20 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. Assessment

      Types of assessment: -Student -Teacher -District/school performance

    2. unpacking

      How to deconstruct the standards and break them down to see the most important parts

    3. best work

      Like an art portfolio- showcases best work

    4. growth

      How student has grown from one time to the present

    5. Online assessment systems where students place artifacts in an institutionally designed template

      Can be a type of assessment -- digital portfolio (like Blendspace?)

    6. Match your assessment to what you teach

      Assessment must match the learning objective!

    7. share them with your students, so they know what you expect from them

      share learning outcomes with students so they are aware of expectations

    8. 25 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom

      Good resource for both formative assessment examples and how to incorporate differentiated instruction

    9. Summative assessment is more of a singular event at the end an instructional unit or module

      Summative assessment--what is it?

    10. letting them know they are on the right track and helps the teacher determine whether students are ready to move on to the next task

      Keeps students on track and helps teacher determine where students are in learning

    11. Formative assessment is ongoing and provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning.

      What is formative assessment?

    1. After a pair-share experience, ask students to find a new partner and debrief the wisdom of the old partnership to this new partner

      Not only are the students getting the opportunity to discuss with a peer what they just learned, but they then get to turn around and teach it to someone else. This method will lead to maximum retention and maximum understanding of a concept!

    2. use small erasable marker boards for each student to display an answer.

      I love this option. If students have an opportunity to be able to answer a question without having to raise their hand and wait to be called on, they'll be more likely to participate and less likely to be stamped out by louder or more confident voices.

    3. Your challenge in this course will be to come up with interactive and engaging ways to present material

      Even though it's what we're used to, lecturing is not best practice as it does not actively engage the students.

    4. it begins with the end in mind and then plans how to get there.

      Reminds me of the "backwards" lesson plans we used in Styer's class for middle school.

    1. Andy Warner (UK teacher) blogpost on differentiation http://andywarner78.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/why-weve-got-differentiation-wrong/

      Lindsey Weeks

    2. the idea that how students learn best can be different

      Students need to have the opportunity to "own" their learning experience.

    3. lighting

      I experienced this in a special education class I observed in briefly and loved how the teacher had different light sources for different classes depending on how the students were affected. She used the overhead lights for some classes, string lights only for some, and lamps for others.

    4. they may be able to demonstrate that mastery in a very different way than their classmates

      Love this--students may apply their knowledge in many different ways!

    5. where failure and learning from it is celebrated

      It is so important to re-frame the way students think about failure and teach them to learn from mistakes.