals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Even by the fourth CBA, the MLBPA did not make a clear distinction between players who were Major League players at the time of the agreement, and "individuals who may become major league baseball player during the term of this Agreement." This second category, without specifying it includes minor league players, is inclusive of minor league players since theoretically any minor league baseball player could become a major league player during the course of an agreement's term.

    1. Ability 4. (a) The Player represents and agrees that he has exceptional and unique skill and ability as a baseball player; that his services to be rendered hereunder are of a special, unusual and extraordinary char-acter which gives them peculiar value which cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated for in damages at law, and that the Play-er's breach of this contract will cause the Club great and irreparable injury and damage. The Player agrees that, in addition to other rem-edies, the Club shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief to prevent a breach of this contract by the Player, including, among others, the right to enjoin the Player from playing baseball for any other person or organization during the term of his contract.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    2. ARTICLE XVI-Management Rights Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the rights of the Clubs to manage and direct their operations in any manner whatsoever except as speciflcally limited by the terms of this Agreement.

      While the MLBPA did make substantive changes to the labor conditions within professional baseball, clubs retained broad powers, and players still had limited avenues to influence or even negotiate the terms of their contractual employment and faced significant professional and financial consequences for doing so.

    3. (b) EXHIBITION GAMES. No player shall participate in any ex-hibition game during the period between the close of the Major League championship season and the following training season, ex-cept that, with the consent of his club and permission of the Com-missioner, a player may participate in exhibition games for a period of not less than thirty ( 30) days, such period to be designated an. nually by the Commissioner. Players who participate in barnstorming

      Again, as seen previously in the CBA, players are given limited ability to utilize their baseball skills for financial gain outside the playing season established by major league baseball in the CBA.

    4. In order to enable the Player to fit himself for his duties under this contract, the Club may require the Player to report for practice at such places as the Club may designate and to participate in such exhibition contests as may be arranged by the Club, without any other compensation than that herein elsewhere provided, for a period begin-ning not earlier than March 1 or ten days prior to the second Saturday in March, whichever is earlier, provided, however, that the Club may invite pitchers and catchers to report at an earlier date on a voluntary basis. The Club will pay the necessary traveling expenses, including the first-class jet air fare and meals en route of the Player from his home city to the training place of the Club, whether he be ordered to go there directly or by way of the home city of the Club. In the event of the failure of the Player to report for practice or to participate in the exhibition games, as required and provided for, he shall be required to get into playing condition to the satisfaction of the Club's team manager, and at the Player's own expense, before his salary shall commence.

      Although the length of the playing contract is specified elsewhere in the contract, this language in the CBA gives clubs the power to place additional, uncompensated, obligations on players to ensure they comply with the level of physical fitness required to remain in good standing with the club per the terms of the contract.

    5. 2. The Player, when requested by the Club, must submit to a com-plete physical examination at the expense of the Club, and if neces-sary to treatment by a regular physician or dentist in good standing. Upon refusal of the Player to submit to a complete medical or dental examination the Club may consider such refusal a violation of this regulation and may take such action as it deems advisable under Regulation 5 of this contract. Disability directly resulting from injury sustained in the course and within the scope of his employment under this contract shall not impair the right of the Player to receive his full salary for the period of such disability or for the season in which the injury was sustained ( whichever period is shorter), together with the reasonable medical and hospital expenses incurred by reason of the injury and during the term of this contract; but only upon the express prerequisite conditions that (a) written notice of such injury, includ-ing the time, place, cause and nature of the injury, is served upon and received by the Club within twenty days of the sustaining of said injury and (b) the Club shall have the right to designate the doctors and hospitals furnishing such medical and hospital services. Failure to give such notice shall not impair the rights of the Player, as herein set forth, if the Club has actual knowledge of such injury. All work-men's compensation payments received by the Player as compensa-tion for loss of income for a specific period during which the Club is paying him in full, shall be paid over by the Player to the Club. Any other disability may be ground for suspending or terminating this contract at the discretion of the Club

      While some minimum expectations for resources the club will provide to players are articulated in the CBA, the obligation still largely falls on the player to follow specific procedures and conventions in order to have access to those resources. The CBA also raises the threat of contract termination as an option for players who avail themselves of club-provided resources.

