3 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Kennedy’s ability to seriously cut into either Biden’s or Trump’s chances of winning, however, is limited by his ability to get on the ballot in all 50 states, which will require amassing a lot of signatures in an effort that would cost millions of dollars before fast-approaching deadlines. His campaign says he has qualified in four states so far, including two key battlegrounds: Nevada and Arizona.

      Point of view- I think this sections showcases the point of view of RFK Jr winning the election because it talks about his limited abilities to get on the ballots across all states while also comparing RFK Jr's chances of winning to Biden or Trump.

    2. Naming a running mate doesn’t make Kennedy, an environmental lawyer with several controversial views and a storied last name, any less of a longshot candidate. Just like every third-party candidate before him, he’s unlikely to come anywhere near winning the White House. But he does have the potential to tip the election, though it’s not yet clear in which direction.

      Purpose- I think this section shows the purpose of this article which is to figure out if RFK Jr, is capable of winning the election and the article further explain who RFK Jr is and if he is a capable elective to be voted for.

  2. Jan 2024