15 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. Chapter 8 looks at how arguments move us, and Chapter 9 explores how they establish trust and a sense of connection. Chapter 10, which presents the argument analysis essay, discusses how we can give a picture of an argument as a whole, finding connections between its appeals to emotion and trust and its logical structure. Finally, Chapter 11 considers techniques for shaping individual sentences to make our arguments clearer and more powerful.

      I'm excited to read all the chapters in this book !

    2. terminology.

      "the body of terms used with a particular technical application in a subject of study, profession, etc."

    3. Response papers make recommendations in response to the strengths or weaknesses of the argument.

      When we peer review, it can be really helpful for us because we get to know what we did good on and what we can improve on.

    4. Summaries describe the ideas in an argument we have read.

      Summaries are a huge part of reading and writing. It helps us understand the main ideas of what we read.

    1. Which drugs should be legal? How should we address climate change?  How should we ensure public safety?  How much money should the government take from citizens, and how should it spend that money? How do we move toward a more just society?

      These are big questions where people can spend countless hours debating and expressing their opinions and thoughts.

    2. myriad

      "countless or extremely great in number."

    3. High-stakes life questions involve so many complex considerations that they demand extended thought. What major and career should I pursue?  How much should I work while in school?

      I've had a lot of thinking time considering these questions and after a couple days of thinking I know what my answers to these questions are.

    4. Yet fast thinking only gets us so far and often gets us into trouble.

      I've gotten in trouble at times when I've made decisions based off fast thinking.

    5. We look for a second, we read a headline without reading the whole article, we decide to click or not click “Like,” we decide to share with friends or not—all based on fast thinking.

      On social media, I like to send videos and other posts to my friends as soon as I finish looking at it.

    6. Many psychologists have argued that people tend to make decisions quickly and base them heavily on emotion.

      I agree, more people's decisions are impacted based on emotions but I think people should think more about their decisions and base it on logic.

    7. Nurses and doctors write notes on patient care;

      I want to become a nurse so I know writing is going to be a big part of the job.

    8. To get a job, we’ll have to write cover letters, resumes, and emails.

      I've had 3 jobs so I've completed a bunch of applications filled out with a bunch of writing.

    9. Most of us are probably familiar with the practical reasons to study writing in college. It’s worth getting good at because we’re going to do it a lot. No matter our major, as we get into higher-level classes we will need to do more writing, whether that looks like lab reports, explanations of mathematical methods, or essays in psychology, political science, literature, or economics

      Writing is always going to be an essential part in school. Most of our assignments are based on writing.

    10. I imagined that this challenge to my thinking habits would come from the class readings and discussions.

      All the challenges for my thinking came from all questions I had to answer in my classes and also T2T is making me have deeper connections with the text.

    11. When I was starting college, friends and relatives  told me “college teaches you to think.”

      I can relate to this statement. Ever since I started college, I've had to think deeper in class and when I'm doing my assignments. My parents and friends always told me it's not going to be the same as high school anymore and its when you start getting more serious about school.