3 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. He spoke with heat and volubly—a man of the town who talks every day with his equals, reads the papers, hears public speakers. The listeners, of a race easily moved by words, were carried away by his plaints and criticisms; the very real harshness of their lives was presented in such a new and startling light as to surprise even themselves.

      This entire paragraph was filled with lots of emotions behind it. It discussed their way of life and how it was being expressed as being a surprise to them.

    2. There was none of the slowness of the Canadian speech, nor of that indefinable accent found in no corner of France, which is only a peasant blend of the different pronunciations of former emigrants. They used words and turns of phrase one never hears in Quebec, even in the towns, and which to these simple men seemed fastidious and wonderfully refined.

      It is discussed how these people are different. But it seemed as though they were accepted

    3. "So you have come here to till the land. How do you like Canada?" "It is a beautiful country, new and so vast ... In the summer-time there are many flies, and the winters are trying; but I suppose that one gets used to these things in time."

      This heavily connects to our topic of migration this week for our weekly journal.