69 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. our knowledge and our attention to detail

      detail, thoroughness is the key as Trump said.

    2. Functions and/or resources that allow us to interact with the target and/or provide additional information. Information that provides us with even more important information to access our target.

      Functions, resources, information for getting access or more information on getting access to the system

    1. A problem is an emotional state. Without emotions, it is just a situation.


    1. Do not forget that this feeling of frustration is temporary. This means that when you feel frustrated, it will pass.

      There are two different types of frustration. One is caused by external influences, such as negative opinions of superiors, and the other is caused by inner frustration, caused by conscious or rather subconscious thought processes. ............. Most people are not aware that feelings reflect subconscious thoughts and thought processes. That is why you can understand quite well how you think from your feelings.

    2. attention is the perception of a specific topic with a higher level of interest in order to gather specific data and information from it.

      when we talk about concentration, we mean the maintenance of our attention on a specific topic.

    3. know your goal. Imagine the following scenario: You're standing still in a room, and your instructor instructs you to move across the room, and you start moving. After a while, the instructor put a chair in your way. What will you do? - You may sit down on this chair.

      Now let us change the scenario a little bit.

      Your instructor instructs you to move to the other corner. You start moving, and the instructor puts a chair in your way again. What will you do? You will pass the chair and continue moving forward to the corner because you know your goal.

    1. 能力是可以掌握的部分,运气是风险性的部分。
    2. 深藏不露就是告诉我们,要先想一想自己到底够不够深,如果不够深,就要进一步提升自己的能力,不能只想显露自己,因为也根本没有什么可以露。


    1. 六十四卦里面,除了卦辞和爻辞以外,还有“用九”和“用六”。凡是有阳(—)出现的时候,你就知道它是用九。凡是有阴(--)出现的时候,你就要考虑到用六。

      用六比较简单,就是说如果是阴爻的时候,你只有一个原则,那就是对你的人、对你的事要忠诚到底。因为阴是配合的,配合的人不能有太多的主见 当阳出现的时候,你就知道它是创造性的,跟阴是不太一样的。用九要非常小心,要告诫自己,就算是阳刚十足,就算是创造力无穷,也要注意一句话,叫做阶段性的调整。因此同样是龙,有的龙可以飞,有的龙还是不能飞,要看自己在什么位置,是什么特性,不能随便地表现。

    2. ,因为别人没有办法了解你,你生气做什么?“人不知而不愠”,对我们来说是非常难做到的事情。今天许多人跟孔子所讲的刚好相反,是人不知而大怒:“你不知道我是谁吗?瞎了眼了!”完全与孔子背道而驰。


    3. 由此可以看出来,两个数字,我们代表三样东西:一个是时,一个是位,一个是性质。


    4. 坤(见图8-10)是纯阴,是六画,所以阴叫六。可能有人就此想到阳是三画,应该叫三才对,怎么叫九呢?

      讲阳的时候一定把阴带上,叫做阳统阴。 阳乾三劃加坤六劃就是九劃。故九。 曾老之言。 我之評"所以女人一個可好好地,男人無女就大鑊。"

    5. 所以一件事情到最后,结束的位比较重要,时不重要,刚开始的时候,时很重要,位却不太重要。



    1. 孔子说“不占而已矣”,他有三个原则。

      第一个,如果相信占卜,就违背了伦理的立场。因为人应该凭良心,不应该问了结果再做事。 第二个,人应该只问耕耘,不问收获。你一占卜就是在问收获:这件事能赚钱我就做,不能赚钱我就不做。这基本上是不对的。 第三个,我们做人做事的动机要很纯正。一件事,还没有做,就先想到占卜。你的动机就不纯正了。

    2. 占卜是有条件的。

      第一,资讯不足,数据不全,才可以占卜。 第二,犹豫不定,想来想去拿不定主意时,可以占卜。 第三,每次占卜只问一件事。每事一卜,不能一次卜好几件事情,那样是得不到答案的。 第四,占卜要诚心诚意。诚心诚意不是迷信,一个人只有诚心诚意,才可以引发自己的第六感,否则引发不出来。

    3. 归根结底一句话:只问应该不应该,少问结果会怎样。应该做的事,纵然有万难,也要想办法去排除,纵然最后会很凄惨,也要坚持去做,因为那是你的责任!