    6. This contract is subject to federal or state legislation, regulations, executive or other official orders or other governmental action, now or hereafter in effect respecting military, naval, air or other govern-mental service, which may directly or indirectly affect the Player, Club or the League and subject also to the right of the Commissioner to suspend the operation of this contract during any national emergency during which Major League Baseball is not played

      However, the legal precedent around Major League Baseball's anti-trust exemption means professional baseball is not required to comply with other federal or state laws, regulations, or procedures.

    7. 4) Within 5 days after receipt of notice of such claim, the Player shall be entitled, by written notice to the Club, to terminate this contract on the date of his notice of termination. If the Player fails so to notify the Club, this contract shall be assigned to the claiming Club. ( 5) If the contract is not claimed, the Club shall promptly deliver written notice of termination to the Player at the expiration of the waiver period. 7. (h) Upon any termination of this contract by the Player, all obliga-tions of both Parties hereunder shall cease on the date of termination, except the obligation of the Club to pay the Player's compensation to said date.

      Even as free agency was in its nascent stages and the power of the reserve clause was diminishing, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.


      Players are given limited avenues to influence or even negotiate the terms of their contractual employment and face significant professional and financial consequences for doing so.

    9. Unless the assignor and assignee Clubs agree otherwise, if the assignee Club is a National Association Club, the assignee Club shall be liable only to pay the Player at the rate usually paid by said assignee Club to other Players of similar skill and ability in its classification and the assignor Club shall be liable to pay the difference for the remainder of the period stated in paragraph 1 hereof between an amount computed at the rate stipulated in paragraph 2 hereof and the amount so payable by the assignee Club.

      Unlike major league minimum salary levels, which are outlined in the CBA, clubs are given broad powers over the compensation of minor league players. A convention is established around compensation levels being tied to level of play and player skill, but no formal salary structure for minor league players is outlined in the CBA.

    10. 6. (a) The Player agrees that this contract may be assigned by the Club ( and reassigned by any assignee Club) to any other Club in accordance with the Major League Rules and the Professional Baseball Rules.

      Even as free agency was in its nascent stages and the power of the reserve clause was diminishing, minor league players continued to have limited say over their contract assignment to a minor or other major league team.

    11. expiration of the Club's right to renew this contract, he will not play baseball otherwise than for the Club, except that the Player may participate in post-season games under the conditions pre-scribed in the Major League Rules.

      These procedures are articulated in more detail in the rules documents, but players at any level of U.S. professional baseball have limited opportunities to use their baseball skills in other baseball contexts for financial gain. Those financial stakes have different ramifications for players not covered by major league salary minimums.

    12. Baseball Promotion 3. ( b) In addition to his services in connection with the actual playing of baseball, the Player agrees to cooperate with the Club and par-ticipate in any and all reasonable promotional activities of the Club and its League, which, in the opinion of the Club, will promote the welfare of the Club or professional baseball, and to observe and comply with all reasonable requirements of the Club respecting conduct and service of its team and its players, at all times whether on or off the field. 30 Pictures and Public Appearances 3. ( c) The Player agrees that his picture may be taken for still photo-graphs, motion pictures or television at such times as the Club may designate and agrees that all rights in such pictures shall belong to the Club and may be used by the Club for publicity purposes in any manner it desires. The Player further agrees that during the playing season he will not make public appearances, participate in radio or television programs or permit his picture to be taken or write or sponsor newspaper or magazine articles or sponsor com-mercial products without the written consent of the Club, which shall not be withheld except in the reasonable interests of the Club or professional baseball.

      The CBA also blurs the distinction between on-field obligations and off-field expectations for major and minor league players, giving clubs extensive leeway in terms of their expectations for players. In this system, players also have limited autonomy to have full control of their identity, resources, and earning potential outside their career as a professional athlete.

