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  1. Apr 2023
    1. As a consequence acid rain derived from sulfur oxides may travel for hundreds of miles or even a thousand miles. Nitrogen oxides may persist for only about one half day and therefore may travel only tens or hundreds of miles.

      As I looked further into the dangers of sulfur oxide in acid rain, it can make respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma worse making it harder for people to breathe.

    1. In Canada, 45% of the emissions are from smelting operations, compared to only 6 % in the United States.

      This is interesting to me because I never thought Canada contributed so much to sulfur oxide emissions over the United States. I thought the United States was the leading polluter country in everything.

    1. In areas of high automobile traffic, such as in large cities, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere can be quite significant. In the Los Angeles area, the main source of acid rain is from automobiles. In certain national parks such as Yosemite and Sequoia, automobile traffic is banned to limit the amount of air pollution damage to the trees and plants. This also has the effect of reducing the visual smog in the air.

      This reminds me of when during COVID lockdown, the air began to look a lot clearer because of the decreased usage of cars.