22 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2017
    1. name of a traitor like Paul Revere from those of two hundred and fifty four other men, using nothing but a list of memberships

      I would like to know how they came up with the list of organizations that are/were considered terrorist groups, was it through the author's employment at the Royal Security Administration? Or is that the whole "hush hush" part of this article. Just got me thinking! Perhaps this is an instance where someone could be hurt from this metadata.

    1. Had the story been told in simple chronological order, it would have been bland, perhaps even boring. What gave Harvey’s show power was his narrative technique.

      Such a clever approach especially for a radio show. It reminds me of the way TV shows cut to a commercial right at pivotal moments of suspense in the show. It hooks the viewers, just like how the key elements are held back until the very end of the radio program.

    1. OCR is, at base, a process by which a computer program scans these images and attempts to identify alpha-numeric symbols (letters and numbers) so they can be translated into electronic text.

      I've played with Google's Cloud Platform OCR. It can be found here

    2. While such basic searches can, indeed, find stray information scattered in unlikely places, they becomeincreasingly less useful as datasets continue

      I think we've all tried to find a needle in a haystack once or twice on Google Search. Learning how to properly navigate archives is such an important skill!

    1. Follow the installation instructions. Start Open Refine by double clicking on its icon.

      I'm having trouble getting my downloaded "openrefine.zip" file to install... did anyone else run into this issue?

  2. Jul 2017
    1. In what ways would such a system change the nature of local knowledge, once that knowledge becomes available to the wider world on the web?

      A great question. I love the idea of EVERYONE being able to access their own cultural heritage, regardless of location within Canada.

    2. We wanted to bring the potential of digital technology to bear on a region with relatively low Internet access but also a relatively high interest in local history.

      I love this idea! As I read this article I am currently in a VERY small town called Temiscaming, Quebec (look it up and you'll see what I mean... they don't even have a Tim Horton's so there's a good comparison) sitting at a cafe, desperately trying to get internet connection from the town park. I've been coming here for 26 years and until recently I never really looked into the history of the town. This summer when I looked into it, I was very surprised at what I found. "Temiscaming, founded in 1917 by the Riordon Pulp and Paper Company, is a classic example of a “closed” company town built around a single industry." Some names that contributed to its founding include Thomas Adams, an eminent Scottish town planner, and Montréal architects Ross and Macdonald who built the mill, the commercial district, and all the houses in the lower town. My curiosity getting the best of me, I asked my waiter if she knew the history of her town and she couldn't recall. My point is that a small town with horrible internet can have an incredible local history, yet remain unknown to its own occupants. Many variables could play a role in this such as the very limited internet connection, the rural community, or the “lack of ability to manipulate the Internet for their own purposes”.

    3. Digital history has the potential to address these concerns by linking members of a community together to collaborate on historical projects.

      This is actually something I am currently tasked to do as part of my job. As a heritage research assistant for a local municipality, I am gathering information about local restaurants in the town that have contributed to the community as part of a display for a summer event. Not being from the town, I decided to create posts for the municipalities website and social media accounts that would engage the interest of the public. The posts include old photos of restaurants, combined with the address and a question that engages the attention of members of the community. This causes people to contribute to the post by commenting and thus sharing there knowledge. From there I will be able to navigate the comments and add the comments (shared knowledge) to my displays. This is something I am so proud of. It allows the members of the community to collaborate on the heritage restaurant displays while making them feel like they have history to contribute with everyone.

    1. digital ruins of GeoCities

      I doubt such a broad comparison will ever be made and instead propose we examine a more constructive thought: that being, how can we adequately communicate and preserve relevant source material in the internet era. I agree it is important to respect social media's place in the annals of history however it is also important for us to productively articulate and archive it. Non-profits like Internet Archive have gone to great extents to accumulate and archive popular public records that will assist future generations in depicting our contemporary social landscape. Large amounts of data are only as valuable as they can be navigated and interpreted. If we fail to address these truths we’ll make big data more of a burden than a blessing for future historians to come.

    1. Wget operates on the following general basis:

      I love these side notes. The breakdown helps me understand the basis of the commands.

    1. I think there’s some neat work to be done here, and I’m always happy to chat with people if they ever want to play with historical data. These aren’t my areas of expertise, but playing with data is.

      I like how honest Milligan is. Truth be told none of this is my expertise so it's reassuring to know that we all can't be well-versed in everything! I do appreciate how Milligan explains his research, it makes for an enjoyable read. I am not one to discuss politics -frankly political vocabulary is not my strong suit- but in 'Political Open Data', I was able to digest the information with ease.

    1. For over twenty years, I have written about feminist cultural forms of activism.

      Clearly Moravec has found her calling and is well-versed on the subject of Woman's studies.

  3. www.trevorowens.org www.trevorowens.org
    1. His research and writing has has been featured in:

      Owens is open with his research and writings by providing various links to his featured work. Very beneficial. Highlighting this to take a look at these in the future.

    1. Hit y, then when it asks you for the file name, hit enter.

      This part is a little unclear. I had to name the file to get out of nano. Simply hitting "enter" didn't do anything.

    1. Cultural Heritage

      I am interested in what types of Cultural Heritage this includes, heritage buildings?

    1. Macroscope

      As someone new to Digital History, I am unfamiliar with this method. Could someone please explain this.

    1. But it was largely by starting from a picture, a face, a stair of fear, that the story emerged.

      I like how in this sentence the author clearly states that all the evidence above evolved from a single picture of a woman. It really emphasizes that digital history could have any starting point. This might be handy to remember for future research.

    2. In other words, Sarah’s case exemplifies the implementation of a new system of justice in which the state – the police and the court – took to themselves a new power to impose its will on the individual. And, it also exemplifies the difficulty that many people – both the poor and the old – must have had in knowing how to navigate that knew system.

      I think it is fascinating that this conclusion can be drawn from the data examined above. It puts into perspective the power of digital history.

    1. creating visual representations of data abstracted from business directories

      The author, Baker, used an interesting approach to represent the way in which different business categories congregated in different areas; as he points out later in the paragraph. By organizing each business category into coloured groups, the reader is able to differentiate where the majority of each business was located with respect to the Thames.