    13. Loyalty 3. (a) The Player agrees to perform his services hereunder diligently and faithfully, to keep himself in first-class physical condition and to obey the Club's training rules, and pledges himself to the American public and to the Club to conform to high standards of personal conduct, fair play and good sportsmanship

      The CBA makes physical conditioning and other aspects of athletic training and fitness the responsibility of the player, without establishing minimum standards for league or club support for these requirements.

    14. Notwithstanding the rate of payment stipulated above, the minimum rate of payment to the Player for each day of service on a Major League Club shall be at the rate of $15,000 per year for the 1973 and 1974 playing seasons and $16,000 per year for the 1975 playing season.

      No minimum salaries or salary specifications or guidelines are laid out for minor league teams and players, keeping minor league player compensation outside the scope of the CBA.

    15. The Club is a member of The National League of Professional Base-ball Clubs, a voluntary association of twelve member Clubs which has subscribed to the Major League Rules with The American League of Professional Baseball Clubs and its constituent Clubs and to The Professional Baseball Rules with that League and the National As-sociation of Baseball Leagues

      As noted in the annotations on the rules documents, the rules and procedures that governed Major League teams were also extended to the NAPBL, which included all minor league teams. This ambiguity in language around distinct procedures and standing for minor league players and teams has presented challenges to determining the legal status or standing for minor league baseball.

    16. IN WrTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunder subscribed their names as of the day and year first above ,vritten.

      No minor league team, club, player, or league representatives are represented in the agents participating in the CBA negotiations or signing off on the agreement.

    17. ARTICLE XV-Reserve System

      Again, the Supreme Court's decision in MLB's favor in Flood v. Kuhn meant the MLBPA had limited power to advocate for full free agency in this contract. Minor league players continued to have only marginal control over their labor conditions and contract assignments.

    18. ARTICLE XIV-Assignment of Player Contracts

      Curt Flood's free agency case went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1972, and the Court's decision in MLB's favor meant the MLBPA had limited power to advocate for full free agency in this contract. However, the advantages they were able to secure around contract assignment were only available to players with extensive Major League service time. Minor league players continued to have only marginal control over their labor conditions and contract assignments.

    19. J. Active Player Limit The active Player limit of 25 set forth in Major League Rule 2( a) and the practices which have existed thereunder shall be continued during the term of this Agreement.

      The 1973 CBA starts to formalize established practices and procedures but still allowed significant ambiguity around minor league baseball's legal status and labor conditions.

    20. H. College Scholarship Plan A Major League Player for whom there is in effect on or after January 1, 1978 a valid and unexpired scholarship under the College Scholarship Plan may commence or resume his studies under the Plan at any time within two years after his last day of Major League service. If his college studies have not commenced under the Plan by that date, his scholarship shall terminate. If he has commenced 24 his studies by that date, his scholarship shall continue unless he shall fail to attend college for more than two consecutive years after that date, without proper reason as set forth in Major League Rule 4 (j) (7). Participation by a Player in Winter League or Instructional League play shall constitute proper reason for tolling the time limita-tion in the preceding sentence.

      The College Scholarship Plan supported Major League players who were drafted out of college prior to completing their degrees and supported their degree completion. However, the benefits articulated in the Scholarship Plan only were available to drafted players who had advanced to the Major Leagues.

    21. D. Winter League Play No Major League Player shall be required to play in the Winter Leagues, provided that this provision shall not bar a Club from recommending the advisability of such activity to any Player.

      While this CBA gives players some additional opportunities to profit from their baseball skill in the off-season, the vague language in this article also blurs the distinction between what players are contractually obligated to do and what 'recommended measures' a club might suggest to a player, with the unspoken potential threat of being held in breach of contract.

    22. ARTICLE X-Grievance Procedure

      No grievance procedure is outlined or articulated for minor league players and teams, meaning the legal protections the MLBPA provides for major league players are not a benefit available for minor league players.

    23. ARTICLE IX-World Series and League Championship Players' Pool

      No equivalent pool was created for minor league players to profit from championship or post-season appearances.