    4. 如果想占卜,必须先经过深思熟虑,大概有一个答案以后,才可以根据这个答案去卜,卜出来的结果会引导你去想这些问题。多一个卦,就让你多一个思考的方向。所以,多看几个卦以后,你就会比较周到地去考虑问题,这才是占卜的目的。


    5. “自天佑之,吉无不利。”


    6. 占卜的目的不是告诉你结果,而是给你多一种参考。

      ok. but

    7. 迷信是程度问题,而不是说哪个东西是迷信。天底下哪有迷信这种东西?人信得超过了应有的度就是迷信,信到差不多就不叫迷信。


    8. 《易经》是用来查的,而不是拿来预知结果的。



    9. 占卜的目的是什么?一般人都会说,占卜就是要知道结果,这就全错了。 一个人做事情,不能问结果怎样才去做。


    1. 第一,权不离经。所有的变不能离开规矩。 第二,权不损人。所有的变都不可以损害别人的权益。 第三,权不多用。偶尔用,大家没有意见,常常用,就表示你的规矩要改。一个人,如果变到连根本都变掉了,那是最可怕的。

      a recap

    2. 老子说:“不知常,妄作,凶。”(《道德经》)一个人不知道常规,就开始乱变,最后结果只有一个字——凶。人一味乱变,变到最后,自己连立锥之地都没有了,这是多可怕的事情。


    3. 只是这里面一定有个系统,叫程咬金系统,就是半路上出现的问题。外国人做事,很少会碰到程咬金系统,但中国到处都是程咬金系统,总是无端端杀出一个人来。


    4. 第二个原则,叫做权不损人。所有的权变不可以损害别人,损人不利己的事不叫变通。使既得利益者受到很大的伤害,是不公平的,遭受到抗拒,也是合理的。


    5. 第一个原则,叫做权不离经。权就是权变的意思,经就是经常的守则、不可以变的规矩。不管怎么变,都不能超越这个规矩,要有原则地应变,不可以没有原则地乱变


    6. 中国人有跟没有合在一起,要跟不要合在一起,好跟不好合在一起,善跟恶合在一起,都是不能分的,一分开就完了。我们不要认为这样的人糊涂,不负责任。在中国社会,立场太分明,就得不到群众的支持。我们明明不喜欢的,也都说“好”、“没关系”,然后再想办法慢慢地把它一个个否定掉,而绝不会一开始就全盘否定。这样大家才知道,为什么美国的小孩子一做错事情,爸爸一定要问谁对谁错,然后只骂错的,不骂对的。 我有两个儿子,他们一吵架,我就两个都罚站。我首先教他们两个,对是没有用的,不要以为你对就没事了。等到兄弟两个站了五分钟以后,我就把弟弟叫来,对他说:“今天你没有错,就是哥哥一个人的错,不要以为爸爸糊涂。可是既然你没有错,我为什么罚你站?”弟弟说:“这样比较好。”我说:“你不高兴就说不高兴,不用拍爸爸马屁。”他说:“我真的没有不高兴。”我问为什么,他说:“有一次不晓得为什么,你只罚哥哥站而没有罚我,结果事后我被哥哥打得好惨。”我说:“哥哥打你,你就告诉我好了。”他说:“不告还好,告了打得更惨。”我说:“那我要怎么样呢?”他说:“就像这样好了,不管我有没有错,都罚我站,事后我会安全些。”这其中的道理,很多外国人一辈子都想不通。 然后,我又把哥哥叫来,问他:“今天是谁的错?”他说:“是我的错。”我又问:“弟弟有没有错?”他说弟弟没有错。我说:“你这不是知道得很清楚吗?”他说:“当然了,是非我总还是知道的。”我们看,中国人是表面没有是非,但心里一清二楚,叫做心中有数。我又问哥哥:“那为什么我还要罚弟弟站?”他说:“你是给我面子。”我说:“我干吗给你面子?”他马上说:“你是要我以后更加爱护弟弟。”我就说:“你知道这些就好了。”这样一来,兄弟两个今后会减少很多的争执和不快。


