- Nov 2020
jct.lucidrhino.design jct.lucidrhino.designJCT2
The heart of the JCT Charity is to restore dignity to those who have lost all. To show respect to all, (especially those who have little self-respect), and to hod out that helping hand. Never have people felt so isolated as now. Being heard is an important part of building ‘community’. Many we seek to help can’t speak English for example. JCT aims to give a voice to those who have not had one and to help them to interact and contribute again.
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The heart of JCT Charity is to restore dignity to those who have lost all. To show respect to all, and to hold out that helping hand to those in crisis of some kind. Never have people felt so isolated as now. Being heard is an important part of this. Many we seek to help can’t speak English for example. JCT aims to help people interact and contribute again.
Many have said that COVID-19 has brought communities together. Neighborhoods have risen to the challenge of helping each other out in really practical ways, food banks have emerged, street Whatsapp groups popped up everywhere and friends doing each other’s shopping. And yet isolation and personal crisis are to be found everywhere. JCT sees the need to make an impact in these times, allowing connection, enabling a dialogue, joining communities together. For us Covid has forced us to close many of our previous services especially drop-ins for people who were homeless or in need. This crisis forced us to work in a more focused way, one to one, with many of our clients concentrationg of getting housing and funds for those in the greatest need. What we found was that we were able to make a greater difference to those we were able to work with over this time, and from this JCT were able to fashion a new, highly effective, method of casework. The lockdown has helped us identify a specific way to help in this time of great need.
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During the pandemic, Jesus Centre staff are collaborating and are working diligently to adapt existing services and develop new projects for people in social and economic hardship. Our plan is to channel our resources where they are most needed and to continue to support the homeless, elderly and refugees who are struggling even more throughout the Coronavirus pandemic