    24. ARTICLE VII-Moving Allowances

      Requiring major league clubs to cover moving expenses for promoted players and their families was a major victory for the MLBPA in this contract. However, no similar policy was outlined for minor league players who relocate due to an assignment to another minor league team.

    25. Criteria. The criteria will be the quality of the Player's contribution to his Club during the past season ( including but not limited to his overall performance, special qualities of leadership and public appeal), the length and consistency of his career con-tribution, the record of the Player's past compensation, comparative baseball salaries ( see subparagraph ( 11) below for confidential salary data), the existence of any physical or mental defects on the part of the Player, and the recent performance record of the Club including but not limited to its League standing and attendance as an indication of public acceptance ( subject to the exclusion stated in (a) below). Any evidence may be submitted which is relevant to the above criteria; and the arbitrator shall assign such weight to the evidence as shall to him appear appropriate under the circum-stances

      Even as arbitration procedures as outlined in the CBA give Major League players greater control over their conditions of labor, this language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.

    26. D. Salary Arbitration Effective with the 1974 championship season, the following salary arbitration procedure shall be applicable:

      Salary arbitration was a key victory for the MLBPA in this CBA. However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in arbitration procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible for arbitration.

    27. B. Maximum Salary Reduction No Player's contract shall be renewed pursuant to, paragraph 10( a) of the Uniform Player's Contract in any year for a salary which consti-tutes a reduction in excess of 20% of his previous year's salary or in excess of 30% of his salary two years previous. C. Representation Daring Individual Salary Negotiations A Player may be accompanied, if he so desires, by a representative of his choice to assist him in negotiating his individual salary with his employing Club,

      While the gains made by the MLBPA could be applied to minor league players, the lack of a formal grievance procedure for minor league players limits players' ability to advocate for or compel that interpretation of the CBA.

    28. ARTICLE V-Salaries Individual Player salaries shall be those as agreed upon between a Player and a Club, as evidenced by the execution of a Uniform Players Contract, subject to the following

      No minimum salaries or salary specifications or guidelines are laid out for minor league teams and players, keeping minor league player compensation outside the scope of the CBA.

    29. The Clubs recognize the Association as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent for all Major League Players, and individuals who may become Major League Players during the term of this Agree-ment, with regard to all terms and conditions of employment except ( 1) individual salaries over and above the minimum requirements established by this Agreement and ( 2) Special Covenants to be included in individual Uniform Players Contracts, which actually or potentially provide additional benefits to the Player

      No contingency is made for the reality that Minor League clubs and leagues also enter into agreements with Major League teams, allowing informal or unregulated procedures to continue influencing and shaping minor league baseball by setting the precedent that CBAs would not explicitly address the status or relationship of minor league teams.

    30. In malting this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and individ-uals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof.

      Although minor league baseball was a distinct organizational entity at this time, the CBA language explicitly stated it applied to current Major League teams but also left vague the relationship of minor league teams to the CBA. While not explicitly articulated in the CBA, the practice became for CBAs negotiated by the MLBPA to address some procedures or concerns for minor league teams and players.

    31. In malting this Agreement the Association represents that it contracts for and on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players and individ-uals who may become Major League Baseball Players during the term of this Agreement, and the Clubs represent that they contract for and on behalf of themselves, any additional Clubs which may become members of the Major Leagues and the successors thereof

      Even by the third CBA, the MLBPA did not make a clear distinction between players who were Major League players at the time of the agreement, and "individuals who may become major league baseball player during the term of this Agreement." This second category, without specifying it includes minor league players, is inclusive of minor league players since theoretically any minor league baseball player could become a major league player during the course of an agreement's term.

    1. his services to be rendered hereunder are of a special, unusual and extraordinary character which gives them peculiar value which cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated for in dam-ages at law, and that the Player's breach of this contract will cause the Club great and irreparable injury and damage.

      This language in the CBA is ambiguous around the quantifiable value of player labor and gives management broad power to threaten punitive action or incentivize player compliance with management decisions about labor practices not clearly articulated in this CBA.