50 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. Open digital platforms can break these implicit rules to make spaces for joint inquiry among all members of the college community in the spirit of Freirian ideals of critical pedagogy.

      how does an open digital platform differ from a closed platform?

    2. “facilitate student access to existing knowledge, and empower them to critique it, dismantle it, and create new knowledge.

      This component - the creation of knowledge, engagement in critique, projects beyond the classroom, make digital pedagogy critical & open

  2. Aug 2023
  3. Oct 2022
    1. Columbia University’s Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York

  4. Aug 2022
    1. Learning is a complex process

      Welcome to our first reading to annotate! Make sure you are in the PSY 327 Group before annotating!

      Click the "V" next to "Public" above to select our PSY 327 group.

  5. Apr 2022
    1. geoinformatician

      Define this term in relation to its relevance to the topics layed out in this article. What does Lehnert do?

  6. Jan 2021
    1. . In other words,do Web sites. computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMs and Virtual Reality allhave something in common because they are deiivered to the user via a computer

      Sample annotation

  7. Feb 2019
    1. 2Hello,WorldTounderstandwhatcomputersdon'tdo,weneedtostartbyunderstandingwhat computersdowellandhowtheywork.Todo this,weTlwrit

      Pleas annotate in our group, not here in "public"!!

      use the arrow next to "Public" above to choose "PNMSP19

  8. May 2018
  9. Mar 2018
    1. this format

      in a hybrid or online format, where 30-80% of instruction takes place outside of the classroom, usually online.

    2. COURSES

      Overall, I think these descriptions are really great! I made some suggested edits that might help clarify the language and our goal/message, but feel free to take or leave them as needed.

    3. the


    4. units

      academic service units maybe? - or is this more broad?

      maybe: happy to work with individual faculty, departments, and other academic service units

    5. The CTL is also interested in how assessments can be iterated across programs and departments to deepen the College’s understanding of what’s working well on campus and what can work better.

      The CTL is also interested in how effective assessments might be successfully utilized across programs and departments to deepen the College’s understanding of what’s working well on campus and what might work better.

      some possible edits on the sentence above. But on a more base level, I am wondering - what exactly we mean here?

    6. assessments that are precise and

      applicable and effective assessments to provide knowledge of student progress that can then be folded back into future instructional design.

    7. g.

      This will be unnecessary if we do a single column list but if we keep the two column list - is it possible the standardize spacing? I ask this tentatively because i don't want you to loose a lot of time trying to perfect a table because wordpress is notoriously BAD at tables - which is my main reason for suggesting moving to a single column list

    8. or even at the program or curriculum level

      or beyond, at the program or curricular level.

    9. and vice versa.

      not sure what this refers to

    10. in the face-to-face classroom

      in and outside the classroom

    11. open up select classroom processes to broader audience

      open up the classroom to wider audiences, and even expand learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

    12. into the classroom

      into courses, both in and outside the classroom.

    13. clarity

      assess clarity and aim of assignments. We can assist faculty determine how low-stakes assignments might be linked together to build towards higher stakes curricular goals.

    14. nclear or vague writing

      For example, unclear...

    15. effective responses to the

      crafted to foster student engagement with course materials

    16. How we can help: We bring to thes

      Can we make the formatting consistent (the one on the right looks a bit different) -- maybe a single column list will help w this.

    17. also nurture in students a sense of interest and excitement about the class.

      nurture a sense of interest and excitement for students taking the class.

    18. Syllabi must convey to students what they should expect from a professor and vice versa.

      Syllabi must convey what students can expect from a professor and vice versa.


      These are great. I love the graphics. I worry a bit about the tables and the text looking mis-aligned. Can we just have one graphic/explanation per line?

    20. Our door is always open.

      I like this :)

    21. Schedule

      Im worried people won't scroll to see this text. Maybe we out it before the picture or find a smaller picture

    22. Interested in leading a hybrid/online course? Looking for ways to integrate technology into the classroom? Have concerns about curriculum design or student feedback? Or do you simply want your students to be more engaged?

      Maybe put this paragraph first, after the tagline?

    23. t time.

      I would have the sentence from the other page here too (paste below). Redundancy is welcome on the internet :)

      We are happy to meet with faculty to address various teaching strategies and topics such as course design, syllabus construction, integrating technology into the classroom, grant applications, and matters pertaining to academic integrity.

    24. leading

      developing and/or teaching a hybrid course?

    25. We help teachers teach better.

      maybe this could be a bit bigger than the text below. Also maybe we should discuss this tag line in a staff meeting to co-develop something we are all on board with.

    26. Or

      You can also stop by our office at...

    27. including

      such as

    28. th a member of staff.

      Body font on all the pages might be a bit too small? Maybe go 14 or 16 pt?

  10. Jun 2017
  11. Apr 2017
  12. Feb 2017
  13. Aug 2016
    1. ur site and information about OpenCUNY.

      I lvoe openCUNY

    2. his is an example of a WordPress page: yo

      What is this?

    1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con

      Hi there this is an awesome post