    7. 能妥协却不能放弃立场,才叫圆通。


    8. 内圆外圆的人是小人,因为他完全没有理想,没有目标,唯利是图,有洞就钻,这种人是可耻的。


    9. 取法乎上,得乎中。也就是说,人要有理想,不能放弃,要尽最大的努力去做,就是尽人事,听天命。我们如果不懂《易经》,就很难理解孔子的话。

      取法乎上,得乎中~~~~好聽.......but ............

    10. 《易经》是中国哲学思想的源头,无论是代表儒家的孔子,还是代表道家的老子,他们的哲学理论都来源于《易经》。了解了《易经》,就会明白儒道相济的道理。


    1. 天、地、人三才中,天是变易,人是交易,地是不易


    2. 中国人当领导,要有本事把非常复杂的事情归纳成三点,叫做约法三章。


    3. 从拔河的过程,我们明白了做事有三点最重要:一是方向,二是定位,三是行动。直到今天,所有的管理其实都是以此为依据的——先把远期的目标确定好,然后找准市场定位,也就是公司在同行业里面居于什么样的位置、该做什么样的事情,最后才开始行动。我们中国人几乎都是三步就把事情解决了,很少去讲四五六。我们习惯把空间分成上、中、下,把时间分成过去、现在、未来,几乎都是三分法。

      究竟這句有沒有意義?? 聽落很舒服,但......

    4. 人类的责任,就是使宇宙越来越进化。


    5. 时已到,要当机立断;时未到,守时待命才是合理的因应。——《易经》的智慧 一件事情,一定要当时去做,否则时间一拖就错过了,明明是好事也会拖成坏事。

      My problem of 拖。

    6. 中华文化的一切,只为了两个字,叫做教化,而不是政治。


    7. 人类是进化的,这些神话只有一个目的,就是要解决宇宙人生的问题。实际上,所有的学问都是为了这个目的。可是神话不能满足人们的疑问,现在再讲神话,几乎没有人愿意听,也没有人愿意相信,所以当神话不能满足人类的思想需求之后,就出来一样东西,叫做哲学。哲学是从神话演变出来的。但是哲学也没有办法满足我们的需要,所以后来才会出现科学。


    1. 我们知道了太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦,还要特别注意这个“生”字,它不是分。如果说太极分两仪,两仪分四象,四象分八卦,那就完了。《易经》讲的是“生”!爸爸妈妈生了儿女,爸爸妈妈都还在。


    2. 我们今天认为任何数字都要精确,这种观念有待商榷。应该精确的时候要一丝不苟,一分不差,不需要精确的时候,非要那么精确,其实是浪费成本,浪费时间,最后也没什么用处。

      中國人! 但。。。。 就是由於這麼彈性。。。 讓人變得苟且懶惰

    3. 《易经》里面讲三不一定就是三,它代表多数,讲十不一定是十,很多很多就叫十。


    4. 孔子说过,我们只对讲信用的人有信用,不可以对小人讲信用。可是一般人都认为对任何人都要讲信用,那是很奇怪的,对小人讲信用有什么用?

      Really?? 有冇原文先???

    1. 中国人的信心是对老天有信心,而不是对自己有信心。

      That sounds interesting.

  2. Jan 2021
    1. 原本擔任理髮店經理的格利弗,放無薪假時認為是「發展副業」的最佳時機,於是他瀏覽YouTube影片尋找創業靈感,最後決定販售人們最迫切需要、但封城時難以取得的商品,好比潔牙設備、健身器材,DIY小物等。

      Good idea

    1. 差  佬  去  元  朗  度  捉  惡  賊  


  3. Dec 2020
    1. Test yourself- Can you tell the difference between real & elevated food photos

      Creativeness ?? How can they think those up?

    1. It's not literally true that each object contains its own copy of the actual compiled code for an instance method. But logically an instance method is part of the object, and I will continue to say that the object "contains" the instance method.


    1. Tensions between the U.S. and China rose over the news that the U.S. is reportedly planning to impose sanctions on at least a dozen Chinese officials over their roles in the disqualification of four Hong Kong opposition leaders in November, which triggered a mass resignation of opposition lawmakers soon after.

      When is this first been known ?

  4. Nov 2020
    1. Answer: Don't get spooked by the derivative! Just remember that "d" means "a little bit of." Then dVdV means "a little bit of VV." Because VV is a volume, a little bit of it is also a volume. Similarly, dtdt means "a little bit of tt," which is still a time. As a result, dV/dtdV/dt is a volume per time. A volume is a length cubed, so [flow]=M0L3T−1.

      Volume is a length cubed

    2. Answer: A debt is an amount of money-for example, $1000. Thus, it has dimensions simply of money (with no time): [debt]=[money]1×time0.[\hbox{debt}] = [\hbox{money}]^1 \times \hbox{time}^0. You may wonder how the exponent of time can be zero, because the debt may depend on time, as it gets paid down in monthly amounts, or when new debt is acquired. But that fact doesn't change the dimensions of debt. It changes only how we describe the debt: as a constant or as a function of time. In words, debt can depend on time, but its dimensions do not contain time. Analogously, your height (as a child) was a function of time, but it still has dimensions only of length.

      Interesting and eye opening

    3. A dimension is the overarching category-the quantity being measured. A unit is how to measure a dimension; it is the measuring stick. Thus, length is a dimension, but meters are the unit. Similarly, power, energy, charge, and force are dimensions, because they are the physical quantity being measured. But seconds and kilograms are units. A grammatical distinction is that, for a dimension, the singular ("force") and plural ("forces") can be quite different: The singular can mean force as a concept, whereas the plural mostly means "more than once force." However, for a unit, the singular ("kilogram") and plural ("kilograms") are much more closely related: The second is just many of the first.

      Worth noting!!

    4. A dimension is general and independent of the system of measurement, whereas the unit is how that dimension is measured in a particular system

      dimension 同 unit 係唔同,但唔知點用粵語去譯 dimension.

    5. dimensions differ, the comparison is a category mistake

      不可比性,其因是dimension 的不同。

    1. Not every class is a program. In order to define a program, a class must include a subroutine named main, with a definition that takes the form: public static void main(String[] args) { statements }

      main 之奧義

    1. strongly typed language

      A variable in Java is designed to hold only one particular type of data; it can legally hold that type of data and no other.

    2. expression represents anything that refers to or computes a data value.

      expression vs statement

    1. The term JVM is also used for the Java bytecode interpreter program that does the simulation, so we say that a computer needs a JVM in order to run Java programs. Technically, it would be more correct to say that the interpreter implements the JVM than to say that it is a JVM.)

      fucking complex concept!!

    2. A compiler is like a human translator who translates an entire book from one language to another, producing a new book in the second language. An interpreter is more like a human interpreter who translates a speech at the United Nations from one language to another at the same time that the speech is being given.

      Good analogy.

    1. the software that does all the interrupt handling, handles communication with the user and with hardware devices, and controls which thread is allowed to run is called the operating system.

      this is what exactly the OS does.

    2. A bus is a set of wires that carry various sorts of information between the devices connected to those wires.

      New concept for me.

    1. The textbook uses the term "subroutine" frequently. The course materials will use the term "method", which is more common for object-oriented programming in Java.

      Subroutine = method

  5. Oct 2020
    1. Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health.

      It seems like this is the clear and simple definition of stress. We seems use the word "stress" too often nowadays.

    1. Stop procrastinating. The best way to stop procrastinating is to get the most difficult tasks out of the way first. Most people procrastinate because they dread the task they’re putting off. Get rid of the dreaded deed, and you’re good to go.

      Really? It seems illogical. We procrastinate because we don't want to experience the difficult task. Ask myself to do the hard things first would make us not starting at all. Would starting with easy task building momentum be a better way?